london and the teaparty

maybe the guy will say, hey i really like the laundry business. then say, hey LF how about selling me this business. then LF says, sure, sells him the business, LF makes a little money, then the guy makes a little better money, is able to raise his family, hires an employee for 11 bucks an hour and the cycle continues.

you are a fucking douchebag who sucks at the teat of govt. wild ass guess

how do you buy a business if you are not paid enough to make a downpayment, and dont have money for a house to use a collateral, not everyone has a guaranteed VA loan to open a business,
wow you can really tell the people who own businesses, they think they are doing you a favor by paying you shit money, and then they wonder why they cant find any good help,

11.00/hr= unable to afford health insurance on their own, never able to retire, never able to buy a home, unable to afford rent+childcare
welcome to the world of the entitlement mentality. this is the attitude on which we have built all of our false expectations and a middle class of unthinking drones. who in their right mind would expect to be able own a home, raise a family and accrue all the little perks of success simply through a talent for running a mop and collecting quarters? still, these are the expectations of a society filled with puling children.
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08-09-2011, 09:29 AM
420 TIME
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welcome to the world of the entitlement mentality. this is the attitude on which we have built all of our false expectations and a middle class of unthinking drones. who in their right mind would expect to be able own a home, raise a family and accrue all the little perks of success simply through a talent for running a mop and collecting quarters? still, these are the expectations of a society filled with puling children.

yeah that entitlement mentality, that progressive thought that thinks EVERYBODY deserves a good life... i mean, why have that when we could be living like the people in haiti?? lol...
wow you can really tell the people who own businesses, they think they are doing you a favor by paying you shit money, and then they wonder why they cant find any good help,

11.00/hr= unable to afford health insurance on their own, never able to retire, never able to buy a home, unable to afford rent+childcare

you continually show how far behind me you are...and I have never seen that in a person so much until now...I'm a member of HLAC ( due to the contract I have with doing laundry service for two nursing homes )..with this I can and do obtain health care for my employees..just stay with me 90 days and you get medical/dental...I take care of mine...I also have two workers going to college while working for me...maintain a 3.0 gpa...and I will take care of your books and supplies ( and these guys know I will help with anything extra..hell gave one 1000 extra for showing me a 3.88) ..I like my college guys...Never had an employee complain about not being able to get child-care..I think 11 an hour is decent money if you know what to do and you keep doing things to advance...I don't want my employees to just stay doing what they doing..Thats why I love my college guys...
welcome to the world of the entitlement mentality. this is the attitude on which we have built all of our false expectations and a middle class of unthinking drones. who in their right mind would expect to be able own a home, raise a family and accrue all the little perks of success simply through a talent for running a mop and collecting quarters? still, these are the expectations of a society filled with puling children.

No, i am not saying that it is a career opportunity I am simply pointing out that he is not doing the world a favor by creating yet another job that will never do more than waste several years of someones life,

Should we thank walmart for creating a business that replaces 30-40 mom and pop shops with a single industrial looking shopping center that funnels all the money in the world to a select group of people, no.

and we shouldnt thank people who create jobs that dont provide simple benefits like being able to take your kid to a doctor, sounds to me like this business owner is relying on government handouts to keep his employees healthy enough to work.
open a "self storage" building. low overhead. minimum employee costs. low maintenance. low insurance costs. "owner cannot be held liable for lost or stolen property". you basically build a bunch of sheds and charge people to hold their shit. you even get to keep it if they don't pay you. then you can go thru it and sell it, or simply auction it all off on sunday.

my wife and i have been talking about doing this. maybe start with 50 or so units. they don't have to be but closet sized.
I would think the insurance cost would be high,,and why would you not be responsible for the peoples stuff that are in your care ???hmmm I have to look into this...
welcome to the world of the entitlement mentality. this is the attitude on which we have built all of our false expectations and a middle class of unthinking drones. who in their right mind would expect to be able own a home, raise a family and accrue all the little perks of success simply through a talent for running a mop and collecting quarters? still, these are the expectations of a society filled with puling children.
You and the OP are arguing for the wrong team. If you are on this forum you undoubtedly are NOT a member of the top 1%. Therefore, the brainwashed propaganda that fills the void between your ears does not behoove you, in fact, it hurts you. The ruling class, which you ignorantly place you allegiance to, keeps the middle class doing all the work and paying all the taxes. Why side with the douche bags when they want to use you as cannon fodder and then dispose of you?
maybe the guy will say, hey i really like the laundry business. then say, hey LF how about selling me this business. then LF says, sure, sells him the business, LF makes a little money, then the guy makes a little better money, is able to raise his family, hires an employee for 11 bucks an hour and the cycle continues.

you are a fucking douchebag who sucks at the teat of govt. wild ass guess
Hey give me 10 more years and I will sell you one for wife will be retired by then and we can go travel the USA in a mobile home...YEAHHHHHH
No, i am not saying that it is a career opportunity I am simply pointing out that he is not doing the world a favor by creating yet another job that will never do more than waste several years of someones life,

Should we thank walmart for creating a business that replaces 30-40 mom and pop shops with a single industrial looking shopping center that funnels all the money in the world to a select group of people, no.

and we shouldnt thank people who create jobs that dont provide simple benefits like being able to take your kid to a doctor, sounds to me like this business owner is relying on government handouts to keep his employees healthy enough to work.

dont you have a riot to get to?
You and the OP are arguing for the wrong team. If you are on this forum you undoubtedly are NOT a member of the top 1%. Therefore, the brainwashed propaganda that fills the void between your ears does not behoove you, in fact, it hurts you. The ruling class, which you ignorantly place you allegiance to, keeps the middle class doing all the work and paying all the taxes. Why side with the douche bags when they want to use you as cannon fodder and then dispose of you?

you mean we should be on the side of you and the other freeloaders?

lemme check? yep, your still a leech.
Jeff is just as bad as prefontaine. SUPER troll. Look at his comments. Pathetic. Just buy a gun, kill your least favorite politician, put it in your mouth and stop wasting time. That's what is going to happen eventually lol crazy, angry, teabagging nutjob, lol.
you continually show how far behind me you are...and I have never seen that in a person so much until now...I'm a member of HLAC ( due to the contract I have with doing laundry service for two nursing homes )..with this I can and do obtain health care for my employees..just stay with me 90 days and you get medical/dental...I take care of mine...I also have two workers going to college while working for me...maintain a 3.0 gpa...and I will take care of your books and supplies ( and these guys know I will help with anything extra..hell gave one 1000 extra for showing me a 3.8) ..I like my college guys...Never had an employee complain about not being able to get child-care..I think 11 an hour is decent money if you know what to do and you keep doing things to advance...I don't want my employees to just stay doing what they doing..Thats why I love my college guys...

Ok time for a refference point, I am a licensed Special Inspector and Materials Testing lab Technician, I was originally hired at 12.50/hr full benefits, 401K match, profit sharing, gym membership, the works, I worked on the Sea TAc rental car facility, kent arena, good samaritan hospital tower and rennovations, belfair waste water conveyance and reclamation center, SeaTAc runway 16L, highway 3 repairs, on and on and on, I was making 15.75 (raises only for further education and certification of construction techniques) then I got laid off, called in 6 months later (during the worst part of the recession) offered my old job at a 12% pay cut, No choice but to take it, gained three more certifications so I was up to 15.50, doing work that according to our pay scales I should have received 18-23/hr, after one year I asked about my 12% pay cut, the boss fucking smiled in my face and said at least not for another year, Thats when I switched companies to get my 16/hr and more importantly out from under that snake, The new company worked my 14 hr night shifts and had me pick up work durring the day, ever worked a job that you literally only slept on the weekends? winter cam they said lay off are coming but whoever gets certs gets to stay, i got the new cert, showed the boss and asked about the 50 cent raise that accompanies an ICC certification, next day laid off.

since the construction industry has been diminished, I have returned to school on yes unemployment and loans.
further work histroy includes teaching drivers ed, mortgage sales, cold calling, geoduck farming, Bridge painting, you name it Ive done it over or under the table, the point is in my vast and varried experience an employer that provides any support for his employees is a good man, however you are so rare in this world you are simply the exception to the rule thereby proving the rule.
You're the freeloader to the people that own this country. You have no idea who butters your bread and who burns your ass.

let me guess, you butter my bread?

now let me tell you, my customers butter my bread. the people who say, "hey you have some talent and i would like to have you do some work for me, and i will pay you."

then i go to their house, do work they ask me to, to the standard they ask me to, and they pay me what they promised. thats who butters my bread.

not some stupid fucktard who talks some babbley boo about "the man holding me down" bullshit.

and guess whose bread i butter? the guys i higher to come to my customers house, do the work i ask them to do, to the standard i ask them to, and then i pay them what i promised them i would. thats whose bread i butter.

gonna go out on another limb here, YOU rip people off where you can, and your friends think youre a simpleton.....just a wild ass guess.
I would think the insurance cost would be high,,and why would you not be responsible for the peoples stuff that are in your care ???hmmm I have to look into this...

Remember if you word the contracts right, those people are renting space, and therefore should be responsible for their own renters insurance, at least for the individual items, the hazardous thing is if you dont have proper oversight and someone cooks meth there, and you essentially lose any value the property had.