Low Budget Royal Dwarf Grow

do you say that cause the yellow leaves on the bottom cause they look like that cause i keep smashing them on the othe pots pretty much choped the tips off them
ye its the bottom leaves that suggest they bit hungry to me, for possibly N, but you are the grower and you know what you have been doin to your ladies, so if you think you have damaged them you are probibally right,

but i would just keep an eye on them, if the yellowing starts to move up the plant i would be inclined to think you have a Deficency on your hands!
nps man will be checking back to see how these dwarfs develop as i got one of um too, posted pics on that thread the other day, still only wee babies but i see growth everyday and they look happy so far!
keep up d good work man!
Some leaves naturally canoe. From my experience it could be moisture stress. Improper PH causes leaves to wilt and twist. Your plants can use a bit of Nitrogen from what it looks like. I would flush and fertilize with flower ferts with a little supplemental N. Just my opinion. My Royal Dwarf didn't really seem to like nutrients but yours are already bigger.
tru yeah i flushed all my plants i narrowed it down to my girlfriend wattering them with bad whater from the hose i depend on her for 1 thing 1 time and what she do fucked it up but there commin back to life now so ill fert them and seee how it goes ill be updating tomorrow peace
Had a similar looking issue from using high ppm tap water. I adjusted ph but it had too much crap in it. Flushed them with RO water and they have been 100% better since I have been using better water. Probably all it was.
well here it goes update time the sick 1 is lookin a lil better but still showin stress the big1 didnt get to sick but there all 11 days into flowering and i cant afforde flowering nutes till the 3rd and there all needing it the other 2 i dont have pics of yet there outside they both are super dwarf same size as last pic of them but just buding any ideas of anything to feed them before i can get nutes becides molasses

I'd just fertilize low strength with veg nutes. Flushing probably would help wash out excess salts and make your soil ph more neutral. I've been using the FFOF which has a hell of a lot of N in it.
Where are the excess salts coming from? if his soil has been ammended with lime then flushing wont do much to the ph of his soil, maybe the watering from the hose just shocked them, if they were ok in this soil and you havent been adding nutes this one dodgy watering wont do much too the ph of your soil, i would say they just need a good feed.
Well if he hasn't fertilized there wouldn't be much of an excess I suppose. Now we are headed into a philosophical debate of course. Flushing v. not flushing. If I recall correctly he's using regular potting soil, I don't recall the mention of lime. I'm assuming the soil doesn't have much of a ph buffer.

Then again if he can't ph the water he's flushing with that can be equally harmful.

If it were me I would have flushed and fertilized 2/3 bloom nutes with a bit of supplemental veg. formula. Then again just an opinion.
yeah i have no ph tester i use tap water that has been left out for 3 days but i am going to the hydro store wednsday any sugestions on bloom nutes im also grabing a bag of ffof ive seen the error in my ways with these autos i think
If you're using the FFOF cut it with 1/3 Light Warrior if possible. It's pretty heavy on the Nitrogen. You can't go wrong with the Fox Farms Trio pack. I wish I could have found some dolomite lime to add as a buffer. I dropped the cash on a digital ph meter so hopefully my ph troubles will be over soon.
most good soils so have bit a lime in them as far as i know, but really would not flush at all, especially as he doesnt have any nutes? and why is any1 worrying about ph when he doesnt have a pen yet, i would also invest in a EC/ppm meter when u go down very good for seeing whats really goin on with your water, when you do get your nutes/meters give them a decent feed/water with the correct ph/ec do so until you get run-off water, then check your run-off water for ph/ec and then you will truely know whats going on in your pots, untill you have the recommended tools for the job sit back and relax and try not to over-love your ladies! for how can you diagnose your patients until then!
I agree that inaction is superior to action when it comes to not having proper tools. However, you are advocating not flushing, which most people would have done by now regardless. I've been in arguments where people swear by flushing and those who never flush. From what I have established he is not using a "good" soil.
If you're using the FFOF cut it with 1/3 Light Warrior if possible. It's pretty heavy on the Nitrogen. You can't go wrong with the Fox Farms Trio pack. I wish I could have found some dolomite lime to add as a buffer. I dropped the cash on a digital ph meter so hopefully my ph troubles will be over soon.

Home depot has a 10 pound bag for 7 bucks of dolomite lime.