Let's talk about guns. . . . . .

Gun buy backs then. OK. Trade in a gun, get a box of Cheerios.
I am saying the only reason they get the handouts is because it's free and they can. Sure they could buy food like they buy a gun, they wouldn't have to buy a gun if the gubmint just gave them one.
Semi-automatic rifles like the AR-15 and AK-47 have been in circulation a very long time.
You know, back when "mass shootings" weren't trendy... :roll:

Availability of these weapons hasn't changed.

Maybe we should do a little more research to figure out what has changed in our society, then fix the root cause.
It would be nice to have actual information rather than just guessing. I wonder why the CDC hasn't been able to study the issue? Could it be the same party that abhors science being taught, much less funding studies?

After 21 years, the science is stale.
“In the area of what works to prevent shootings, we know almost nothing,” Mark Rosenberg, who, in the mid-1990s, led the CDC's gun-violence research efforts, said shortly after the San Bernardino shooting in 2015.
In 1996, the Republican-majority Congress threatened to strip funding from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention unless it stopped funding research into firearm injuries and deaths. The National Rifle Association accused the CDC of promoting gun control. As a result, the CDC stopped funding gun-control research — which had a chilling effect far beyond the agency, drying up money for almost all public health studies of the issue nationwide.
Hunter since I was 12 years old. Hunted a lot of white tail back in missouri. I just love shooting, if I didn't hunt (haven't in years) I would still love shooting. Also, nothing makes me feel safer at home than firearms. Someone wants to try shit around here they will have a bad time. I can consistently hit a soda can at 25 yards with a compact 9mm glock so I am no slouch. Used to be a range master at a friends range gatherings. Have owned so many firearms that I can't ever remember them all. One of my faves was a Barrett M82A1, also had an Armalite AR-50. Had a couple .500 mags. Even an H&K PSG-1 (not a clone) and a Franchi SPAS-12 with the shoulder hook for the folding stock lol. Shit ton of Kimbers, S&W's. Just LOVE guns.
I get shooting guns is fun, but I am sure you know some idiots that it would be a really bad idea to let have a gun that powerful. Not because they are necessarily going to intentionally hurt someone, but because you know they are going to get drunk and be unsafe and inconsiderate when using it. Or things like when responsible owners pass away and their guns go to an idiot.

Permit and buy back programs for assault rifles. And all guns/bullets should be purchased at a gun dealer or online. And the manufacturers should be held liable the same way any other company would if their product killed someone.
One minute they are blaming violent cartoons, next minute they blame violent video games, all along they are blaming guns when the real problem is parenting. There is a lack of quality parenting in our society. It is also a mental health issue but if parents were responsible parents then they would know somethings a little off and get their child the mental healthcare they require to make sure they don't become a threat to themselves or others.
I am saying the only reason they get the handouts is because it's free and they can. Sure they could buy food like they buy a gun, they wouldn't have to buy a gun if the gubmint just gave them one.
I think your idea of trading in a gun for extra food is brilliant. You should write your congressman about your idea.

We already have one gun per person in the US, so, there is no need to give any away. A law that legalizes any adult person to "confiscate" guns that are not stored safely (in a safe, with ammunition safely stored elsewhere) would also be brilliant. That way, people who "need" one for safety can just get one from their neighbor. Meanwhile, people might finally start locking the things up.
One minute they are blaming violent cartoons, next minute they blame violent video games, all along they are blaming guns when the real problem is parenting. There is a lack of quality parenting in our society. It is also a mental health issue but if parents were responsible parents then they would know somethings a little off and get their child the mental healthcare they require to make sure they don't become a threat to themselves or others.
Who are "they"?
And the manufacturers should be held liable the same way any other company would if their product killed someone.
They are liable if a gun fails and causes injury. If it does what is designed to do then the onus is on the bearer. If I drive a car into you and kill you should the car manufacturer be liable?

If you look at the gun crimes, most of the guns used were purchased legally.
I get shooting guns is fun, but I am sure you know some idiots that it would be a really bad idea to let have a gun that powerful. Not because they are necessarily going to intentionally hurt someone, but because you know they are going to get drunk and be unsafe and inconsiderate when using it. Or things like when responsible owners pass away and their guns go to an idiot.

Permit and buy back programs for assault rifles. And all guns/bullets should be purchased at a gun dealer or online. And the manufacturers should be held liable the same way any other company would if their product killed someone.
My brother in law was a teenager and his friends were hanging out looking at the gun. It shot one of them dead and they all went to juvenile for some time.
My brother in law was a teenager and his friends were hanging out looking at the gun. It shot one of them dead and they all went to juvenile for some time.
It's been proven that children that aren't educated about firearms are likely to do that shit. They did a study where they put children in a room to play and observed them. One room had children that didn't know about firearm safety and the other room had kids who were sheltered and not educated. There was a gun placed in the room. When a child in the educated room found a gun they quickly alerted an adult and made sure not to play with it. Children that weren't educated thought it was neat and played with it. We can't uninvent guns so we must educate our children so when they run into one at a friends house or wherever they will know better than to play with it. When I was 8 with my dad and saw what a .357 magnum did to something I quickly realized this is not a toy. I was taught gun safety from as early as I can remember I had a bb gun that my father taught me all the rules with.
People that want to take guns away.
I certainly don’t think we should take them all away. I think it should be an earned right and not just a privilege. All the gun owners I have met have been responsible law abiding gun owners that want it for hunting and protection. I can’t see voting to take their guns away.