Let's get drunk!!!

My post got ran over else where so here I am haha

Today has been good. Not too busy. Just had to water the girls and babies and check on the worm composter.

Now I'm enjoying my third double Moscow mule and some of my recent harvest of 8ball Kush from Barneys Farm.

Blasphamizer! Gin is bomb....bay. I wish i was drunk on gin rather than beer, whiskey, and fake beer, oh fuck, i forgot i drank a bottle of champagne tonight with no help too. Sweeeeeet caroline bababaaa, ...
lmao :lol:

hey I used to LOVE the stuff. Think I just drank way too much of it..hahaha

Are we celebrating something? I really do love that song..:)
Yes, but right now im celebrating me eating a big uncut piece of cheese. Ahh, i like drinkin :lol:
:lol: :lol:

hey I'm down with that ;) I rather enjoy it myself...lol I'm about bored to tears over here watching this guy and I'm trying to wake up! Talk about over explaining... O.o

Sorry sweet peach, ive been busy. Im still busy. Im workin 16s all week long. My hands smell like chainsaw oil right now. Im here like the ghost of christmas present.....nobody cares until your gone or waiting for it.
aw hell man, its all gravy ;) been there myself, done moved out of state breeding blue heelers/american shepherds with @cat of curiosity... Hey, I cares about ya and miss yer ass and (most of) the old gang a lot. I still see some from time to time