Let's talk about guns. . . . . .


Do you love AR15s?
do i amuse you? you think the republicans won't sell your fucking ass down the river in short order, as soon as they get what they want? fascists ALWAYS disarm the people, it's part of the program, only they can have the means of control...it's so easy to see how stupid you are, it's almost embarassing. you think for one second they will let you have the means to oppose them, once they start taking YOUR rights away? which is scheduled for the day after they get done fucking over women and minorities
ahhhh...i didn't realize you were a useless magat troll....i thought you were just a rude little fuck.
so you'd rather have school kids murdered than give up your magic penis enhancer? then you're stupid, sad, and pathetic, letting yourself be controlled by people who will use you for as long as it suits their purposes, then they'll strip your rights, and your weapons, and if you resist, they'll dump your dead ass in the nearest dumpster and still take all your weapons and ammo. it's what fascist do, to those stupid enough to allow them to gain power
Lol I wouldn’t mud . Even that sweet 742 you got is on the chopping block…. A terrible situation but it did show the cops cant and or wont always protect us. A 21 yr old not only shuffled people to safety but eliminated the threat before many more died. Alone. Id rather call him than those cops
ill just leave a parting shot then...."the meek shall inherit the earth...but it aint gonna be the meek that fkn give it to you."
ill just leave a parting shot then...."the meek shall inherit the earth...but it aint gonna be the meek that fkn give it to you."
The word is "inherit". Not the same as "give". But then again, gun nuts aren't exactly the sharpest of minds. I get it. The real problem with US gun nuts lies in their toxic masculinity. That's the point you are expressing.
Varmints. So that's why the cops wouldn't go into the classroom. He got a varmint gun!
Police incompetence and cowardice are two huge reasons why your crowds fantasy talk of a disarmed population of mostly law abiding citizens is even more dumb
ill just leave a parting shot then...."the meek shall inherit the earth...but it aint gonna be the meek that fkn give it to you."
that means that those who use force and might to oppress others will get what they have coming to them in the end, which will be a trip to hell...while those they oppressed now will have the entire earth to enjoy without the fuckface fascist who tormented them all their lives.
that should really be obvious, you need to learn how to asses context...not everything is literal...
understanding that might help you understand the 2nd amendment a lot better...the first thing is says is "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."
some people take that as a blanket statement, but any one with any sense sees those two ideas as dependent on each other...the reason they gave people the right to keep and bear arms was to protect themselves and their states...but they don't do that anymore, they now have police, sherrifs, state and national guards, and a standing army...all things that didn't exist (at least in their present forms) at the time the 2nd amendment was added...now that all of those things exist, it's time to amend the 2nd amendment...which isn't an inalienable right, no matter what fucking idiots tell you. it was added as an after thought, and can be removed just as easily...if the fucking republicunts weren't in the NRA's pocket
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Police incompetence and cowardice are two huge reasons why your crowds fantasy talk of a disarmed population of mostly law abiding citizens is even more dumb
did you ever go to engrish crass?
makes not one fucking bit of difference if people are law abiding or not...not one...laws aren't set out to please people, they're set out to keep fucking morons from doing stupid shit, and providing punishment when they do stupid shit anyway. right now, the laws are allowing hundreds of people to be murdered by just a few people...and it will continue and get worse as long as people care more about having a tool to compensate for their cowardice, or to use to lash out at those who threaten their world views, than they do about the lives of those being killed so they can continue to compensate for their own feelings of inadequacy, and fear...
ANYONE who would refuse to disarm themselves if that became the law of the land would no longer be law abiding citizens, they would be cowardly criminals, who deserve what they get...no one will lay wreaths where fascists are killed by police and the national guard for violently refusing to turn their weapons in
ANYONE who would refuse to disarm themselves if that became the law of the land would no longer be law abiding citizens, they would be cowardly criminals, who deserve what they get...no one will lay wreaths where fascists are killed by police and the national guard for violently refusing to turn their weapons in
Why would the government want to disarm the entire population for? Lots of people shoot. Why would you take that away from someone? Meats cheap to a hunter. Fishing rods and spearguns next?

Police incompetence and cowardice are two huge reasons why your crowds fantasy talk of a disarmed population of mostly law abiding citizens is even more dumb
Point out where in this thread anybody talked about disarming the population. Your kind always go there. "Take muh gunz". No, the objective is reducing rates of gun homicides to that of other nations that are similar to the US.

So shove it up your poop chute, propaganda man. It's your and your kind's unwillingness to consider rational steps that can save lives that is literally killing people. Also your endorsement of the same toxic masculinity that leads to homicides as seen in Florida, where it's OK to shoot somebody if the shooter tells the police they got scared. Like this asshole did:

The problem with one idea I keep hearing from your kind -- "we should keep gunz away from people dealing with mental health issues" -- is, you all seem crazy to those looking at you from outside of your crazy circle.
Why would the government want to disarm the entire population for? Lots of people shoot. Why would you take that away from someone? Meats cheap to a hunter. Fishing rods and spearguns next?

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because the government has allowed things to get so motherfucking stupidly insanely out of hand that mass murders are becoming common place, so many happen now i get confused about which one people are talking about at the moment...and that is fucking wrong.
if people have to suffer a probably temporary inconvenience to stop the wave of fucking murders, they can get the fuck over it and bite the bullet, they probably have several thousand handy...

and using a quote from Assholesange makes you look like a douche, and it's a quote he just paraphrased from Kant. (Nonage)
quit idolizing traitors.
Point out where in this thread anybody talked about disarming the population. Your kind always go there. "Take muh gunz". No, the objective is reducing rates of gun homicides to that of other nations that are similar to the US.

So shove it up your poop chute, propaganda man. It's your and your kind's unwillingness to consider rational steps that can save lives that is literally killing people. Also your endorsement of the same toxic masculinity that leads to homicides as seen in Florida, where it's OK to shoot somebody if the shooter tells the police they got scared. Like this asshole did:

The problem with one idea I keep hearing from your kind -- "we should keep gunz away from people dealing with mental health issues" -- is, you all seem crazy to those looking at you from outside of your crazy circle.
yeah, i'm not even advocating doing what i'm suggesting...or maybe i am. i was just replying to the questionish statement " how are you going to get the guns that are already out there."
so i told them just a few of the things that could be done...i could list several more things that they've never even thought about...