Let's talk about guns. . . . . .

They are liable if a gun fails and causes injury. If it does what is designed to do then the onus is on the bearer. If I drive a car into you and kill you should the car manufacturer be liable?

If you look at the gun crimes, most of the guns used were purchased legally.
That is the problem, it is too easy for people to get guns and too hard to get them out of circulation when people don't want them getting into the hands of irresponsible people's hands.

I played with guns throughout my childhood too.

If a product ends up hurting or killing someone, like Macdonalds coffee burns, or talcum powder cancer, gun manufacturers should have the same liability if they have an impact on someone's life. If nothing else they are manufacturers selling their product to vendors that they should have trust to distribute their product responsibly. And if they mess up and don't, they should be held accountable.

They should take better care to not make them
Whats an "assault rifle"?
My lefty definition would be anything that is not really in hunting or a handgun. Sure if someone has giant packs of wild hogs attacking their farms, let them have all the human killing machines they need. But other than fun, there is no real reason for one of these guns. If anyone is coming at you where you need that kind of firepower, you're fucked anyways.
That is the problem, it is too easy for people to get guns and too hard to get them out of circulation when people don't want them getting into the hands of irresponsible people's hands.

I played with guns throughout my childhood too.

If a product ends up hurting or killing someone, like Macdonalds coffee burns, or talcum powder cancer, gun manufacturers should have the same liability if they have an impact on someone's life. If nothing else they are manufacturers selling their product to vendors that they should have trust to distribute their product responsibly. And if they mess up and don't, they should be held accountable.

They should take better care to not make them

My lefty definition would be anything that is not really in hunting or a handgun. Sure if someone has giant packs of wild hogs attacking their farms, let them have all the human killing machines they need. But other than fun, there is no real reason for one of these guns. If anyone is coming at you where you need that kind of firepower, you're fucked anyways.
We will have to agree to disagree.
My lefty definition would be anything that is not really in hunting or a handgun. Sure if someone has giant packs of wild hogs attacking their farms, let them have all the human killing machines they need. But other than fun, there is no real reason for one of these guns. If anyone is coming at you where you need that kind of firepower, you're fucked anyways.
The problem with that definition is, its dumb. Everything available today is an "assault weapon" compared to the muskets available when the constitution was written. Its too late to ban things, theres millions in existence and circulation and the number is growing as i type this. Im a moderate, and i think the liberal knee-jerk reaction to ban all the scary looking guns is laughably stupid. Its the fastest way to let me know someone doesnt know shit about firearms.
We will have to agree to disagree.
Agree to disagree about the need to stop gun violence from taking thousands of lives each year? What kind of bargain is that? Sounds more like heads I win, tails you lose. How many more dead will it take before gun controls are implemented? What kind of sacrifice do you require? 50,000 more dead? 100,000 more dead? Meanwhile, you'll do your level best to stop any and all forms of regulations. Your kind even talk about how the problem is mental illness and we "should" do better screening. At the same time, the NRA-Republican gun lobby has gotten their laws passed that cut funding and reduced the time to conduct background checks to a ridiculously short time. All one can take from your two-faced argument is NRA-backed gun owners aren't reasonable about gun control.

Other countries similar to this one don't anything close to the same levels of gun violence in the US. Why can't we enjoy the same rights to a peaceful and safe society that they do?
The problem with that definition is, its dumb. Everything available today is an "assault weapon" compared to the muskets available when the constitution was written. Its too late to ban things, theres millions in existence and circulation and the number is growing as i type this. Im a moderate, and i think the liberal knee-jerk reaction to ban all the scary looking guns is laughably stupid. Its the fastest way to let me know someone doesnt know shit about firearms.
Fuck that. I didn't say go back to muskets. Shotguns and rifles are used in deer hunting, handguns are for self protection. Needing to blow a huge ass hole through something because it makes you feel all tingly doesn't mean it doesn't make sense to have them be under permit.

You just didn't even bother to read what I said before you started with that stupid shit.

We will have to agree to disagree.
Guess so, because I don't think it is cool that the kid who shot up that Wallmart should have been able to get his bullets sent to him from Russia.

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It's been proven that children that aren't educated about firearms are likely to do that shit. They did a study where they put children in a room to play and observed them. One room had children that didn't know about firearm safety and the other room had kids who were sheltered and not educated. There was a gun placed in the room. When a child in the educated room found a gun they quickly alerted an adult and made sure not to play with it. Children that weren't educated thought it was neat and played with it. We can't uninvent guns so we must educate our children so when they run into one at a friends house or wherever they will know better than to play with it. When I was 8 with my dad and saw what a .357 magnum did to something I quickly realized this is not a toy. I was taught gun safety from as early as I can remember I had a bb gun that my father taught me all the rules with.
With so much misinformation and propaganda out there, why did you need to lie?
Fuck that. I didn't say go back to muskets. Shotguns and rifles are used in deer hunting, handguns are for self protection. Needing to blow a huge ass hole through something because it makes you feel all tingly doesn't mean it doesn't make sense to have them be under permit.

You just didn't even bother to read what I said before you started with that stupid shit.

Guess so, because I don't think it is cool that the kid who shot up that Wallmart should have been able to get his bullets sent to him from Russia.

Oh. You know less about guns than i thought lmao. educate yourself a bit and we can revisit this hilarious discussion
Then, yeah, whatever you want to call your assault rifle or hunting rifle or whatever is irrelevant.

The bill introduced in the House this year doesn't mention "assault rifle" anywhere in the text.


To end the epidemic of gun violence and build safer communities by strengthening Federal firearms laws and supporting gun violence research, intervention, and prevention initiatives.


Gun nuts love to argue over "assault rifle". It interests them. But its irrelevant, at least to the people making the laws.
Hunter since I was 12 years old. Hunted a lot of white tail back in missouri. I just love shooting, if I didn't hunt (haven't in years) I would still love shooting. Also, nothing makes me feel safer at home than firearms. Someone wants to try shit around here they will have a bad time. I can consistently hit a soda can at 25 yards with a compact 9mm glock so I am no slouch. Used to be a range master at a friends range gatherings. Have owned so many firearms that I can't ever remember them all. One of my faves was a Barrett M82A1, also had an Armalite AR-50. Had a couple .500 mags. Even an H&K PSG-1 (not a clone) and a Franchi SPAS-12 with the shoulder hook for the folding stock lol. Shit ton of Kimbers, S&W's. Just LOVE guns.

I have hunted a few times in my life, but I use my firearms to protect my property. We have black and grizzly bears, cougars, moose, deer you name it. I will shoot anything that threatens my family or livestock. Always a warning shot first, but death if the animal becomes problematic. Of course, I eat and use everything I take down. I do nothing when the animals are walking by even while I'm working outside right near me unless they behave in an aggressive, threatening manner.

My go to is my Lee Enfield No.4.


The other side of the little guy there is a steep 30' cliff down to the lake. Not depicted are my dozen huge raspberry bushes, you see the two apple trees in front, there are two more to the left, and the entire area is overgrown with Saskatoon berry bushes, wild strawberries and a myriad of other stuff that the animals love.

Here's a pic of a moose that lives in my yard most of the winter. We named him theo. I was walking to my sauna cabin (depicted) about 300 yards from the house and startled him awake. We do not interfere with wildlife. No touching, feeding, anything. We just love observing them and their traits.

smh, many US companies sell russian ammunition, you can get it at cabelas like TulAmmo7.62x39 steel case. It's not like he mail ordered it from russia. Walmart used to even sell the shit. honestly russian ammo is inferior imo anyway
these boys have drank the kool-aid buddy, theres a pretty obvious lack of knowledge going on here lol.
Then, yeah, whatever you want to call your assault rifle or hunting rifle or whatever is irrelevant.

The bill introduced in the House this year doesn't mention "assault rifle" anywhere in the text.


To end the epidemic of gun violence and build safer communities by strengthening Federal firearms laws and supporting gun violence research, intervention, and prevention initiatives.


Gun nuts love to argue over "assault rifle". It interests them. But its irrelevant, at least to the people making the laws.
This affects your life how? :P
Oh. You know less about guns than i thought lmao. educate yourself a bit and we can revisit this hilarious discussion
There is a large and growing majority of people in the US who support stricter gun regulations. If you won't participate then you'll just have to put up with whatever we non-gun owners write into law. I'd prefer that your kind help us write better laws, ones that you will find acceptable. Since you won't then you'll just have to live with what we decide to do without your input.

A super majority support stricter regulations. With that kind of support, we can change the constitution too, if that's what is needed. It's just a matter of time before we do this. You can get on board or be left crying in the dust. Your choice.
smh, many US companies sell russian ammunition, you can get it at cabelas like TulAmmo7.62x39 steel case. It's not like he mail ordered it from russia. Walmart used to even sell the shit. honestly russian ammo is inferior imo anyway
Does it matter to a kid who is looking to shoot up some 'Mexican's' how pimp his ammo is?

You do understand that our country (assuming you are American) is under a attack from the Russian military right? These things matter.