i got an old thing with dat whore on a memory card from 1 of my cameras. Id postit
Implied homosexuality, "Runner up for Miss Taboo Vancouver, January 2011"here is something that christianity has made better !
hi olly , my old chum , hows life ? still belief with no evidence ? sucks dont it lol ? never mind , maybe your god will send one of his angels down to earth for you and mAKE EVERYTHING BETTER LMAO .
What do you expect to accomplish with stuff like this? Every educated atheist knows it serves as another method of division, you could choose to take it and make it into something positive but instead you made it negative when it doesn't have to be. Did you expect oly's response to be anything other than hostile? Trolling only gets you so far, you have to learn how to frame your posts in a little more effective manner. Sam Harris compared to Richard Dawkins. Watch their deliveries, Dawkins gets non stop arguments even though he explains everything in much more detail than Harris, it's that Harris' execution is much more refined and he frames his arguments in a way that makes it difficult for opponents to figure out.
You have to be respectful and remove all emotion from the response. We have to actively work on this every time we engage with believers.
What do you expect to accomplish with stuff like this? Every educated atheist knows it serves as another method of division, you could choose to take it and make it into something positive but instead you made it negative when it doesn't have to be. Did you expect oly's response to be anything other than hostile? Trolling only gets you so far, you have to learn how to frame your posts in a little more effective manner. Sam Harris compared to Richard Dawkins. Watch their deliveries, Dawkins gets non stop arguments even though he explains everything in much more detail than Harris, it's that Harris' execution is much more refined and he frames his arguments in a way that makes it difficult for opponents to figure out.
You have to be respectful and remove all emotion from the response. We have to actively work on this every time we engage with believers.
yes, wow, he´s pretty damn good.
hi olly , my old chum , hows life ? still belief with no evidence ? sucks dont it lol ? never mind , maybe your god will send one of his angels down to earth for you and mAKE EVERYTHING BETTER LMAO .
Is your point to persuade oly to drop his faith? Well why would he want to listen to someone that gives out no respect? If you want him to actually listen, you must make good respectable points.
Great post BTW pad.