Low IQ yet again linked to conservative ideas and racism

I got to give that one to ya Dr. K.

I oversimplified your point, which is probably more complex than I gave it credit for.

I believe something similar, however, I think that the more developed the society, the more developed the people are who created it. Most are pretty similar, however, one group of people keep repeating a pattern of failure.

I refuse to believe that their society is equal, as you do, but I go a step further and state that a people who cannot develop a society, and cannot implement one that has already proven to be successful for more than a relatively little while is also somehow inferior.

But you have to be careful assigning measures of success. The Amish may ride in horse and buggies with no electricity but that has nothing to do with development and more to do with choice.

Admitting there are differences between people doesn't make someone racist. It's using the differences to put one group on a pedestol or to denegrate another group that makes someone racist.
All I have ever done is say one group is less intelligent. Is intelligence the only quality that you can't do that with?
But you have to be careful assigning measures of success. The Amish may ride in horse and buggies with no electricity but that has nothing to do with development and more to do with choice.

I consider the Amish to be fully and wholly within our society/culture.

They participate in commerce with the rest of us. They simply do not utilize modern technology in their personal lives. Go to an Amish business and most of them have all the modern stuff, so they can compete.

I have a friend who is a missionary. He likes to go to third world countries and dig wells, as he is a well digger by trade. Modern machines make it simple.

He went to Africa to dig wells for people. According to him, in the first 10 wells he dug, the alpha male of the village came over to the completed well, took some water out, drank it, turned around and took a shit into it.

These people are so smart they shit in their wells.

He said most of these wells arent that deep, under 200 feet and he struck water.

People used to had dig deeper wells in north america and europe. Not africans, apparently.

So, I might set a standard of judgment for a people along the lines of are they willing to do things to improve their condition.

If not, they are fail.
I don't think I'm expressing what I mean clearly BnB and the Amish was most likely a poor analogy.

What I'm saying is, just because we enjoy advancements in the US that other societies don't, doesn't mean those societies WANT to be like us. If the lifestyle they choose seems primitive to us, that doesn't mean it's because of something lacking, it could be as simple as choice.
I don't think I'm expressing what I mean clearly BnB and the Amish was most likely a poor analogy.

What I'm saying is, just because we enjoy advancements in the US that other societies don't, doesn't mean those societies WANT to be like us. If the lifestyle they choose seems primitive to us, that doesn't mean it's because of something lacking, it could be as simple as choice.

Well, to that end, I only view one society as inferior, I used to view two that way, but my views on aboriginal Americans have changed.

Other societies are just different, there is something from them that we could learn. Eastern Asian societies for example. We are all about ourselves, they tend to think of the whole more than we do. They will put what's best for them behind what's best for their family or town or country much more willingly than your average westerner.

No one on earth has been as successful at primitive navigation as the Polynesians.

Here is my point. My views about black Africans are not based on hate. I am willing to accept them as equals. I have just not seen any evidence that they are, but instead have only seen evidence that they are not.

Anyone got a link to something that shows them doing obtaining excellence at something, I'm all ears.
My views about black Africans are not based on hate. I am willing to accept them as equals. I have just not seen any evidence that they are, but instead have only seen evidence that they are not.

My views on you are not based in hate. I would accept you as an equal, I just have not seen any evidence that you are, just evidence that you are a knuckle dragging racist with a substandard IQ.
Other societies are just different, there is something from them that we could learn. Eastern Asian societies for example. We are all about ourselves, they tend to think of the whole more than we do. They will put what's best for them behind what's best for their family or town or country much more willingly than your average westerner.

One could argue that our society USED to be like that. It's only recently that we all started buying houses with closets the size of bedrooms our grandparents grew up in and shared with siblings. It was not uncommon for 3 or 4 generations to live under the same roof and the elderly here used to be revered, not seen as unproductive members.
i feel like that's a rough and ready metaphor for stealing your dad's tools and your mom's jewelry.
If you are saying that the average African has the comparative mentality of a heroin addict, then yes buck, that is the smartest thing you've said to date.
One could argue that our society USED to be like that. It's only recently that we all started buying houses with closets the size of bedrooms our grandparents grew up in and shared with siblings. It was not uncommon for 3 or 4 generations to live under the same roof and the elderly here used to be revered, not seen as unproductive members.
Societies develop and change over time. You are right, a long time ago Europe was bronze age and cave dwelling and all of that. Society progressed to its zenith, the Grecco/Roman world. Each had rivals, Greece had Persia, Rome had Carthage, and through it all, far to the east was China. Not long after the Native Americans were building pyramids in meso America. The tribes in the USA were building very impressive societies in North America. There was a city around St. Louis (forget the name of it) which was at its peak from 1200-1600 AD. I would have chose to live there instead of London at the same time.

In Europe, Rome fell, and Europe was stagnated for some time, you had the Mongles, the Tartars, the Vikings all ransacking and preventing progress. You had the constant threat of an Ottoman invasion from the east. But through it all, the west thrived in many ways, and ultimately stabilized and reached a new zenith, and we're still climbing.

Arab/middle eastern culture has had its ebbs and flows. East Asian has had highs and lows. Obviously the new world got the short end of that cultural exchange, I would say that although never in last place, they went extinct.

But through it all, one place has been in last place.

Show me the Sub-Saharan version of: Shakespeare, Confucius, Charlemaign, or the like!

I know there are VERY intelligent black people. That isn't the discussion. The smartest person alive may well be black sub saharan. But why are they complete failures at living?
Your post almost reads like a Sam Kennison bit. "It's SAND!!"

Don't equate ignorance with a lack of intelligence. Because someone doesn't know of the ways of the west doesn't mean a lack of intelligence, they simply don't know. Many of liberal minds will argue that colonization that our people are famous for are poisoning the world. One man's junk is another man's treasure.

There are times working in the rat race where I think the native Americans had it right, living as one with the land and all that. Then I get in my car, drive home, turn up the A/C or heat and watch TV and forget those thoughts.

It's all perspective really.
Your post almost reads like a Sam Kennison bit. "It's SAND!!"

Don't equate ignorance with a lack of intelligence. Because someone doesn't know of the ways of the west doesn't mean a lack of intelligence, they simply don't know. Many of liberal minds will argue that colonization that our people are famous for are poisoning the world. One man's junk is another man's treasure.

There are times working in the rat race where I think the native Americans had it right, living as one with the land and all that. Then I get in my car, drive home, turn up the A/C or heat and watch TV and forget those thoughts.

It's all perspective really.

At the end of the day, they are human and deserve to be treated equally. I have never advocated for suppression of any group based on race, yada yada yada, or sexual orientation.

But I am willing to explore the differences between groups and fine with pointing out the differences between different groups.

For instance, I think white people tend to lack a quality that most other races seem to have that usually have them tend to want to be in some sort of equilibrium with the world around them.

A famous Mexican once said "Poor Mexico, so far from God, so close to the USA"

If you live next to white people, you need to be worried, they will come take your shit by force if they want it.

  • If you live next to white people, you need to be worried, they will come take your shit by force if they want it.​

Yes, yes... the LA riots taught us that... All that white looting... Oh wait....
two of the lowest IQ people on this forum (nutesandnugs, NLXSK1) are proving the point about this thread now. low IQ and racism go hand in hand.
If you are saying that the average African has the comparative mentality of a heroin addict, then yes buck, that is the smartest thing you've said to date.

you shat on the hand that fed you. metaphorically, of course. you didn't literally take a shit on your dad's tools or your mom's jewelry, you stole it from them and pawned it for drug money.

some would see it as the same as the behavior you accuse others of being low IQ for doing.
two of the lowest IQ people on this forum (nutesandnugs, NLXSK1) are proving the point about this thread now. low IQ and racism go hand in hand.

Buck proves yet again to have no clue what the definition of racism is. He is like a retarded parrot with turetts...

Words come out of your mouth yet have absolutely no meaning...
Buck proves yet again to have no clue what the definition of racism is. He is like a retarded parrot with turetts...

Words come out of your mouth yet have absolutely no meaning...

those black people only voted for that democrat because he was half-black.