

Well-Known Member
it doesnt matter now hes just come my house to pick us up to goto work and he and chopped them down and put them in the bin cause no siogn of buds WHAT A NOB
ive just been out to have a joint break and hes just told me he was joking but still no signs of buds on day 11 of 12/12 is this normal thanks for any reply
So which mate is it that has the 5 lemon plants? Is he from Bentilee too?
no thats me
So, lets see if ive got this right - You are your mate and he/you are not only growing five lemon plants but you/he are also winding yourself/him up and are falling for these wind ups? Because if that's right id say the vomiting is the least worrying side effect you're experiencing from marijuana use.

:peace: and much lolz :lol:


Active Member
So, lets see if ive got this right - You are your mate and he/you are not only growing five lemon plants but you/he are also winding yourself/him up and are falling for these wind ups? Because if that's right id say the vomiting is the least worrying side effect you're experiencing from marijuana use.

:peace: and much lolz :lol:
100% LOLz!!!

either he's allergic or the bud he smoked was moldy or something! Lol "WHAT A NOB"

but really, HA.


And like i say my front door is not coming off again and you talk like its legal in england class b now first affence for cultivating skunk plant 6/12 month min sentance then you will understand why poeple are paranoid and you never no whos reading these threads until its too late and your doors smashed in all they need is your ip address and your done till july 2011 just think about that cause only a fool doesnt


Well-Known Member

Yeah, look, he got banged up. 6 months minimum. And that's the Daily Mail.

I take it from your previous post that you were attempting to explain why you started out saying it was a mate - not that this is clear from the way you worded it. If course, people on here talk like it is legal - this is the internet, that cyber utopia where we can say and believe whatever the fuck we want. I would argue that if anyone's been blatant and bait in this thread its you by naming a home city and stating that you've already been raided in the past. Although im sure that you're the same as everyone on here that is from non forward looking countries - you are making all of this up and simply copying and pasting any pictures you may have posted ;-).


Everythin ive just said is 100% ture and if you dont what to believe it thats up too you the courts are making examples out of everyone who sows canibis plants wether its 1 plant or 200 plants no more slaps on the rists expect jail time and then you will be thinking everything i said is true not to think you could lose your house car all you money out of bank accounts and i not losing my house car money job family for a year ive done enough jail time. Just google it {prison time for growing weed in england} and then tell me to grow up


Well-Known Member
Everythin ive just said is 100% ture and if you dont what to believe it thats up too you the courts are making examples out of everyone who sows canibis plants wether its 1 plant or 200 plants no more slaps on the rists expect jail time and then you will be thinking everything i said is true not to think you could lose your house car all you money out of bank accounts and i not losing my house car money job family for a year ive done enough jail time. Just google it {prison time for growing weed in england} and then tell me to grow up
Im sorry. I feel bad now. You clearly have learning difficulties. Please accept my apologies, feels like ive kicked a scabby cat :-(


Well-Known Member
LOL'Z this is fuckin class :) ... Bigby you make me howl mate hahaha +Rep

This thread is Jackpot ...lol

OP ... i like you ... your Teh Funneh ! LOL

Thing is ... i can't work out why your actualy fuckin here hahaha ....your " Mate " with 300 plants should be telling you all this stuff no ?

I got a hunch ..... your a bit of a bullshitter :) .... But listen .... Hers some really good advice ... Life advice .... You don't need to impress us mate ... Just ask your questions ... People will help ...Talking shit will just get you laughed at .

And another thing ... your here talking about laws and how people are being banged up ....and warning us ..... Don't you think by warning us AND growing .. your setting a bad example ? LOL .

As far as IP addresses go ... Google "Proxy" ... we all have :)... BEFOR we POSTED HERE !

Bigby ... gimmi some of that popcorn !! :))


Active Member
HEY NO i dotn bullshst no 1 so dotn say dat to me evr agin n i grow 400 plantz all day 25 day seed/harvest n my mate dooz 1000 plantz wif 1 27w cfl so dotn tel me wat u no i no evryting so u gonna b arestd wen u dotn talk 2 me

nd u nob u dotn no nufin


Well-Known Member
HEY NO i dotn bullshst no 1 so dotn say dat to me evr agin n i grow 400 plantz all day 25 day seed/harvest n my mate dooz 1000 plantz wif 1 27w cfl so dotn tel me wat u no i no evryting so u gonna b arestd wen u dotn talk 2 me

nd u nob u dotn no nufin
LOL :)

I felt a bit crappy when i woke up this morning ...so to cheer me up i decided to come and read this thread again ..LOL FUNNEH !! hahah weeee i feel better :P