Lets Get Growing

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
nah i thought that would hurt them with the light ....burn ..... should i do that ....ok ill go do that.


Well-Known Member
keep it further away clones don't need much light at all. But they need lots and lots of moisture. I spray mine with plain water 2-3 times a day and with foliar fertilizer about 4 times a day

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
sweet thanks for the info, ill be sure to mist them with just ph water, i have a fan blowing on the mothers so i just turned it a little so they could get some air to.....when you did clones in rockwool how long did it take to see roots ? I am going to wait tell there looking better but i want to put them into the flower room asap i wanna see if there females.

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
Alright I'm getting in patient, i want to harvest!! Well i have 6 clones and there looking good all alive and growing roots, i believe that the clones are going to take a while to look good, so i was thinking I'm going to ask every one who cares to vote :-P.......1. wait tell my clones look good before i move anything into the flower room........2. just put the clones into the flower room now.........3. put one of the mothers into the flower room..........3a.front mother older but smaller......3b. back mother taller ........there both from the same bag..........4. toss those clones and cut bigger ones........alright that's all i can think of if theres any other ideas let me know.................... i have to wait a day or two ups is bringing me something for my mother room then i want to check everything and hopefully put something in there :weed: and watch it grow thanks for the help:weed:



Active Member
2. Put the clones in already.

They look pretty good to me. Ive had some really scary clones turn the corner and end up fine. You'd be surprised how resistant those little biatches are.


Well-Known Member
I'm a noob but I say flower your baby's momma and the weaker looking clones, but keep the best of the batch. Who says that your babies momma is stronger then her babies? Is she the best looking plant you have ever seen? Did she show super vigorous growth? Then why let her be your babies momma...??? Put that biatch in the box and smoke her skanky ass after she give syou all she has to give... lol

One of her babies might be a better specimen to become you new mother, and so on...

I was contemplating the same idea as I was checking my clones today; I though, why should I keep this plant as the mother? She is a female for sure, she is already maturing, she is a decent size/girth, and she is already acustom to nutes in the 1000 ppm range. So, I think I will take one more batch of clones before I send her to flower and choose the best of the two batches to be her replacement. I don't want to keep cloning from clones because I don't know how many generations she could be on already, I was gifted her from a cutting.

Before I do this, I will compare her to her less mature cuttings... lol


Well-Known Member
Flower the smaller one for sure Nuggy... Its going to shoot some in height when you flower. If you get the clones going flower both of them. Make sure ya got a girl:shock:

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
in my flower room,i only have room to grow one big plant or do a s.o.g. grow.....if the clones look strong by the time i get my new fan i want to do the s.o.g. grow....... but i wanted to put that taller mother in the flower room cause its just keeps growing i bent it acouple times and now i topped it and it still growing to the lights......and she is a tuff little bitch when she was just a sprout i didnt even think she was going to make it i broke her in half :sad: she pulled it together came back stronger and taller

thanks to everyone that gave some input, we will see what happens after ups gets here


Well-Known Member
I know I should have a fun delivery day today as well. Got jorge cervantes grow bible coming today, got my tds and ph meters coming, my new nutes and my new supp. Clearex, hydroguard, and cal-mag

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
you lucky, i wanted to buy a sentinel timer/controler but i have to wait i also was told about this tester that does the ec/ppm/ph/temp for the water but have to wait on that to :sad: but i could spend 20 bucks :-P and get my new cool tower fan for my flower room....to get the temps down it was 93 last time i tested it and the humidity was 43% .....the humidity should be good right ??? oh yea i put my thermostat in my flower room in differnt areas every area i put it in got a different ready ???? whats up with that where should i take the reading from????

JonnyBtreedthats true too
whats true ???


Well-Known Member
Dammit, the company I normally go thru's been slackin lately. They normally ship same day and I get it next day but its been over three days. They said they shipped on Monday. what the hell...

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
very nice im guessing then your mail came threw, thats always good. I got my fan its all set up the flower rooms up and runnning well a test run to see what temps and humidity get to......

how do those clones look????? should i wait on them tell they get bigger and more devloped then put them in or do you think they are good to throw into flowering right now ??

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
roots hmm well nothings coming out of the 1 inch rockwool cubes but theres new leaves and they all have some positive change

Flower Room
well its been a little over a hour testing the flower room and i came up with 40 humidity and 84 temp ......... will this work ?????? im trying to get the temp down :wall: i tryed everything but throwing my airconditioner in there....to bad its to big for that little room......i was thinking i could put my cool mist humidifier in there that would help lower the temp....but then i would have humidity in the flower room witch you dont want right ???

awwwww :wall::wall::wall::wall::wall: what to do, what to do :dunce: