london and the teaparty

No wonder prefontaine is such a miserable troll. fuck dude, with a bio like that, why are you still wasting the earth's finite resources? Life is like a movie. If it sucked the first half, chances are it's probably not going to get really good right at the end. Maybe you should just end the suffering. LMFAO.
let me guess, you butter my bread?

now let me tell you, my customers butter my bread. the people who say, "hey you have some talent and i would like to have you do some work for me, and i will pay you."

then i go to their house, do work they ask me to, to the standard they ask me to, and they pay me what they promised. thats who butters my bread.

not some stupid fucktard who talks some babbley boo about "the man holding me down" bullshit.

and guess whose bread i butter? the guys i higher to come to my customers house, do the work i ask them to do, to the standard i ask them to, and then i pay them what i promised them i would. thats whose bread i butter.

gonna go out on another limb here, YOU rip people off where you can, and your friends think youre a simpleton.....just a wild ass guess.

"Nonuts is in Cali. In Cali you can have many patients. This is the WA forum. In WA you can have ONE patient. Completely different ball game. In WA you'll get nothing for free and LIKE it! Don't like it? Grow your own ya bum! You want me to grow your medicine? Pay me. I can only have one patient. Think I can't get a family member or friend who doesn't smoke to get an authorization without having to give away 5 free plants? ha! Think again. I spent 20k on grow equipment and about 10k/year for power. Why do you think you should get something for nothing when I have 30k+ invested? The guy who said get a job was right. That should have been the end of this pathetic thread."

this is seven hour work week responding to a cancer patient that wants 5 plants grown for her in exchange for the other ten she is legally allowed.
Ok time for a refference point, I am a licensed Special Inspector and Materials Testing lab Technician, I was originally hired at 12.50/hr full benefits, 401K match, profit sharing, gym membership, the works, I worked on the Sea TAc rental car facility, kent arena, good samaritan hospital tower and rennovations, belfair waste water conveyance and reclamation center, SeaTAc runway 16L, highway 3 repairs, on and on and on, I was making 15.75 (raises only for further education and certification of construction techniques) then I got laid off, called in 6 months later (during the worst part of the recession) offered my old job at a 12% pay cut, No choice but to take it, gained three more certifications so I was up to 15.50, doing work that according to our pay scales I should have received 18-23/hr, after one year I asked about my 12% pay cut, the boss fucking smiled in my face and said at least not for another year, Thats when I switched companies to get my 16/hr and more importantly out from under that snake, The new company worked my 14 hr night shifts and had me pick up work durring the day, ever worked a job that you literally only slept on the weekends? winter cam they said lay off are coming but whoever gets certs gets to stay, i got the new cert, showed the boss and asked about the 50 cent raise that accompanies an ICC certification, next day laid off.

since the construction industry has been diminished, I have returned to school on yes unemployment and loans.
further work histroy includes teaching drivers ed, mortgage sales, cold calling, geoduck farming, Bridge painting, you name it Ive done it over or under the table, the point is in my vast and varried experience an employer that provides any support for his employees is a good man, however you are so rare in this world you are simply the exception to the rule thereby proving the rule.

I can only do me..I think my success comes from the way I treat people...and I truly believe that...note: Not on RIU how I treat the real world...I like to act an ass from time to time here...its the evil me dying for attention :evil:and he needs attention too:fire:....
Remember if you word the contracts right, those people are renting space, and therefore should be responsible for their own renters insurance, at least for the individual items, the hazardous thing is if you dont have proper oversight and someone cooks meth there, and you essentially lose any value the property had.

good point on the renters
^^^^^are they still rioting in london...saw last night they burning ti down,,,hey will this affect any shipments from "The Tude"
yeah that entitlement mentality, that progressive thought that thinks EVERYBODY deserves a good life...
the simple fact is that not everyone deserves a good life, that is something we strive for. it isn't simply handed out because you are willing to show up for work. everyone deserves the possibility of a good life. we all deserve to have our basic human rights protected and to be allowed to put out as much effort as we so desire. if we work hard and smart and the fates are in our corner, that good life may just be ours. believing that a good life should be ours merely because we have drawn breath is a childish promise, handed out by progressive politicians to ensure their election and their rise to power. it is the avarice of the indolent mob and the envy of the unwise and the unlucky, screaming to hide their own inadequacies.

I am simply pointing out that he is not doing the world a favor by creating yet another job that will never do more than waste several years of someones life.....
can anyone be forced by another to simply waste their time? for each skilled, experienced worker in the workforce today there are a thousand who are simply content to perform the minimum requirements of their job in order to survive. should those drones be considered valuable, irreplaceable components of industry or merely another material to be used? do they add some real value or are they simply taking up space, repeating the same daily grind in order to collect their check at the end of the week?

yes, we should thank those who provide the talentless and ambition-less with some means of sustaining themselves. they have taken the risk of embarking on some venture and deserve whatever profit may come their way.

You and the OP are arguing for the wrong team. If you are on this forum you undoubtedly are NOT a member of the top 1%.
spoken with all the indolence and selfishness we have come to expect from our more liberal members. not everyone is so envious that they would side with thieves to enhance their own lives.
the simple fact is that not everyone deserves a good life, that is something we strive for. it isn't simply handed out because you are willing to show up for work. everyone deserves the possibility of a good life. we all deserve to have our basic human rights protected and to be allowed to put out as much effort as we so desire. if we work hard and smart and the fates are in our corner, that good life may just be ours. believing that a good life should be ours merely because we have drawn breath is a childish promise, handed out by progressive politicians to ensure their election and their rise to power. it is the avarice of the indolent mob and the envy of the unwise and the unlucky, screaming to hide their own inadequacies.

can anyone be forced by another to simply waste their time? for each skilled, experienced worker in the workforce today there are a thousand who are simply content to perform the minimum requirements of their job in order to survive. should those drones be considered valuable, irreplaceable components of industry or merely another material to be used? do they add some real value or are they simply taking up space, repeating the same daily grind in order to collect their check at the end of the week?

yes, we should thank those who provide the talentless and ambition-less with some means of sustaining themselves. they have taken the risk of embarking on some venture and deserve whatever profit may come their way.

spoken with all the indolence and selfishness we have come to expect from our more liberal members. not everyone is so envious that they would side with thieves to enhance their own lives.
Can you sing this....or do you wish to stick with the talk over nice soothing music
UTI, I'm sure you know it already, but every time they put your posts in purple it's an admission they have no response that even they can post without laughing at their own absurdity. UTI makes more valid points and has more insight in a single post than you condescending halfwits combined, can muster in a year.
Shit me and UTI about to make money selling his writings in the audio version...pop that cd off in the car with the kids in the back :sleep: easy ride..just make sure you don't 'night night' as well...have you heard our waterfall version..shit could put a gorilla on caffeine and coke to sleep...
spoken with all the indolence and selfishness we have come to expect from our more liberal members. not everyone is so envious that they would side with thieves to enhance their own lives.
The irony is THICK. The thieves you scorn are mere pick pockets. The conservatives that run your shanty little island are murderous demons by comparison.
^^^^^are they still rioting in london...saw last night they burning ti down,,,hey will this affect any shipments from "The Tude"

Nah the city is working as usual, I got my usual deliveries for the kitchen. It's becoming more apparent this is premeditated and organised, as soon as they divert 16 000 coppers to London then the riots and looting starts in Manchester who has diverted 3600 coppers down to London. birmingham is kicking off too. Hackers have threatened RIM, Research in motion the company who owns blackberry that any assistance to the police will result in action from them. This may have started with a frustrated and opportunistic youth but there is an orchestration behind this.
UTI, I'm sure you know it already, but every time they put your posts in purple it's an admission they have no response that even they can post without laughing at their own absurdity.
it's a little trick they picked up from buck after i made the mistake of claiming an occasional tendency toward purple prose. that they ape that admission without truly understanding the meaning of the term is a little jest i often have a private laugh over. i know that what responses they may offer can only be rooted in envy and self-described victimhood, so carry little weight here in the world of grown-ups. they whine and describe those who attain success as thieves and murderers, but experience shows us that such criminals come in all stripes and from all classes. for each instance of highway robbery by the wealthy, a hundred such crimes are committed by those they describe as worthy of our compassion. for each act of murder committed in the name of conservative principle, a thousand are committed under the pretense of need or under the flag of social justice or simply for no reason at all. they know all this, though they would never admit to it, and so amuse themselves and attempt to hide their unsound logic by quibbling over style. it aint no big thang. i've grown a thick hide over the years and only truly get upset when someone dares to insult my beloved janis. though i suppose even those jibes are of little consequence when uttered by statist fools.
Damn... I missed all of this today? Why do I let work get in the way of all this fun...

And to whomever (seven hour week, I think) was bitching about $11 an hour being not enough... did you ever consider what that job is actually worth (as in how much value it adds to londonfog's business)? Did you ever consider that those who work for LF do so because they and he mutually agreed to the terms of employment? Do you think LF is going to split his profits evenly with his employees just because they work at his business? Did they share any of the risk or invest their time getting his business up and off the ground? If LF took a $50K fleecing in a year, would you demand his employee(s) share in the loss?

If you don't happen like your work or the pay you earn... go find another job, create your own job, or develop a skill set that will land you the job you want. It's not anyone's responsibility but your own (unless you're a child) to provide for your own life.
gonna go out on another limb here, YOU rip people off where you can, and your friends think youre a simpleton.....just a wild ass guess.
I'm going to go out on a limb and guess that you have never grown a single cannabis plant. You're one of the many RIU politico hacks that just come here to troll.
Damn... I missed all of this today? Why do I let work get in the way of all this fun...

And to whomever (seven hour week, I think) was bitching about $11 an hour being not enough... did you ever consider what that job is actually worth (as in how much value it adds to londonfog's business)? Did you ever consider that those who work for LF do so because they and he mutually agreed to the terms of employment? Do you think LF is going to split his profits evenly with his employees just because they work at his business? Did they share any of the risk or invest their time getting his business up and off the ground? If LF took a $50K fleecing in a year, would you demand his employee(s) share in the loss?

If you don't happen like your work or the pay you earn... go find another job, create your own job, or develop a skill set that will land you the job you want. It's not anyone's responsibility but your own (unless you're a child) to provide for your own life.
Get your facts straight before you talk shit MORON. You're talking to the wrong person. Smell my ass and die.
UTI, I'm sure you know it already, but every time they put your posts in purple it's an admission they have no response that even they can post without laughing at their own absurdity. UTI makes more valid points and has more insight in a single post than you condescending halfwits combined, can muster in a year.

A groupie. Oh how cute.
the simple fact is that not everyone deserves a good life...

You couldn't be more wrong UTI! I believe there's something in our nation's roots saying something about "Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness"...You see, the "happiness" clause means that we should have the right to good jobs, CATV, big screen TV's, XBox's...Ummm....gimme a moment and I'll come up with some more "rights"...;)

After all....It's only...."fair", yes? :D