Lost my seeds!

past times

Well-Known Member
So I am pretty good at loosing things and terrible at finding them. I could be looking right at something and not see it. It always happens right after I do a huge clean up at my house too. I'd like to think I live in ordered chaos... So a month ago I "organized" my seeds. I was gonna start a couple new babies this weekend but they are lost. I have started looking in all my usual hiding places but nothing. I live alone, so its not like someone took them. they are there...but where.

My idea is to get retarded hi and look for them tonight. I figure I should be in the same state i was when I lost them.

just thought I'd share my predicament


Well-Known Member
That is all ways fun, I miss place shit all the time, usually my bowl and can not find it to get high so i can remember where i stashed it

smoke and coke

Well-Known Member
its alway best to just sit back and retrace your steps. sit down where you organised your seeds, then thinking your going to start some seeds soon and put them where ?


Undercover Mod
I thought I lost three years worth of work and it turned up in an unusal place. I thought they were gone, but it just turns out when I'm stoned I get really creative with my hiding places. I can't even find them for two weeks lol


Well-Known Member
i do this shit all the time. like ill have something in my hand and be like "ok remember where your putting this" and then 5 minutes later i cant find it..


Well-Known Member
sometimes I keep thinking of one place that I should look but I keep telling myself "I'm not looking there because I already KNOW its not there..." and when I finally look thats where it is

a week ago I bought 11 seeds for almost 300 dollars and dropped one of them and it rolled away into the abyse, thats almost a $30 seed! I even tried using a little vacuum and sifting through the dirt and dust to find it... sad times :(

all the other 10 germinated perfectly btw Hahah :)


Well-Known Member
One thing that has helped me, is that when I misplace something, and find it, I put it in the place I first looked.... after that I never forget where I left it.

past times

Well-Known Member
haha, I knew people would relate to this one. So ended up going to xmas party and staying out until late so didnt really look. I have all day today to clean and find it though. My place, coincidentally is a pig sty right now. My buddy has jack herer right now so that should help me.

On a JH note. I have one that has been in flower for 1 week now. Lights should be coming on soon. I haven't looked much for sex yet but hoping to see some hairs soon.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Haha, when i'm stoned and tidying, i always start thinking "hey, this tin, this tin is perfect, i'm gonna store my lighters in it". You awke up the next morning and lol, they were never in the tin in the firt place for a good reason, lighters should live in pockets. It occured to me last night that i have NO idea where my bong is it's so long since i last used it, it's normally my little pipe that i'm forever losing thinking i'll put it here, it won't get smashed if i put it here.

smokey mcsmokester

Well-Known Member
What I hate is when I lose something like my lighter or car keys and look around for the item for a minute or 2 only to realize it's been in my hand the whole time.....lol..

past times

Well-Known Member
Or its in the first place you looked. I always check my pockets of what I was wearing the night before and every once in a while miss the keys in a pocket and continue to search for another 15 minutes before looking in that same damn pocket. haha

Progress report. I have smoked 3 bowls, eaten some cereal, watched the pilot to a show called Terriers...I am not sold yet, but I will watch the next episode. Oh yeah, no seeds yet. Lights are on in the flower room though, and i think my fears are confirmed...The JH is a male. That is 3 in a row now that has been male.