london and the teaparty

Someone who just blasts away without a hint of even the least bit of honesty gets that from me. I don't care to waste my time with those type of people any longer than it takes to identify them.
I thought being on your ignore list would provide me the luxury of not having to see your posts anymore. Guess that's not the case. Shitty.
So why are you here spreading misinformation and showing all the dudes your big bellied body only you think is sexy?
Actually that pic is an older pic. I have since packed on another 10lbs of lean body mass and am at ~9% bodyfat. I'm down to a 32" waist, 47" chest, 18" arms, 195lbs. My last half marathon (13.1 miles) was the Oakland Running Festival on 3/27. I just finished a 7 mile trail run with a beginning elevation of 8000ft topping out at 9500ft after 3.5 miles. 7 miles in just under 2 hours. I'm in training for this at Squaw Valley next month...

You're welcome to join me, but so far everyone I've asked have "chickened out"...Something tells me that you can't even begin to have what it takes other than half hearted attempts at insulting my clearly obvious masculinity. Hell....I make the Old Spice guy look like a sissy boy in need of his Mama, know what I mean? You wouldn't be envious now...would you? ;)

I'm a Personal Trainer and I AM A BAMF. At 51 years of age, I really don't know of too many kids 25 years my junior that can even compete against me. Spreading misinformation? I don't think so. I'm entirely truthful when I tell you who I am. I don't hide anything kiddo.

I don't smoke pot....I grow it. My wife, Seamaiden, smokes it. You can ask some veterans here, the woman knows her shit and can hold her own. She's moved on. Together, we have expanded our operation(s). I came back for a bit of comic relief, and for that, I do thank you for not letting me down.
Selfish, greedy, white people. You people are the same assholes who send your kids to private schools and then think you shouldn't have to pay taxes to support public schools. BOO. Fuckers.

Please explain why the fuck someone who sends their children to private schools should be forced to pay for public schools???
Selfish, greedy, white people. You people are the same assholes who send your kids to private schools and then think you shouldn't have to pay taxes to support public schools. BOO. Fuckers.

yes sorry. hate to pay for something i dont need or want. call me capitalist..
maybe the guy will say, hey i really like the laundry business. then say, hey LF how about selling me this business. then LF says, sure, sells him the business, LF makes a little money, then the guy makes a little better money, is able to raise his family, hires an employee for 11 bucks an hour and the cycle continues.

you are a fucking douchebag who sucks at the teat of govt. wild ass guess

buying a laundromat on $11 hour?

yeah, that'll happen.
Shit me and UTI about to make money selling his writings in the audio version...pop that cd off in the car with the kids in the back :sleep: easy ride..just make sure you don't 'night night' as well...have you heard our waterfall version..shit could put a gorilla on caffeine and coke to sleep...

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to londonfog again.
yes sorry. hate to pay for something i dont need or want. call me capitalist..

I'll go even farther and own the selfishness part... My needs and interests come before the needs and interest of others, especially the 'others' that are not friends, family, or those I care about. I don't live and work in order to support others (outside of my children), and I don't expect or ask anyone else to live their life or any part of it in order to support mine.

I do send my kids to private school, and yes - I don't think I should be paying one cent into the government school system. If you have kids, you should be capable of educating them just as you should should be capable of feeding them and keeping clothes on their backs.

I know it sounds harsh, but at this point I really don't give a shit about what others think of me either.
Doesnt matter how much you make, but how much you have.. I know men making 10 an hour just to stay busy and keep working, does not mean their living check to check and could easily purchase a business in needed.
buying a laundromat on $11 hour?

yeah, that'll happen.
yes sorry. hate to pay for something i dont need or want. call me capitalist..
I'd rather just call you a cock sucker than waste my time explaining basic shit your parents should have taught you. Or did you become a clueless, shallow, greedy, selfish dick later on in life? Don't answer that, just die. Seriously.
I'd rather just call you a cock sucker than waste my time explaining basic shit your parents should have taught you. Or did you become a clueless, shallow, greedy, selfish dick later on in life? Don't answer that, just die. Seriously.
Well played! :lol:
You and your colleagues here on this board are quite the bunch, I'll give you that. :lol:

Heh...just die....Nice.
I'll go even farther and own the selfishness part... My needs and interests come before the needs and interest of others, especially the 'others' that are not friends, family, or those I care about. I don't live and work in order to support others (outside of my children), and I don't expect or ask anyone else to live their life or any part of it in order to support mine.

I do send my kids to private school, and yes - I don't think I should be paying one cent into the government school system. If you have kids, you should be capable of educating them just as you should should be capable of feeding them and keeping clothes on their backs.

I know it sounds harsh, but at this point I really don't give a shit about what others think of me either.
I know it sounds harsh, but I pity your kids. Fat little fuckers didn't even have a chance. They were destined to be just like their ignorant parents the second your semi-flacid penis shot a rare load into your obese wife's unfortunately fertile, smegma dripping cunt. Bummer.
Get your facts straight before you talk shit MORON. You're talking to the wrong person. Smell my ass and die.

A groupie. Oh how cute.

Selfish, greedy, white people. You people are the same assholes who send your kids to private schools and then think you shouldn't have to pay taxes to support public schools. BOO. Fuckers.

Obviously if you saw my rep, I don't give a shit about you, where you live or if you put my on your iggy list. What are you paralyzed from the neck up?

Agreed. Especially your avatar. When was the last time you got laid with the lights on?

So why are you here spreading misinformation and showing all the dudes your big bellied body only you think is sexy?

I thought being on your ignore list would provide me the luxury of not having to see your posts anymore. Guess that's not the case. Shitty.

I'd rather just call you a cock sucker than waste my time explaining basic shit your parents should have taught you. Or did you become a clueless, shallow, greedy, selfish dick later on in life? Don't answer that, just die. Seriously.
are you just trying to up your post count or do you really have so little of substance to add? in a mere twenty-four hours you have posted as much shit as even uncle buck, one of our most accomplished trolls. i see a great career ahead of you in the democratic party. you may have to tone down the profanity a bit though, that sort of thing doesn't play too well in the heartland.
This guy is a perfect example of why we should weep for the future. Mine, mine, gimmee, gimmee, I need, I need. These leeches feel they are entitled to everlasting support, just because they were born. Why don't you go die, free up some funds and some bandwidth.
I am king Troll and this man gives Trolls a bad name.. Uncle Buck would not be proud.
are you just trying to up your post count or do you really have so little of substance to add? in a mere twenty-four hours you have posted as much shit as even uncle buck, one of our most accomplished trolls. i see a great career ahead of you in the democratic party. you may have to tone down the profanity a bit though, that sort of thing doesn't play too well in the heartland.
Why don't you go die, free up some funds and some bandwidth.
No No No! We need to keep him around! If not for the entertainment factor, he reaffirms my belief as to why, and I speak for myself,I choose not to align myself with liberals.