LED Without LEDs -My First T5 Grow

Red suns, then the assortment of grow bulbs (aqua medic plant grow, giessemann aqua flora, flora sun, aquatic life roseate, freshwater pink etc) which are all triband bulbs and emit blue/green also. without redsuns, it will be almost impossible NOT to be blue heavy.
That is right. Since all of these bulbs are meant to be used over water they are all at the most 50/50 red/blue. Adding the Red Sun is the only way to bring the ratio up to a 70/30 unless you add some LED to the mix.
That is right. Since all of these bulbs are meant to be used over water they are all at the most 50/50 red/blue. Adding the Red Sun is the only way to bring the ratio up to a 70/30 unless you add some LED to the mix.

I thought about adding some LED to the mix but would have to back the fixture off so far it would be difficult to set up without hanging my T5's vertically or somethin'...

Considering splurging and buying a couple more red suns too...

4 Flora Suns, 4 Red Suns, 2 Coral Waves... that sounds pretty good...
Hah... couldn't help myself... found a couple red suns and went for it... going to do the 4/4/2 setup above... now I just need to find some cheap reflectors or rig somethin' up for those two center bulbs I added, since none of these bulbs will have the internal reflectors.
The biggest issue I'm having with T5 growing is the fact I can only really flower 2 good sized plants under 1 8 bulb Badboy.

Makes it really tough when you are trying to flower 24 plants for patients!

Any tips or advice would be appreciated.

Currently supercropping and or LST'ng all my plants for a full 5 weeks before flipping to flower.
Hah... couldn't help myself... found a couple red suns and went for it... going to do the 4/4/2 setup above... now I just need to find some cheap reflectors or rig somethin' up for those two center bulbs I added, since none of these bulbs will have the internal reflectors.

I think I remember seeing 2x48 hydrofarm fixtures for ?$60$?

Search t5 parts,

I'm on my phone now so my computing power is limited, but check profs journals... T5 diy replacement parts... Stand alone reflector inserts!
I have to say the red suns don't work for me. Ovcorse they all died in a day or two. So I don't count.

And not to sure about the Fiji yet.
Very important question,
to the OP please, or those with fully outfitted 8bulb+ T5 fixtures.

Can we get some official wavelength tests on these PAR specific setups?
With the full mix of Reds, Purples, Blues, Corals, or whatever makes up your favorite bloom combination?

It would be incredible, not to mention very educational to be able to compare these
PAR specific tests with other wavelength charts such as Metal Halide or LED.

So come on, the ultimate demonstration or what?
You know, I just smoked a little bowl and i was thinking about this and I had one of those thoughts that you sometimes get when you're stoned and you figure that later you'll see -- in the clear logic of the unstoned state -- that the thought you had was retarded. But I'm going to put it out here anyway, and hopefully we're all about equally stoned and it won't sound stupid. At any rate, somewhere here in the Forum one of the experts was saying that plants use light spectra in the blue and red zones, and the spectrum that they don't use is the green, hence their green color. They absorb everything except the green, which they reflect, which is why we can see it. (My girlfriend just walked by with no cloths on. She says I shouldn't get stoned today since we have things to do, but I figure that I can do both. She also says I shouldn't get stoned since it makes me forgetful and I lose my focus and train of thought, but that's ridiculous.)
Now, what was I talking about? Oh, yeah,... I was thinking about this: if plants only reflect green, what would happen if you had one of the Professeur's pure blue bulbs, turned all other lights out, and then turned the blue one on. Would you be able to see the plants?
Anyway, with a naked girl in the room I just decided that this idea no longer has any interest for me, but I've pretty much typed the whole thing so I might as well post it.
All the best, Bob

ur gf sounds like a reeeeeal bitch... x D
And on another unrelated note;
I'm looking at a 24" 8 tube Flower Specific Setup..
I don't know what I'm doing, so I'd love imput.

I've been thinking..
2x Fiji Purple
3x RedSun
2x CoralWave
1x SuperActinic

Any complaints/issues with this setup? Literally just for flower.
CIndica I would replace 1-2 of the Red Lifes with FloroSuns and maybe one of the Fijis
Getting an education on an LED thread. Lots of mfgs are cheaping out in different ways that ultimately screw the purchaser. IE: colored lens covers being called Far Red, R & B leds on same electrical traces...

Here's a tip that confirms why to add CW to FloroSun:
From everything else I've been reading.. 660nm needs 735nm "together" to change Pr to Pfr.. don't know what or why.. I just know it's needed.
I purchased some Sylvania Gro-Lux T5 HO to try out from overseas. I have to say they put out a real nice color. Probably a good veg bulb. Here is a photo of the Sylvania Gro-Lux sitting next to a Flora Sun and a Coral Wave.

Photo is as follows from left to right,

Coral Wave, Flora Sun, Sylvania Gro-Lux,
View attachment 2042099

Neither of my FloraSuns look pink. Think I'll contact ZooMed
CIndica I would replace 1-2 of the Red Lifes with FloroSuns and maybe one of the Fijis
Getting an education on an LED thread. Lots of mfgs are cheaping out in different ways that ultimately screw the purchaser. IE: colored lens covers being called Far Red, R & B leds on same electrical traces...

Here's a tip that confirms why to add CW to FloroSun:
From everything else I've been reading.. 660nm needs 735nm "together" to change Pr to Pfr.. don't know what or why.. I just know it's needed.

I didn't mention any "Red Life" anything,
I said RedSun's.

I'm hesitant on those FloroSun's, as they simply look like 5000k bulbs..
If anything maybe a 6400k tube, or a supplementary 40w 5000k bulb on the side,
I'm just not convinced on those FloroSun's..

I didn't mention any "Red Life" anything,
I said RedSun's.

I'm hesitant on those FloroSun's, as they simply look like 5000k bulbs..
If anything maybe a 6400k tube, or a supplementary 40w 5000k bulb on the side,
I'm just not convinced on those FloroSun's..


Red Life is the newer name for the Red Sun bulb from UVL. They changed the name and are now manufacturing it under the Red Life name.

I wouldn't bother with Fiji Purps... they are overpriced if nothing else... I can't find the damn graph now... does anyone know what page of this thread has the new results for the Fiji?

I am switching to a Zoo Med Flora Sun dominant setup, actually... I can't recommend them for sure yet, but the price difference is huge...
Flora Suns are considered a 5500k bulb. A 50/50 Flora/Bloom3000k would be a good setup although high in yellow.
My fixture is way blue heavy, I have to add these Red Suns back in or get some Kessil 150. I'm not going to worry about what the leaves do anymore. 3 Flora Sun, 3 Red Sun, 2 Coral Wave