Lets Get Growing

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
Hey just did some modifications to my cloner dome setup pics below...... some pics of the mothers .....was wondering about the first leaves that ever came out from the main stem.... they are by them selfs no nobes i think its called(no stems) coming off of it just one big leaf .... when do you cut them off or trim the plant .... only reason i ask the bottom branchs with just one leaf are getting big......just was wondering....:bigjoint:


Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
nope i want to keep them as mothers so i hope they dont go into flowering ill put the clones in the mother room if they start getting pistoles i know the mother of the clones is goood, they are getting big thoe i hope they stay small enough to keep them in that veg room. since this is my first grow im just taking everything as a learning experiance for my next grow what should be a good night temp/ humidity ??? i just checked in on them in dark time the temp was 69 and the humidity was 72% i dont think thats to bad i noticed that have some little lights on plugs and humidifers that are bright when lights are off ill have to put tape overthem dont wanna stress them out any more then they have to be....


Well-Known Member
yeah, I hear ya. Its a long and frustrating process man. Just be ready for it. Not only do you have to mature you plants but you have to wait for the clone to stabilize than wait a week or two for sex... Hopefully you don't get males man. I got 3/4 males I'm down to one plant. Have to kill the other one today.

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
whats feminized ??? yea im waiting there looking really good better then i thought they would be at this time 4 days in i believe ill wait tell 7 then check them i dont think ill have roots but never know i was going to put them into flower as soon as i see roots well i probley should wait a day under the mh veg room then switch to flower ..... i need to get my flowering nutes today.....they have only been on the house and garden aqua flake when they were on the mother now there just on ph so im not sure what to do when i put them into flower i dont want to shock them with nutes ..........any ideas ?????? ......... well off to work :wall:


Well-Known Member
Feminized seeds are genicly engineered to be female or something like that. They are more expencive but you germinate less of them to get your mother.

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
aww i see now so there female seeds guarnited.... i dont like seeds haha now i just found out i can get clones even thoe there more money i get one clone then make it a mother and i have more clones.... :weed:


Well-Known Member
I know, right when I saw the preflowers I cut two clones off and threw them in my cloner. They seem to be doing fine. Normally with clones, they either make it or die within the first 48 hours in my experience.

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
yea im not to sure if my clones are going to make it they looked really bad when i first cut them, so i hooked up a humidifer and all pics in thread above and they looked like they turned around ....... i think i should have only done the humidifier for a day or so i believe i overwatered them with all the moisiter in the air some of the leaves are turning yellow......i took the rockwool cubes of the net pots so i can see whats happening ....NOTHING :-(..... I had orcid pellets under the rockwool as well as on top ofthem, i took the pellets that were under out so the rockwool would sit on the bottom of the net pot then filled the net pot back up with orcid pellets....Now i took the dome off so they can start getting better air and more light.............SHOULD I LEAVE THE DOME ON FOR A LONGER TIME OR IS IT OK TO JUST TAKE IT OFF NOW ......the clones are Day 6

Mother problem
The one mother is getting kinda big for the room....its growing really wide compared to the other mother.......I tried taking some some pics of the other stems on the mother as you can see by the one i circuled its really big and i have like 4 of them looking like that... i know i could cut them and turn them into clones but i already have clones going right now.... and by the time im ready to cut them for clones they will probleley double in size............i dont know im tripping on this one mother now ...... how do you get a mother to last a long time??? and how do you trim a mother???



Well-Known Member
looking sweet!!!
I imagine that you can trim the mothers anyhow you want as long as you don't mess with her integrity (leaving too few fan leaves per the size of the mommy).

I'm a noob, but I can't imagine the mother needing to be huge, so top her and do some trimming. That should slow down growth and create some nice symmetrical new growth for future clones.

I was also reading that a third generation clone may often be a better and more pure specimen for a mother.

Remember everyone, I'm a noob...


Well-Known Member
lookin good man, its normal for the clones to yellow out a bit, it means their pulling energy from the leaves to create a root system. Mine normally show in about 4 days and are good in a week. with my new cloner I can just see the roots so that makes it easier. I use to clone in rockwool and had about a 80% success rate. I havent lost one in my new cloner as of yet.

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
yea i just put that together real quick so when i cut clones i had somwere to put them i was going to make a 6 site daisy cloner but i figured i can let them get bigger in that bubbler/cloner.....you have any pics of your cloner..... i was going to use a root exlerator but it was $75 for a small bottel so that will have to wait...........but yea i thught i would have roots off of them in 5 days but i guess since there in the rockwool and not just hanging down in the water res then it will take longer ........ have you ever topped your plant ???? i need to stunt one of the mothers growth i was told to top it and that will work but i thought i read that topping is not the best...... i heard bending them at 90degrees will stunt it...... just one of my plants is getting taller and alot wider not to sure what to do about it


Well-Known Member
yeah man you can keep topping it down hard. It will just result in more vigorous growth. Its not like you have to keep the clones. Or hell, you could throw em in a glass of water and see what happens. Or into pots of soil.


Well-Known Member
topping will cause the energy/growth that would normally have occurred at the top/tip to be redirected to the lower parts of the plant because the "top" is gone and will not ever receive the energy/growth it would have.

What will happen is the plant will widen even more because the energy will go to the branches and stems that are below the top you just cut and it will get bushier, typically.

I believe most people "Top" with the intention of an increased yield by increasing the number of buds. For my scrog method I believe topping will be used whilst my clones are vegging in veg area, but not once they are in the box because it slows growth due to shock. "Topping" the main stem will cause the main stem to branch into 2 stems, doubling it. THis will also give you two main colas instead of one cola because the plant divides into two. You can do this over and over, but there are consequences...

Think of it like this. If you have a water hose and you turn it on full blast, the water will shoot from the end with force. If you split it with a "Y" and then split it again with a "Y" (giving you 4 hose ends) the water will no longer shoot but trickle. It's sort of the same thing. WHen you top, you divide/split/double the main stalk, creating more main colas and if you topped 2 times (like the hose), you will have 4 main stalks/colas/buds but the energy that would have made on huge nug will now be directed between the many. THere has to be a way to balance out how the plant justifies the energy it creates, but I don't know that yet.

Topping also forces the plant to grow more secondary shoots(tertiary shoots I think they are called?) which means longer branches and more buds, but the energy is divided amongst them.

THat is as far I can go with this FACT, I need to read more too... lol
Go read and the tell me...

P.S. I just topped my mothers, you can see the results in a few days as the main stalk doubles....



Well-Known Member
you wanna top lower man. like less than an inch about the other shoots while its still soft and fresh. That way you don't really get much shock and the plant has less "dead space" its trying to bring back to life. That way it concentrates on its new growth.