Let's get drunk!!!

Mr. Bongwater

Well-Known Member
ughhh shots......ughhhh vodka.......brings back all baaad memories :spew:

lol omg im getting a good kick out of reading posts of butt hurt moms talking about their teens smoking weed, where does this lazy stoner sterotype come from i don't know one person who smokes weed and sits at home eating food and watchin tv all day, movies such as pineapple express back this sterotype up. Everybody i know including myself would go do what they normally would if they weren't baked, we always get baked and do work like bringing in fire wood or mowing a lawn (i don't like getting fried for my actual job but that doesn't mean im gonna stay home get fried it means im gonna save it and have something to look forward after work) lol look at this shit

"I have had suspicions for a while that his peer group have been dabbling with dope, and a bit of undercover sleuthing by me this morning has confirmed it.

It seems to have progressed from smoking dope supplied by others to buying it him/themselves.

I am alarmed by this generally, but also very specifically because we are having the first inkling of problems at college as well. We had a letter from college just before half term to say that he has missed 21% of classes since January. Because of the issue with his work, he is already having his X-Box 'rationed' - he isn't allowed to use it until after 9.00 pm, and after he has done some work. This was put in place before the issue of drugs reared its ugly head. "

fucking hilarious. most of my friends parents growing up smoked weed, we always smoked it in the their house or on the porch,my one friends mom been after fuckin wit him when we were baked and his dad rolled a joint for him one time cause he was taking too fucking long, lol i just realized with my friends it was one way or the other, either completely cool with it or strict as hell with it. besides my parents, how weird is that, they were basically neutral
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Well-Known Member
Because of the issue with his work, he is already having his X-Box 'rationed' - he isn't allowed to use it until after 9.00 pm, and after he has done some work. This was put in place before the issue of drugs reared its ugly head. "

My favorite line from that shit. What a punishment, the fucking stoner now can only play his xbox AFTER 9pm. Hahaha, fuckin awesome. Now he just gets lambasted and plays xbox all night once his old timers are asleep. That'll straighten him out! The lazy fucker!

Edit- oh, ha! That was put n place BEFORE the devil's harvest! bongsmilie

So now what will his punishment be?

Only 1 box of cereal can be eaten each night by the lazy bastard while he beats off to old episodes of Cops on his parents couch.
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Mr. Bongwater

Well-Known Member
gotta watch it with them shots before you know it your gonna wake up in your own puke in your back yard with a running water hose in your hand with your shirt off, when this happened to me it was in middle of the day too lolz idk why the hell i had a hose runnin for i got no plants er nuttin

Mr. Bongwater

Well-Known Member
Because of the issue with his work, he is already having his X-Box 'rationed' - he isn't allowed to use it until after 9.00 pm, and after he has done some work. This was put in place before the issue of drugs reared its ugly head. "

My favorite line from that shit. What a punishment, the fucking stoner now can only play his xbox AFTER 9pm. Hahaha, fuckin awesome. Now he just gets lambasted and plays xbox all night once his old timers are asleep. That'll straighten him out! The lazy fucker!

Edit- oh, ha! That was put n place BEFORE the devil's harvest! bongsmilie

So now what will his punishment be?

Only 1 box of cereal can be eaten each night by the lazy bastard while he beats off to old episodes of Cops on his parents couch.
its weird you say that cause I've been after getting baked eating cereal and beating my meat while watchin old episodes of cops back in the day lollol

i was DEVASTATED when i found out my son was dabbling in maryjuianna, he finally admitted to me he injects 3 maryjuiannas daily and how he usually gives BJ's for buds, oh the horror


its perfectly fine for me to buy him a 40 ouncer of whisky though what could possibly go wrong


Well-Known Member
Well just took shot number 8, idk when I started but I'm feeling good. I think I might take a dab or two in a second here!

Here is my Sure Shot shot glass I use for measure drinks, 2oz filled up to the top, taken 8 so far. Good thing I'm counting I would of lost track lmao



Well-Known Member
You know what kind of sucks, when those friends come over, and they smell bad, and the stench sticks in your furniture.

Now I've been to their house a ton, like I go over there problem at least 3 times a week, but it doesn't smell like much, they smoke cigs there but it doesn't smell like it when you walk into the house, at least for me.

But when they come over to my house, I will leave my bedroom to go upstairs or to take a piss, walk back in, and it smells like straight BO!! Like their house doesn't smell like shit, when I'm alone with them in the car it doesn't smell like shit, but when they come over they leave a shitty smell??

It's not just a one time thing I've known this couple for years. It's always been like this. WTF???

Mr. Bongwater

Well-Known Member
You know what kind of sucks, when those friends come over, and they smell bad, and the stench sticks in your furniture.

Now I've been to their house a ton, like I go over there problem at least 3 times a week, but it doesn't smell like much, they smoke cigs there but it doesn't smell like it when you walk into the house, at least for me.

But when they come over to my house, I will leave my bedroom to go upstairs or to take a piss, walk back in, and it smells like straight BO!! Like their house doesn't smell like shit, when I'm alone with them in the car it doesn't smell like shit, but when they come over they leave a shitty smell??

It's not just a one time thing I've known this couple for years. It's always been like this. WTF???
haha i have that sweaty stoner friend too he has over active sweat glands and tends to go beat red in the face and completely chinked when he smokes dope