Led Users Unite!


Active Member
took that pic about 45 seconds before i raised the light, and i rotate the girls a quarter or half turn everyday plus switch sides of the cab about every 3 days. the cab is open in the pic but its totally lined with mylar so that plus my led all red bloom boost spotlight and the cfl's provide plenty of light for all the buds

was just using that pic to show the light dispersment of this model since it was pretty clear in the pic. you can see what my grow looks like most of the time in my grow journal
get a light rail it will make things so much easier on you


Well-Known Member
yall should come check my thread , got some new lights in froma company in the uk they are kicking some serious as so far :D


Active Member
The more the merrier..however I had so many spectrums and Lumens going my plants and grow bags fused to the table...but the shit was excellent!:joint:

a friend of mine is using hps, led and t5 his weed was so strong it made my jaw lock up. his plants are great under those spectrums.


hahah i would like you to show me ANY hps that will grow my buds as fast as my LED is growing them, Lets stick to 400w for comparison because that is the equivalent LED im running and i HAVE a 400w HPS to base this against. The LED i run is 240w blackstar panel it uses 120w of power give or take a little bit i have to hook up my meter to check it again. It is making my 400w HPS look like a toy plaything with the results its putting out. Thank you for your opinion but it is unfounded or based on old LED technology.
I agree with this guy talking about the leds are you on dope my friend my led is compareable to 3 1000w hps or mh because it has a multispectrum for flower and veg my plants grow three times faster i have this documented the electricity cost is three times as low as and hps or hid or mh or a t-5 im putting out more bud in a much shorter time period with quality that will never be matched by anything else on the market so why dont you do some research on leds to any light and find out how ridiculous you sound step it up to leds and find out cuz your in the past with your ancient setup oh and i was trying to comment about the guy you were talking about saying that his hid is better than an led that guy is fucking retartded


my blackstar chrome series (only the 4 spot model) in use. two weeks into flowering. pick was taken just before i had to raise the light again with my supplemental cfl turned off to show what the light penetration and spread was with the light that close to the plants

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get those cfls out of there why do you have those in there to waste elctricity my led is full spectrum ive never had to have any extra lights in there your led must be shit



Well-Known Member
get those cfls out of there why do you have those in there to waste elctricity my led is full spectrum ive never had to have any extra lights in there your led must be shit
Such an uninformed statement I don't know where to begin.
Good luck with your grow but please inform yourself before dictating commands to others


Active Member
Tga Subcool 3rd dimension ,I have pollinated with a male chemmy jones.Day 29 of flowering(29 days since signs of sex not 12/12) growing under a purple par 90 watt full spectrum LED,using 3 watt diodes, this is my first experience with LEDS,and I have to say at first I was skeptical,but now I see her piling on the weight daily I am happily surprised,


Well-Known Member
Tga Subcool 3rd dimension ,I have pollinated with a male chemmy jones.Day 29 of flowering(29 days since signs of sex not 12/12) growing under a purple par 90 watt full spectrum LED,using 3 watt diodes, this is my first experience with LEDS,and I have to say at first I was skeptical,but now I see her piling on the weight daily I am happily surprised,
Looking nice!! And good to see a TGA strain under LED because most tga people don't do LEDs since sub isn't fond of them :) I am on my 3rd day after switching to LED and so far plants are liking it... I am definitely seeing buds fill in more each day but still early they're about 9 days behind yours.


Active Member
Cheers man,and yeah I don't follow other people,I do what I want,as like to learn from my own experience,in this case I have learnt certain LED are good ;),

Looking nice!! And good to see a TGA strain under LED because most tga people don't do LEDs since sub isn't fond of them :) I am on my 3rd day after switching to LED and so far plants are liking it... I am definitely seeing buds fill in more each day but still early they're about 9 days behind yours.

Serial Violator

Well-Known Member
Hello people just a quick question for you, can you pls tell me the biggest best LED's on the market? a mate was asking and i have no idea


Well-Known Member
I agree with this guy talking about the leds are you on dope my friend my led is compareable to 3 1000w hps or mh because it has a multispectrum for flower and veg my plants grow three times faster i have this documented the electricity cost is three times as low as and hps or hid or mh or a t-5 im putting out more bud in a much shorter time period with quality that will never be matched by anything else on the market so why dont you do some research on leds to any light and find out how ridiculous you sound step it up to leds and find out cuz your in the past with your ancient setup oh and i was trying to comment about the guy you were talking about saying that his hid is better than an led that guy is fucking retartded
First off you need a chill pill. I have some if you like. And if you lose your cool you get one for free but alas it IS a suppository. So bend over. LOL. I am the most LED friendly mod here. I think. Quick story. I'll give you the readers digest version. A few months ago I was to invest in an expansion of a current operation. I had several thousand to spend. I almost invested in the Blackdog line. Three of their 1500w models. Very pricey. But I was having second thoughts and hastily ordered three 600W HPS digital yadda yadda. I spent the extra money I would have spent on LED's and bought silver bullion instead. If you want a pic I can quickly provide one. The grow is beautiful. It's all Qwerkle. I'm not pissed I chose HPS. And in five years when the LED companies get their shit together, if some haven't already, LED will dominate a larger share of the market. And I'll buy them then. Cheaper too.


Well-Known Member
we have a storage unit full of grow lights were trying to sell them at cost to make our money back they are amazing grow lights we have a 90 watt ufo for the 150 and a 300 watt at 350 it comes with a 5 year manufatures warranty over 50,000 hours continusly on please feel free to call or text here is the web site to check out the specs ledglobalgrow.com
thanks for looking
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so you bought a bunch of shitty lights you cant sell and now you want us to buy em so you can make your money back? piss on that have fun paying storage on those things. checked out your site and the independent grower tests section was empty ....... please people be weary of shit like this.


Well-Known Member
Day 16 flower under HID (day before going under LED)

Day 20 flower (morning after 2 full days under 4 x 240w blackstar)

Results talk, bullshit walks :) Show'em if you got'em :)

As far as the LED haters, I see examples here of people who can't grow for shit under HID. I'm not going to say HID doesn't work because those people can't grow for shit. If you haven't personally grown under LEDs for more than one grow I'm not sure your opinion means much to me. My personal verdict on LEDs is still out til my results come in, but so far I love'm.
I'm think about building a DIY LED panel with 12:6:1 (B~440nm/R~660nm/UVB~300nm) Veg and 12:2:1 (R~660nm/B~440nm/UVB~300nm)
So everything Is hypothetical right now. But what is a good ratio for Vegging and Flowering and is UVB usefull at all?


Well-Known Member
ive heard only for flowering and only if ya got it on a switch or dial that you can turn on later into flowering .... thats just what i heard though and i also heard that uvb's are and can be very bad for the plant if too much is added at the wrong times.


Well-Known Member
I've never heard flowering only but I've never heard any reason to use it except when buds are there. It is supposed to stimulate resin production. From what I've read, although they have a UVB LED or two, most LED lights put off very little UV (enough for some to say it's a waste of diodes that could be used for productive light to have them there). I don't think most LEDs put off any significant amount of UV (definitely less than the sun, which throws UV on plants all through veg so I don't see how it could be too harmful unless you used too much).