Fair enough, you are now being honest rather than illegitimately defending yourself. However I must point out one more thing. When you say "i know what harm belief in religion does to the world" you are citing the need for progress and using it to justify counter-productive behavior. There is a reason you have not reached anyone through these boards, and I suspect it is not because these people are unreachable. Skepticism is a seed you can plant, it never grows right away. If you make reasonable arguments with sound logic, people are likely to remember. I'll admit that we do need to be persistent and assertive, but if you only make inflammatory comments designed to bully people into believing what you think is right, they will only remember the opposition and never consider the validity. If you know this and do it anyway, you no longer have the advantage of citing progress as your motivation, and must admit that it is done solely out of a perverse pleasure. I know skeptics that reach people everyday and make real strides towards academic and intellectual progress, and they never do it by insulting and fighting. The worthy goal is not to simply destroy belief, which is easy, but to actually dispel belief, which is hard.