Low Budget Royal Dwarf Grow

Flushing can be great i go by flushing if you have a problem, but what would flushing solve in this case is all im getting at? what are you trying to flush out? just saying like that his problem seems to be pointing at lack of food, a flush would futher leech his soil from anything thats left in there in the hope to flush out what? the change the ph to what? i really dont know why he would flush in this scenario is all im saying, flushing is good can really help if its needed, but either way it shocks the plant and then to do it when its not needed would just further hurt it/ starve it
If he gets the Fox Farms nutes and a 7 dollar ph dropper kit he can flush his plants and then fertilize. Yet again I'm assuming he has generic shitty soil with a poor buffer if any. From my own personal experience with bad soil with potential time release ferts in it flushing before fertilizing helped leech the bad shit out and allowed the good shit to be absorbed.
im lovin the advice and yeah i have shitty soil just some scotsdale shit from home depo i know my plant had a problem and flushing def helped but also i did flush a lot of food out i can tell there hungry as shit i groung up some charcole and left them out in the heavy rain last night and they look great this morning the charcole ad rain helped
Yeah man you need to feed those bastards. The stuff you're using likely has/had time-released ferts that will throw your shit off horribly. Flushing in my opinion was a good idea, but you need to feed 'em lol.
yup they need food, post pics few days after u fed um would be nice to see, will be transplanting my lone dwarf along with her Northern lights cousin and there 3 fem friends in nxt few days, will take updated pics today as its been a week but there still in there card pots Chodes! :)
here are some updated pics taken today im waiting on the ups guy right now for my tiger bloom and ph meter they will be here today so figured i post now and then also in a couple days alsothe little plant is my indica viper fem

For real, you gotta start taking pics from a different angle or something.

Either way, I just order some dwarf seed, looking forward to seeing how this goes.
sorry i only have a webcam on my laptop ill try better next time its a nice lil plant but def a dwarf of a plant and i went low budget on these and the buds look nice so with a lil money and know how i give it a thumbs up looking forward to your grow
I'm just giving you a hard time about the pics.

Just keep the thread updated so I can see your progress and I'd be more than happy!