Let's talk about guns. . . . . .

Dirty little secret, everyone at least once has considered offing themselves. Guns seem handy I guess. I would be more inclined to do a giant whack of Mexican mud myself ;).
I don't know about your area but Mexican mud isn't available at local sporting goods store -- in my neighborhood. It's just not in my social circle, not that I'm aware of, that is. With a gun, just a twitch of the finger on the trigger and it's done. Almost no other means of offing one's self is as easy as that. I hear a potion one can legally obtain if they qualify for the death with dignity act is pretty good, reliable and easy. When the time comes, that's my choice. Probably beats death by gun.

Actually, I've never considered doing it. Most have. Some people advocate if a person is suicidal, talk to them about securing the guns somewhere else.
All legal gun owners do train to use a gun in a safe, responsible manner, here anyways, and we are actually trained not to kill people. How a person uses that gun is a personal choice. It does seem like guns mean more than hunting and target shooting for many in the US. Your statements will only lead to nothing at all happening, and are not helpful. But again I’m pretty happy with our laws here, although longer sentencing for gun crimes would be nice. As I said earlier, what you guys do and how you try and achieve your goals, what ever they are, is your fight. What I do know is when I hear that over 50,000 people die each year (for any reason) you’ve got a problem.
What's the saying? Gun control is hitting the target?

I'm OK with hunting but really, hunting is all about killing, isn't it? Are you telling me you don't ever consider using your gun to protect yourself? I'm not disrespecting hunting or hunters, that's not my point. I wish people only bought their guns for that purpose or perhaps as collectors or perhaps for competitive shooting at targets.

But most don't. Every person who owns a gun has thought about using it "in self defense". For most, that is their number one reason.
What's the saying? Gun control is hitting the target?

I'm OK with hunting but really, hunting is all about killing, isn't it? Are you telling me you don't ever consider using your gun to protect yourself? I'm not disrespecting hunting or hunters, that's not my point. I wish people only bought their guns for that purpose or perhaps as collectors or perhaps for competitive shooting at targets.

But most don't. Every person who owns a gun has thought about using it "in self defense". For most, that is their number one reason.
I’ve been in a few situations where everyone was armed but me, I actual felt safer than I probably would have with a gun. No need to shoot the unarmed polite Canadian lol. I would also hazard to guess any knife owner has thought about using it as a defensive weapon. I would also disagree with your ideal of hunting. It is not all about killing or I wouldn’t do it, trust me on that one, I don’t judge my hunt by the kill. It provides much more, but yes, the killing (I prefer the term harvesting), that’s a bonus that I get to enjoy. You spear fish and is that all about killing the fish? I enjoy debating with you fog but your arguments re guns have always been akin to Robs tactics.
What's the saying? Gun control is hitting the target?

I'm OK with hunting but really, hunting is all about killing, isn't it? Are you telling me you don't ever consider using your gun to protect yourself? I'm not disrespecting hunting or hunters, that's not my point. I wish people only bought their guns for that purpose or perhaps as collectors or perhaps for competitive shooting at targets.

But most don't. Every person who owns a gun has thought about using it "in self defense". For most, that is their number one reason.
Duh? So are you now saying it's wrong to use a gun in self defense? You are one confused individual.
I don't know about your area but Mexican mud isn't available at local sporting goods store -- in my neighborhood. It's just not in my social circle, not that I'm aware of, that is. With a gun, just a twitch of the finger on the trigger and it's done. Almost no other means of offing one's self is as easy as that. I hear a potion one can legally obtain if they qualify for the death with dignity act is pretty good, reliable and easy. When the time comes, that's my choice. Probably beats death by gun.

Actually, I've never considered doing it. Most have. Some people advocate if a person is suicidal, talk to them about securing the guns somewhere else.
I guess I run in different circles but I hear fentanyl is quite popular these days :(. Your right guns are the goto tool, seems a tad messy to me. And bullshit, you just said you had a tool of choice, seems that took some thought ;).
How long do you think you will be able to keep your gunz after the MAGA riot? Not long so get used to the idea, Somalia reformed its gun laws, time for America to follow their lead. Joe’s going to take your gunz, it’s the right thing to do.
Kamala would break any ties......
Just those on the domestic terrorist list would be prohibited from possessing firearms, no need to spoil the fun, and bargains too I might add, for everybody else. Maybe you'll get a deal on bulk ammo when they clean some Trumper's bunker out! :lol: Yep all them ANTIFA super soldiers and Black Panthers have to do is wait a spell to get all geared up for a discount.
Kamala would break any ties......
It takes 60 votes to do anything. Plus the few Blue Dogs that are left are not going to go along with anything overly ambitious related to guns. I can see the gun show loophole closing. Maybe tighter enforcement of the domestic abuse and mental instability rules, improved red flag takeaways, but little else.
How long do you think you will be able to keep your gunz after the MAGA riot? Not long so get used to the idea, Somalia reformed its gun laws, time for America to follow their lead. Joe’s going to take your gunz, it’s the right thing to do.

Joe is going to shit his pants and wander the halls of the White House talking to himself, that's what Joe is going to do.
It takes 60 votes to do anything. Plus the few Blue Dogs that are left are not going to go along with anything overly ambitious related to guns. I can see the gun show loophole closing. Maybe tighter enforcement of the domestic abuse and mental instability rules, improved red flag takeaways, but little else.
many things only require a simple majority........