Low Budget Royal Dwarf Grow

i know i see your batch and im amazed but like you the next go around will be better i already have my indica viper lookin good. im so used to photo plants these autos are great for quick smooke what buds i do have look beautifull. also im waiting till march to throw a bunch of the autos outside
hey all, ive been reading a lot of good information on forums like this and found this one so nice that i joined it. In fact this is my second post ever.

i also think what the plants really needed at the beggining was N, as fert (but i guess those dwarves are full of ferts) or just changing your soil to bat guano soil, which is pretty cheap
that way they would have become sturdier and consequently would have developed fatter and heavier buds.
Anyway you learn with your mistakes and this way you taught something to the others.
Can you post some pics of the actual dry and cured thing ?
tru thanks man and welcome to rui i know i could of done a lot more with these autos but im a photo plant guy and wanted to see if thes autos are any good so i figured if i put them in cheep soil and no nutes and the bud was good than there def worth doing right. ALSO I CAME HOME TODAY AND HAD TO CHOP 1 OF THE DWARFS DOWN LIGHT FELL AND BROKE HER IN HALF BUT GOOD THING ITS ONLY 8 DAYS AWAY FROM THE 60 DAY MARK