Well-Known Member
wana know what i say to her? compaired to meth cocain aint shit, and meth, was a mental addiction.
hell, if you dont believe me on that im going to post how to fucking cook that shit, do you realy want that?
it starts with stealing some old sawdust, a penny and dilute HCL from a school, using the penny to catalize an HCL reaction from the benzine in the sawdust and the oxadization on the punny..... then something with sudafedrine im not going to post because without it you cant make meth..... keep pushing it and you'll learn something you dont want to
now do you believe me?dont answer that i can, I DONT GIVE A RATS ASS. yay for my postcount. MY EPENIS IS BIGGER. LMFAO your making my day fucking awsome, i love hating on losers.......and dont think im like you sitting around on my computer all day, i just spam this BS from my IPhone so Bwahahaa.
Boys, fighting on the internet is like competing in the special olympics. Even if you win, you're still fucking retarded.