Let's talk about guns. . . . . .

alright, quit idolizing assholes who commit espionage then run and hide instead of standing up like a man and facing the consequences of their actions....especially ones who run out statute of limitations to avoid a rape charge...
Publishing the truth is espionage to you..Interesting. The Documentary will be a good watch. I wonder if it will be allowed to be shown in America?
He was never charged with rape. He was wanted for questioning over a sexual offence that may of never happened. It was instigated by the CIA to snatch Assange.
He was happy to answer any Q in England- funnily enough he was never asked any and is no longer wanted for questioning.
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because the government has allowed things to get so motherfucking stupidly insanely out of hand that mass murders are becoming common place, so many happen now i get confused about which one people are talking about at the moment...and that is fucking wrong.
if people have to suffer a probably temporary inconvenience to stop the wave of fucking murders, they can get the fuck over it and bite the bullet, they probably have several thousand handy...

and using a quote from Assholesange makes you look like a douche, and it's a quote he just paraphrased from Kant. (Nonage)
quit idolizing traitors.
So you want to remove all guns from the public?
He cant of committed treason as he isnt an American citizen.

Not sure how supporting free media and supporting Assange like most/all countries and most/all media have been is a douche thing. Good old trumped up Trump charges and you drink the cool aid..

"The Obama DOJ – despite launching notoriously aggressive attacks on press freedoms – recognized this critical principle when it came to WikiLeaks. It spent years exploring whether it could criminally charge Assange and WikiLeaks for publishing classified information. It ultimately decided it would not do so, and could not do so, consistent with the press freedom guarantee of the First Amendment. After all, the Obama DOJ concluded, such a prosecution would pose a severe threat to press freedom because there would be no way to prosecute Assange for publishing classified documents without also prosecuting the New York Times, the Washington Post, the Guardian and others for doing exactly the same thing."

Remember when you had a decent strong prez? Sure he like every other American Prez attacked free speech (its so much easier to control a population without it) but even he didn't want to go down the Trump path. Its unsettling that people who call themselves Liberal are happy to. Once Freedom is gone it doesn't magically get reinstated.
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There are such things as state secrets
War crimes should not be state secrets. isn't it the job of the media to let the public know what their gov is doing?

Australia is going the other way and giving whistleblowers protection.
He says apart from dropping the prosecution against Mr Boyle, the government needs to introduce stronger whistleblower protections.
"Right now, there are all sorts of ambiguities in circumstances where someone blows the whistle — they are normally a David, going up against the Goliath," Senator Patrick said.

Labor had been vocal about other whistleblowers, including Australian Julian Assange, who for past three years has been in high-security detention at Belmarsh Prison in the United Kingdom. This is after seven years of asylum within London's Ecuadorian embassy in a bid to avoid arrest.

Julian Assange in Embassy of Ecuador

Julian Assange has spent over 10 years in political asylum, prison, and house arrest.(Getty Images)
United States authorities have sought Mr Assange's extradition from the UK so he can stand trial on charges of espionage and computer misuse relating to hundreds of thousands of leaked cables from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

While in opposition, Anthony Albanese — the newly elected Prime Minister — is reported to have told a February 2021 caucus meeting that "enough was enough" and he "can't see what's served by keeping [Julian Assange] incarcerated".

Mr Albanese is also a signatory to the Bring Julian Assange Home Campaign petition
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Assange's actions are not those of "the media"
Wikileaks isnt media?

WikiLeaks - Wikipedia
https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › WikiLeaks

WikiLeaks is an international non-profit organisation that publishes news leaks and classified media provided by anonymous sources.


Sam Adams Award

The Sam Adams Award is given annually to an intelligence professional who has taken a stand for integrity and ethics. The Award is granted by the Sam Adams Associates for Integrity in Intelligence, a group of retired CIA officers.
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But yep, you and Rodger take everybody's guns and fishing rods and spearguns etc so everyone has to shop for meat at the Government controlled supermarkets supplied by the lowest bidder and of course control all the media so the Gov can tell you what to think. Lets ban home vegetable gardens and chicken coups next and stop people from collecting rainwater. Lets remove rights from people due to their sex and their sexual orientation, colour to. And how about only two conservative political parties to choose from? A Conservative party and an even more Conservative party. Kinda like Country AND Western.
Great plan right wing nutters.

What happened to The land of the Free? A Liberal Democracy protected by the Free press? Government didn't like it and found it was to restrictive?

Ask yourself this. If Assange does end up extradited to the US, what's his chancers of a fair trial? Non existent?
No Free press and no right to a Fair trial is the outcome.
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lol Assange flat out lied about a person that was killed being his source and foreign trolls pretend like he is 'publishing the truth'. When what Assange is doing is selectively leaking stolen information to attack our democracy with the help of the Russian military, like he did when he smuggled Snowden to Russia with the files he stole from the NSA.

He is not a hero, well unless maybe you are in Putin's camp.
lol Assange flat out lied about a person that was killed being his source and foreign trolls pretend like he is 'publishing the truth'. When what Assange is doing is selectively leaking stolen information to attack our democracy with the help of the Russian military, like he did when he smuggled Snowden to Russia with the files he stole from the NSA.

He is not a hero, well unless maybe you are in Putin's camp.
Aha. Protecting his source you say- cannot have that. Commies you say? Smuggling? Busy man. aha he broke into the NSA? wow. And the retired CIA guys still gave him an award..and all those 7 Nobel peace prize nominations as well.. But yep- you know more, I recon you might even think he is a troll.
That's why he wins all these awards.

You should slap yourself.
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Aha. Protecting his source you say- cannot have that. Commies you say? Smuggling? Busy man. aha he broke into the NSA? wow. And the retired CIA guys still gave him an award..and all those 7 Nobel peace prize nominations as well.. But yep- you know more, I recon you might even think he is a troll.
That's why he wins all these awards.

You should slap yourself.
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assange should be rotting away in a United States supermax prison. The guy is garbage. His leaks have gotten people killed. He's a self serving piece of crap.
But yep, you and Rodger take everybody's guns and fishing rods and spearguns etc so everyone has to shop for meat at the Government controlled supermarkets supplied by the lowest bidder and of course control all the media so the Gov can tell you what to think. Lets ban home vegetable gardens and chicken coups next and stop people from collecting rainwater. Lets remove rights from people due to their sex and their sexual orientation, colour to. And how about only two conservative political parties to choose from? A Conservative party and an even more Conservative party. Kinda like Country AND Western.
Great plan right wing nutters.

What happened to The land of the Free? A Liberal Democracy protected by the Free press? Government didn't like it and found it was to restrictive?

Ask yourself this. If Assange does end up extradited to the US, what's his chancers of a fair trial? Non existent?
No Free press and no right to a Fair trial is the outcome.
you fucking ridiculous toad, how many fucking people do you think actually hunt for their food? maybe 2% of the population? going hunting once a year and shooting a couple of ducks or quail isn't sustenance hunting, it's sport...and who, besides you, ever said anything about fishing rods and spear guns? look up "reductio ad absurdum" you dumbass...
you're unhappy we only have two parties? so am i...you get another one organized, and get anyone who isn't a dissatisfied crank to join it, and i'll give it serious consideration...
reductio ad absurdum...more reductio ad absurdum...

assange is guaranteed a fair trial...he did what he did, and it is a fact that he did it...there are consequences for what he did, and he will pay them. he knew the risks when he did it, did it anyway, and now the little cunt is running around flapping his arms screaming that he is being persecuted....fucking cowardly little cocksucker, i cannot understand why you idolize a fucking bad spy who rapes little girls...
you fucking ridiculous toad, how many fucking people do you think actually hunt for their food? maybe 2% of the population? going hunting once a year and shooting a couple of ducks or quail isn't sustenance hunting, it's sport...and who, besides you, ever said anything about fishing rods and spear guns? look up "reductio ad absurdum" you dumbass...
you're unhappy we only have two parties? so am i...you get another one organized, and get anyone who isn't a dissatisfied crank to join it, and i'll give it serious consideration...
reductio ad absurdum...more reductio ad absurdum...

assange is guaranteed a fair trial...he did what he did, and it is a fact that he did it...there are consequences for what he did, and he will pay them. he knew the risks when he did it, did it anyway, and now the little cunt is running around flapping his arms screaming that he is being persecuted....fucking cowardly little cocksucker, i cannot understand why you idolize a fucking bad spy who rapes little girls...
First is that the United States aims to prosecute and sentence Julian Assange under the Espionage Act for publishing evidence of U.S. war crimes in Iraq. This would criminalize the action of publishing truthful information about the world’s most expansive military, resulting in a legal precedent that would enable the U.S. government to sentence any publication, from indie media to legacy papers like The New York Times. Such a precedent will likely extend beyond the realm of foreign policy reporting. Any form of adversarial reporting could be punished in a world where U.S. courts decide that publishing true information constitutes espionage.

How can he possible get a fair trail when the laws are being made up and the rules changed? Where the trial won't even be reported on? This is a country where they erect placer's like Guantanamo bay to get around their own laws. Where courts take away women's rights just because. They have the largest prison population by % in the world. Fair trial my arse.
Even listen to you spreading lies about a "little girls rape". Whats this girls name? how old is she? Why wasn't Assange questioned in Britain like he could of been and agreed to? Why wasn't he charged? Where is any evidence? Why isn't he even wanted for questioning now? Why did the CIA want to kill him?
The truth is its not about Assange. Its about freedom of press but you have been conditioned to hate this one man because if this one man is extradited then he will be found guilty and Americas Freedoms will be further ripped in tatters. And you don't even see it, you cannot see past the personna and the propaganda.
You are part of the machine.

7. Count em. 7 Nobel Peace prize nominations.

Sam Adams Award

The Sam Adams Award is given annually to an intelligence professional who has taken a stand for integrity and ethics. The Award is granted by the Sam Adams Associates for Integrity in Intelligence, a group of retired CIA officers.

Amazing that i put up one little meme due to you wanting to take guns off the entire civilian population and then you get so, so upset over a man who exposed your countries war crimes. You are happy to be discussing Russian ones on the War thread. Ya a Hypocrite.

Did you know even Mexico knows what up?
"The wife of Julian Assange has expressed her gratitude to Mexico's president after he repeated an offer of asylum for the WikiLeaks founder.
Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador gave a letter to US President Joe Biden earlier this week in defence of Julian Assange, who is being held in Belmarsh prison in London after mounting what has become a lengthy battle to avoid being extradited."
"Leaders must call out countries who take political prisoners. International pressure is what ultimately led to apartheid South Africa freeing Nelson Mandela. It is time for President Biden to end this madness."

Speaking of Nelson Mandela, Assange has the Mandela peace prize to.

All these world leaders and the worlds press trying to keep him out of the US government's hands to help protect your freedoms. For people like you. Yes, even the ungrateful ones.
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What important stories do you think assange released/broke?

I dont care much about the dude. Our government does bad stuff, has for a long time, we all know it. Nothing he ever released seemed ground breaking. Dude wasn't exposing genocide in Nicaragua.

I do think he turned away from journalism with releasing the Clinton emails. There wasn't really anything there, but it was sold/used as a propaganda point and was very obvious as such. Not mad about it, he was hitting back after the US went after him, but he stopped being what you hold him up as a long time ago.
What important stories do you think assange released/broke?

I dont care much about the dude. Our government does bad stuff, has for a long time, we all know it. Nothing he ever released seemed ground breaking. Dude wasn't exposing genocide in Nicaragua.

I do think he turned away from journalism with releasing the Clinton emails. There wasn't really anything there, but it was sold/used as a propaganda point and was very obvious as such. Not mad about it, he was hitting back after the US went after him, but he stopped being what you hold him up as a long time ago.
CIA claims he did. Articles are not hard to find supporting the allegation. But it's spy stuff and who knows what to believe when it comes from them.

It's his participation with Russia to help Trump that makes me indifferent to what form of torture he's inflicted with. Interfering with an election that literally threated our way of life and government, aiding Putin, and raping a person who trusted him. F him.

One complaint: equating left with liberal. I have a hard time evaluating it because I know of no long-term (<30a) stable left-operated societies in our history. “Communists” worldwide were hard-right totalitarians from, if not day one, then surely by day thirty.

So I don’t know how liberalism lands on a realistic political scale, not the “the commies are coming! vote fascist for freedom!” scale many of us never examined closely.
There are such things as state secrets
Yep, tht is why we ended up with The Warran Comission and 9/11 comission reports which were "Flawed", read spun, to absolve the political conspircyies involved. Like the Secrete Service cover up for the Trump Chump Director James Murray et al.
Most State Secrets are coverups.