Let's talk about guns. . . . . .

Being an American citizen, it’s hard to understand that thought process. Our system literally puts itself above others by default, you know, “a more perfect union” and all.
no, I don't know. Please do explain. We are so interested in your uninformed opinion.
Looks like the bullshit spread quick in this thread last night.

But did anyone of those guys shoot anyone?

No, they were just waiting to kidnap our governor, blow up a bridge, and kill any police that tried to stop them.


Sad conclusion of dividing the people to avoid actual issues at the root.

My brother is is a pro maga leg humper and rents from me. Loves my democratic socialism. Curses my point of view.

An answer anyone?? We have issues.

I am trying to figure out how to approach my Trump-kin family too.

Im really hoping once they get cut off from Dear Leader and Biden exposes the attack that they have been under since at least 2014 that void can be filled with something other than the poison propaganda they have been getting.

In that aspect, it instills more fear for the future. We have a generation unaccustomed to life as our republic knew it for over two hundred years. When I look around, I don’t see the vibrant love for America and our fellow countrymen that was everywhere as recently as the 80’s. When you judge a nation, look to the children. When I look at the last two to three American generations, the kids aren’t alright.
I was going to respond to the propaganda that you were regurgitating, but figure I would start at the beginning.

You seem like an American, is that the case? And if so are you aware of the attack that the Russian military has been conducting on our citizens for at least the last 6 years now?
Name one what? Are you arguing that there are not any legal automatic weapons owned by other than the military in the US? Are you saying what I have stated is wrong?
The percentage of legal automatic weapons is minuscule in reality. They’re prohibitively expensive, even for a piece of shit. Last I looked into prices, over a decade ago on a shits and giggles whim, a roached out mp5 carbine with issues was the cheapest on the market at about $15,000. Then there’s the tax stamp, insane background checks, relinquishing your privacy due to residency checks that you can’t opt out of, and many other unconstitutional roadblocks to ownership. Autos are actually the least likely category to be used in any fashion, legal or not.
At any rate, the fathers would definitely be down with citizens having them, as they made sure citizens had access to the same weapons the military had back then.
The percentage of legal automatic weapons is minuscule in reality. They’re prohibitively expensive, even for a piece of shit. Last I looked into prices, over a decade ago on a shits and giggles whim, a roached out mp5 carbine with issues was the cheapest on the market at about $15,000. Then there’s the tax stamp, insane background checks, relinquishing your privacy due to residency checks that you can’t opt out of, and many other unconstitutional roadblocks to ownership. Autos are actually the least likely category to be used in any fashion, legal or not.
At any rate, the fathers would definitely be down with citizens having them, as they made sure citizens had access to the same weapons the military had back then.
Why thank you for the tidbit of info, so I’m still waiting to hear if the info I offered was not true. And yes I’m sure the “fathers” wanted the citizenry to have access to automatic weapons in the 1700’s. I really don’t give a flying fuck what you guys do, I’m thinking it’s been a real successful model so far. Arm up, I’m sure there are bandits and rapists coming with all the immigrants that will soon be flowing across the open borders, dems are about to ruin the country ........lol.
It is sad that weak pussies outnumber real men. It’s only in numbers though, the weak fall quickly.
Actually human evolution has proved that cooperation is the skill that matters. Likability is the most important trait in getting along in life. But tough guys do have a use in society. Backhoes are not going to dig ditches by themselves.
Actually human evolution has proved that cooperation is the skill that matters. Likability is the most important trait in getting along in life. But tough guys do have a use in society. Backhoes are not going to dig ditches by themselves.
Sorry for the derogatory statement about backhoe operators. Equipment operation is indeed a noble profession, requiring skill that few possess. I've spent a good deal of my life sitting on a piece of equipment. Though other than a couple three years, it was always working for myself.