Light Fuse and get away!!!

Twin 30k flower rooms on a flip.
Lets make it easy and just say.
60 1k bulbs
12 hours a day
720 kw per day
30 days
21,600 or 21.6kw per month

21.6kw per month
.32 cents per kwh

@ 4-5k per month you would have to be in the range of paying roughly .19-.23 cents per kwh.

Lets go with the lower end of that range and say 19 cents.

4.104 per month just to run the lights. So even at the lower range 4 grand a month x 12 months in a year.
You are looking at $48,000 a year just to run lights. Or if we say the higher range .23 cents per kwh,
it would be more like, $59,616 per year just for the lights. Lets call it 50-60k a year and meet in the middle.
SO 55k a year to run lights. You believe that panels would save you only 30% of your bill. So 30% of 55k would be,
16.5 saved through this investment each year. 16.5 x 18 years $297.000 It might take you 18 years to get your money
back in full, but in the mean time do you really want to be paying that 30% each month for those 18 years? Solar is rated
to last 30 years. So what about that 30% savings you invested in that should last you at least that remaining 12 years.
$16.5k a year. Seems like a decent investment for a business that kind of pays for itself in the long run already.
Lets also not forget all the dough you will make from your project here, so it's not like all expenses are not getting paid
in return any way. But yeah those next 12 years at $16.5k a year adds up to $198,000. Get your 90k back in the process.
And in 30 years sell your grow op, and buy a bigger better building. Or plan to get yourself a 30 year mortgage for a better
building when that one gets run down, if you can even manage to stay in business that long. Maybe you are looking to get rich quick.

And as far as your statement about solar panels being suspicious on a building
and the comment about you getting such little amount of sunlight per day.
"After awhile, it's not about the growing, it's about finding a good space."
Maybe you should have gone with a better location that wouldn't be suspicious at all.
Maybe even a underground bunker under a field of solar panels and just a tough shed near by
used as a pump house for a well in some remote location. This shed could have a hidden hatch and stairway.
"We are using the patened, buy all the shit seperately and put it together ourselves system."
You seem resourceful and have skills. Think of the savings if you DIY solar panels, will take a while, lol.
"Spent the day cutting steel racks off the wall with a oxy torch and powerwashed the inside of the warehouse."
I wouldn't be all the shocked if you own or know someone with a backhoe and dump truck.
Maybe not but usually I've noticed that people who are mechanically inclined and have these type of skill sets either
own equipment or can easily reach out to someone they know. Even just some shipping containers put in the ground being
called a wine cellar and telling people the solar panels are for keeping the wine chilled. I'm getting rather off from
your situation though. Maybe I'm just having too much fun with this dreaming about things. Do I think before I post? Yes, I do.
Maybe you really are blowing money, by not thinking 30 years from now. The way things look the US might also be looking at buying
oil from Russia within those next 30 years. So finding a way to provide relief on energy costs is wise. Energy relief may very well be a
huge issue fairly soon and this doesn't apply just to a grow op.

^ It just takes time dude, time and space. After awhile, it's not about the growing, it's about finding a good space.
Spent the day cutting steel racks off the wall with a oxy torch and powerwashed the inside of the warehouse. Talk about filthy.
What is the hydrogen system? Never heard of it. We are using the patened, buy all the shit seperately and put it together ourselves system. :)


fyi Has to be commercial property to get all the tax breaks for putting in solar and or wind power, and you don't get paid for your overages, you just get the credit on your bill. Periodically the power company will implement a program to purchase your overages but it's rare and it's at a set price for the term of the program and if they raise the cost of electricity your sol.
He said he thinks solar would cover 30%. There wouldn't be any overages left.
If he did decide to DIY solar panels I don't think there would be a tax break. Not sure though.
Thank Christ someone said it. 30 years? Dude in 10 years ...or will be legal in the federal level and most ...almost all will be grown by Philip Morris and the like. Phillip Morris and the Sam Adams of weed (ergo..the venture capitalist guys with millions at there disposal).

Then for us small Frys, the game is over.

I'm not sure how I'm being short sighted. I have had my eye on this prize for awhile and I'm emptying all my bank accounts to make it happen.

10 years...with any luck I'll be sitting on a beach with a Thai hooker under each arm.

Solar panels. As yoda would say "break me a fucking give".

BTW, your numbers are way off. We have some of the cheapest power on the country and we are billed at commercial rates.
Now I know where the star wars edition of angry birds originated from.
It was all about deliverance, and making Luke squeal like a zombie pig from angry birds.
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Cannis, you are a prime example of why I really hesitated about even starting this thread..or for that matter, wasting my time on forums.

You try to entertain some folks..pass along some information, maybe get a good idea or two and you get spammed with tools telling you to spend 300k on solar panels or run water chillers on my lights. News flash dick head..NO serious grower uses those stupid fucking ice box things. You crank the lights, blast air con, harvest dank and move on to the next round. We don't walk around and stare at plants amazed at how beautiful they or talk softly to them and gingerly train them. It's work, and allot of it. Constant monitoring of conditions, maintaining gear, and maintaining security. Commercial growers don't fiddle fuck around with LEDs, anything made by advanced nuteients, and they certainly don't spend money on anything that doesn't provide full ROI in a year or less.

We are not the guys shooting the shit and offering advice in the hydro store. Or those wandering the halls asking "what kills spider mites" "hey, will this kill powdery mildew?" That was us 10 years ago. We are the guys that text the shop owners with our order and they deliver it to us. They guys who spend $4000 on 50 gallon drums of nutes.

It's kind of stupid thread anyways. Most will never grow at this scale and the ones that can, already have their methods down.

So in essence....fuck it. Who has the time anyways. You can go play with your star wars avatars now.
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Cannis, you are a prime example of why I really hesitated about even starting this thread..or for that matter, wasting my time on forums.

You try to entertain some folks..pass along some information, maybe get a good idea or two and you get spammed with tools telling you to spend 300k on solar panels or run water chillers on my lights. News flash dick head..NO serious grower uses those stupid fucking ice box things. You crank the lights, blast air con, harvest dank and move on to the next round. We don't walk around and stare at plants amazed at how beautiful they or talk softly to them and gingerly train them. It's work, and allot of it. Constant monitoring of conditions, maintaining gear, and maintaining security. Commercial growers don't fiddle fuck around with LEDs, anything made by advanced nuteients, and they certainly don't spend money on anything that doesn't provide full ROI in a year or less.

We are not the guys shooting the shit and offering advice in the hydro store. Or those wandering the halls asking "what kills spider mites" "hey, will this kill powdery mildew?" That was us 10 years ago. We are the guys that text the shop owners with our order and they deliver it to us. They guys who spend $4000 on 50 gallon drums of nutes.

It's kind of stupid thread anyways. Most will never grow at this scale and the ones that can, already have their methods down.

So in essence....fuck it. Who has the time anyways. You can go play with your star wars avatars now.

Wow you need to work on your comprehension, I've been with you on everything you've said. fyi I said I don't use the ice box so your out of line there and the post with the avatar wasn't meant for you, I was just backing you up with a little humor, but I guess there is no such thing on your planet. You know what they say though, incompetence reigns supreme. And in case you don't get that part, that's meant as an insult. Further more, I'm not here seeking approval, I do what I do without consequence from you.
I don't chill and I grow some pretty big treeage

I get some pretty big treeage too. But my treepene doesn't even compare to legallyflying's results.

Has anyone seen his results yet?
Can't wait to see how epic and flawless all of his plants are.
With all this talk of such expense and expertise this should be something spectacular.
I'm not too sure when it was decided that I grow small plants.
Or that I'm a kid and need to run along.
Or that I'm new to growing.
Or that someone working at a hydro store wouldn't deliver something to me.
Or that it wouldn't be me doing the delivering.
Or most the other blasphemy he has flamed on about. About the only fuse he has tried so hard to light with his flames was mine.
The grump has been flaming me ever since my first post that actually had anything to say towards his grow,
when I quoted Benjamin Franklin as I was agreeing with what he was saying and I was then called a kid. Probably just more lack of his reading comprehension.
It seems I was labeled the bad guy since the moment I agreed with him. legallyflying actually seemed very childish to me from that moment on so i just had to keep going. Some other people here didn't help with me wanting to run along either.
You all seem to know quite a lot about me for a bunch of folks who know nothing about me.
I will be expecting to see monstrous epic beautifully grown trees that are significantly better than any plant I have ever grown.
Otherwise he just talks a big game and likes to waste money, but doesn't want to know how to waste it even better, lol.
I actually thought this thread was going to be something fun based on the title. But instead it was a bait and switch so this guy could boast and belittle people.
It didn't have to be that way but he wanted to start off with telling me to run along, because the adults are talking. Which this comment was said why? And this was also the reason I stuck around. You're not my boss chief, and I don't much care to run along at your smug command.
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i don't think i've ever seen a more solid 'go fuk urself' in the history of forums. it was like a mountain lion on a rock...that left a smaller animal as bait...then STRIKE. twist you can type until your fingers are blue but maybe you should give it a rest. you're looking pretty bad right about now.
fly on on
rgr legal, hate it when that happens. I would delete or edit the post but I know how that's frowned upon on forums.
No worries. Long day, lots of contractors, and then a semi truck showed up at my house ready to unload 90 10 gallon trash cans. "Wtf, why are you delivering to the billing address?"

Anyways..this thread is basically three pages of twist it up conversing with himself.

I'll post a couple pictures of our other vert room. It's at week 7 but the cinex is ready for the first round of chop. God I love that strain...fucking growers dream