Let's talk about ditch weed

wana know what i say to her? compaired to meth cocain aint shit, and meth, was a mental addiction.

hell, if you dont believe me on that im going to post how to fucking cook that shit, do you realy want that?

it starts with stealing some old sawdust, a penny and dilute HCL from a school, using the penny to catalize an HCL reaction from the benzine in the sawdust and the oxadization on the punny..... then something with sudafedrine im not going to post because without it you cant make meth..... keep pushing it and you'll learn something you dont want to :)

now do you believe me?dont answer that i can, I DONT GIVE A RATS ASS. yay for my postcount. MY EPENIS IS BIGGER. LMFAO your making my day fucking awsome, i love hating on losers.......and dont think im like you sitting around on my computer all day, i just spam this BS from my IPhone so Bwahahaa.

Boys, fighting on the internet is like competing in the special olympics. Even if you win, you're still fucking retarded.
yes, bullshit. Now it's about me proving you wrong. If memory serves, you couldn't prove yourself right. This isn't about what I claimed to know. It's about what you claimed to know, and couldn't give any good resourse to back it up.

...my small closet grows are fine with me man. I'm not trying to sell drugs. If you ACTUALLY do at all, you're part of the problem.

no thats what you think its about, to me its about being entertained for free. and your entertaining me. i allways get a good laugh off this forum, people here are generaly ignorant and unintelligent.

and you can call me ignorant, but im not ignoring anything, and i accept the fact that im a total dick.
If it's growing next to the road I doubt anyone planted it there. Probably just a wild oat. I'd say go for it.
yes, bullshit. Now it's about me proving you wrong. If memory serves, you couldn't prove yourself right. This isn't about what I claimed to know. It's about what you claimed to know, and couldn't give any good resource to back it up.

...my small closet grows are fine with me man. I'm not trying to sell drugs. If you ACTUALLY do at all, you're part of the problem.
Hehehe... it doesn't matter anymore.
Its worth a shot to cure it and smoke it, but I highly doubt you will get good results. Most wild weed you find throughout the US is leftover hemp from the Civil War era. As such, it grows naturally and can become really huge if the conditions are right. However, the THC content is so low it will only get you high for a very short time. :eyesmoke:
Its worth a shot to cure it and smoke it, but I highly doubt you will get good results. Most wild weed you find throughout the US is leftover hemp from the Civil War era. As such, it grows naturally and can become really huge if the conditions are right. However, the THC content is so low it will only get you high for a very short time. :eyesmoke:

I'd be willing to smoke some ditch weed right about now, It's so dry in my town you can't even find brick!
i misinform TONNES of people on this forum..... look at it this way, the less people who grow bombass weed, the more $$ i get. period........ especialy when i can trade 1LB of my BCbud, for one KG of CC, then bring it back here and sell it for $30,000....... less people ANYWHERE trading weed=CC to the mex, the more $$ i make.....

and no, that wasn't me.....

Good to see such a "G" is frequenting the internet. Thug boy yodacaine. I was originally going to congratulate you on the nice plants you exhibited. Then I realized that your just a pusher.

Go throw up some more crap somewhere else. This is a grow site, a MJ lovers site. Not "who can be the biggest "thuggie" online".

To the OP:

Sorry, didn't mean to jack your thread. Go chop, cure and then smoke that with pride. You found it and it isn't stealing. Free THC is free THC.
It's funny how people say it's not good, but want to know where you live at the same time. I'd pick it, bring it back, and then take pictures of it. I've seen the same thing in my area in the past, and I know it's not ruderalis. The answer to why nobody else it picking it, it easy. On a low traffic road, probably nobody else is actively looking for it.

Don't tell anyone where it is. They're silling for even asking.
Saying silling instead of silly is pretty silling to me.ha ha
i wanna see this ditch weed lol and it must not be that bad if its sticky and got hairs and it got a nice smell to it shit better then nothing right??
oh man I love this thread so far! It seems as tho is cooling down a bit. btw you dont need a scope to tell if the plant is heavily coated with sugar (trichs) The wild stuff here varies some of it is just covered and some of it, not so much, some of it has bright pink pistols but most are white. The thing that blows my mind is how they flower so damn fast. they are DONE by mid september, and I mean done done...I did a little experiment this year and had some breeding action taking place and am working on a fast flowering, high potency, high yeilding plant that is ideal for my climate, its gonna take a few grows for sure but now that I have all my seeds I'm going indoors with them to do the fine detailed work.... I have high hopes lol!:mrgreen:
oh man I love this thread so far! It seems as tho is cooling down a bit. btw you dont need a scope to tell if the plant is heavily coated with sugar (trichs) The wild stuff here varies some of it is just covered and some of it, not so much, some of it has bright pink pistols but most are white. The thing that blows my mind is how they flower so damn fast. they are DONE by mid september, and I mean done done...I did a little experiment this year and had some breeding action taking place and am working on a fast flowering, high potency, high yeilding plant that is ideal for my climate, its gonna take a few grows for sure but now that I have all my seeds I'm going indoors with them to do the fine detailed work.... I have high hopes lol!:mrgreen:

Have you done any breeding so far? What did you cross it with?
i have lived around ditchweed for 25 years grown here since WWII. its all over the place!!now people have put good seeds through the years in the ditch weed patch's to cross breed it i have seen hemp plants over 15 feet tall. i picked one one time the same way as poster has all white with red hairs and no buzz at all then i have picked shit full of seeds looked like dog shit brown and got high as hell off of it!! 95% of it is JUNK BUNK BULL SHIT!! the best way to get a good ditch weed plant is when every thing is dead from frost AND YOU FIND THAT OOOONNNNEEEEE PLANT thats still green it will be a good one. best ones i have found is all by there self in a corn filed no males around to pollante it. we call it hooter hunting here. COs here plant them in places for people to see it and waite for you to pick it then bust your ass and rip through your house and take your shit over it!!! i have seen them dig a hole in the ground and cover up right next to the plant!!! thy can even put a tracker in the stalk!! never take the stalk leave it there and just take the buds!!
i have lived around ditchweed for 25 years grown here since WWII. its all over the place!!now people have put good seeds through the years in the ditch weed patch's to cross breed it i have seen hemp plants over 15 feet tall. i picked one one time the same way as poster has all white with red hairs and no buzz at all then i have picked shit full of seeds looked like dog shit brown and got high as hell off of it!! 95% of it is JUNK BUNK BULL SHIT!! the best way to get a good ditch weed plant is when every thing is dead from frost AND YOU FIND THAT OOOONNNNEEEEE PLANT thats still green it will be a good one. best ones i have found is all by there self in a corn filed no males around to pollante it. we call it hooter hunting here. COs here plant them in places for people to see it and waite for you to pick it then bust your ass and rip through your house and take your shit over it!!! i have seen them dig a hole in the ground and cover up right next to the plant!!! thy can even put a tracker in the stalk!! never take the stalk leave it there and just take the buds!!
I think your THC intake is a little too high. I could be wrong, though. :mrgreen: