Low IQ yet again linked to conservative ideas and racism

Most of what you say in that post is true Buck, until you herp derp your racist shit. True and irrelevant to the point.

Now tell us how Kynes is wrong about your policies hurting those you are pretending to help? You can't, all you have is RACIST!!

Serious question, was posting on RIU part of your make a wish? If it was, I'll leave you in piece.
Now tell us how Kynes is wrong about your policies hurting those you are pretending to help?

actually, since you are the ones asserting it as truth, the burden of proof is on you to explain how assistance programs like food stamps or welfare, which most people get off of within a year or two, are somehow hurting folks irreparably over the course of decades.

have at it, dummy.
Here's my proof bucktard.

where's yours?
yes, it sure was.

to say that blacks created their own plight for themselves is not only historically inaccurate and willfully ignorant, it is incredibly racist.

it is part of his narrative of white persecution and hopeless blacks.

he thinks that if he can simply assert that blacks created their own plight (rather than centuries of persecution) and perpetuate their own plight (rather than the inherent difficulties in escaping the poverty cycle), he can hold them to blame, and create a narrative where a group of people who did it all to themselves are now terrorizing whitey (both financially and with relation to crime).

if you can't see exactly what he's trying to do, then look again.

he is trying to create a narrative of inherent european cultural superiority (see white supremacy) and hopeless, victimizing black culture (and they all did it to themselves!).

it's retarded and racist.

simple proof that you have no idea what you are talking about:


for you TLDR types, after the civil war many now free blacks moved to harlem, established an enclave of New Negro culture, and shit was good. art music poetry, intellectual discourse, and conviviality flourished in an open and accepting atmosphere, as The New Negro stepped into american culture, and re-interpreted it through the Black Experience, creating something new and remarkable.
the last sentence explains why this movement died:

"This progressivist worldview rendered Black intellectuals—just like their White counterparts—unprepared for the rude shock of the Great Depression, and the Harlem Renaissance ended abruptly because of naive assumptions about the centrality of culture, unrelated to economic and social realities."

Translation: Too much liberalism, with insufficient economic underpinnings to survive the great depression, and later, during the economic recovery, the slave mentality of waiting for Massah to bring you your food and clothing had re-emerged, destroying almost all real progress in the Black Community.

and the democrats stepped right in to play the benevolent Massah, and offer all the neccessities of life, and all you had to do was submit.

Those heartless Conservatives, demand that you stand.


All the Democrats ask is that you Kneel.
simple proof that you have no idea what you are talking about:


for you TLDR types, after the civil war many now free blacks moved to harlem, established an enclave of New Negro culture, and shit was good. art music poetry, intellectual discourse, and conviviality flourished in an open and accepting atmosphere, as The New Negro stepped into american culture, and re-interpreted it through the Black Experience, creating something new and remarkable.
the last sentence explains why this movement died:

"This progressivist worldview rendered Black intellectuals—just like their White counterparts—unprepared for the rude shock of the Great Depression, and the Harlem Renaissance ended abruptly because of naive assumptions about the centrality of culture, unrelated to economic and social realities."

Translation: Too much liberalism, with insufficient economic underpinnings to survive the great depression, and later, during the economic recovery, the slave mentality of waiting for Massah to bring you your food and clothing had re-emerged, destroying almost all real progress in the Black Community.

and the democrats stepped right in to play the benevolent Massah, and offer all the neccessities of life, and all you had to do was submit.

Those heartless Conservatives, demand that you stand.


All the Democrats ask is that you Kneel.

i really like your posts and i refer to them affectionately as kynes "isms"..however, i don't like your memes making fun of the president..whether you like him or not..it's disrespectful and i know you were taught better..remember when we took pride in putting our right hands over our hearts for "the pledge of allegiance"?..it was blasphemy to put down the President of the United States of America..
in the mail. I also threw in a picture of my erection FOC. It's just a little thank you from us here at sports sesh

I'm sure you will say it again. You girls love to use my coined terms. I will just put it on your bill and send out a monthly invoice.
since race is mainly a social construct, i am gonna have to disagree with you wholeheartedly.

Was saying that BnB belongs to his own race of intellectually inferior offspring resulting from medicine and technology circumventing "survival of the fittest".
i really like your posts and i refer to them affectionately as kynes "isms"..however, i don't like your memes making fun of the president..whether you like him or not..it's disrespectful and i know you were taught better..remember when we took pride in putting our right hands over our hearts for "the pledge of allegiance"?..it was blasphemy to put down the President of the United States of America..

when was that?






i never swore any oath of allegiance to any man, only to the flag, and the constitution it represents.
i really like your posts and i refer to them affectionately as kynes "isms"..however, i don't like your memes making fun of the president..whether you like him or not..it's disrespectful and i know you were taught better..remember when we took pride in putting our right hands over our hearts for "the pledge of allegiance"?..it was blasphemy to put down the President of the United States of America..

[h=2]blas·phe·my[/h] noun \ˈblas-fə-mē\: great disrespect shown to God or to something holy
: something said or done that is disrespectful to God or to something holy


CloseStyle: MLA APA Chicago

[h=2]Full Definition of BLASPHEMY[/h]1
a: the act of insulting or showing contempt or lack of reverence for God
b: the act of claiming the attributes of deity

: irreverence toward something considered sacred or inviolable

See blasphemy defined for English-language learners »

See blasphemy defined for kids »

[h=2]Examples of BLASPHEMY[/h]
  • She was condemned by the church for uttering blasphemies.
  • <in the 17th century the Quakers were persecuted for beliefs and practices that older churches regarded as blasphemies>

Your use of the word makes his post more relevent me thinks.
I know Canadian French, to be honest I'm not sure about Parisian French. Vous was always a group of people... /shrug

canadian french should be just plain french.

as i understand it, the french is very stable, because french people will not let you fuck around with their language.

thats why french is the Number 2 second language in the world, right behind english.

if you want to talk to people all over the world, learn english, if you want to hedge your bets and add another language, french puts you over the top, which is why i chose it.

i do need to practice more and improve my grammar, but i enjoy it when french waiters weep their bitter tears, as i rape their beloved language.
societies can be as primitive and retrogade as fuck, yet when an person leaves that society, and embraces a new cultural paradigm, he can grow, improve, and become just as successful as any person born to that newly adopted society.

Example: one of my friends was in fact Nigerian. he hated living in Nigeria, he despised the tribalism, the rejection of logic, and the refusal by the majority of the populace to accept any new idea more complex than a 419 scam.

when he was 19 he LEFT Nigeria and immigrated to the US, took night classes, learned english, got a job, took more night classes, and got a new better job with an engineering firm.

the stories he told of life in Nigeria were horrifying, all the wacky crazy insane stupid ridiculous shit was 100% a result of a society that is trying to put on the trappings of the modern world and european society over the bulky elaborate costumes of Nigeria's tribal past.

those who leave behind the baggage of primitive tribal societies, and embrace a better way (the european social structure) can do great things. adopting the technology os modern society, while still preserving the outmoded misconceptions, primitive superstitions, and backward memes of primitive tribal cultures guarantees that any modernization will fail.

I agree with most of this, but I don't necessarilly think the 'European way' is the only way. Look at the Chinese, still going strong after 4000? years? (Too lazy to google)

it's not the people who are failures, it is the obsolete cultural imperatives and pointless superstitions which result in the shitstorm of fail you can find in the isolated islands of the Philippines, most of the moslem world, and most of africa.

Ass backwards superstitious cultures make me chuckle at best, and horrified at worst.

societies which crave modern technology, but refuse to adapt to the social forms which this technology necessitates will either revert (violently) back to the primitive cultural and social norms of their past, or will become a cargo cult society, hopelessly praying for deliverance from outside sources.

modern american urban black slum culture is a cargo cult, demanding that they be delivered out of the very problems they created for themselves, while deriding and rejecting anyone who actually tries to deliver themselves from the fail.

Annnnd you lost me. You can't honestly believe that all of the problems that exist in black culture were caused by black people, it's only been a few decades since they were granted rights. I mean, come on! There are still people alive that had to drink from separate fountains, and weren't allowed to go into places because of their skin colour. If you were treated like shit for 30 years, then all of a sudden the laws changed, would you instantly forget about how you were treated? I don't think anyone possible could.

With that in mind, there are still people alive who loved the segregation days and want them back, so how could the attitudes change toward one another in so few generations?

those black americans (and black immigrants) who throw off the self made shackles of cultural self-segregation and embrace modern society do quite well for themselves. but of course they are Sellouts, Oreos, Uncle Toms, or House Niggers in the minds of those who still think if they vote democrat, and chant into the fake coconut shell radio, and remain faithful to the failed welfare state, the great silver bird will come with much cargo.

democrats, race baiters, and leftists love having a victim class, they are so much easier to manipulate than free thinking people, so the black american cargo cult culture persists.
and of course the violence poverty and lawlessness of black urban culture plays neatly in the memes of the racist democrat core. thus the democrat can mutter in secret "i mean just look at that... clearly they are inferior, so obviously "Segregation Forever" was the right idea..."
lol... what? Oh, Kynes.... you crazy bastard.

democrat politics is a double ended dildo, and black america is fucking itself with both.

I agree with most of this, but I don't necessarilly think the 'European way' is the only way. Look at the Chinese, still going strong after 4000? years? (Too lazy to google)

Ass backwards superstitious cultures make me chuckle at best, and horrified at worst.


Annnnd you lost me. Not all of the problems in black American culture have been caused by black culture itself. You can't honestly believe that all of the problems that exist in black culture were caused by black people, it's only been a few decades since they were granted rights.

lol... what? Oh, Kynes.... you crazy bastard.


lost ya with the cargo cult metaphor, ehh hoser?

ya see, when you tell a group of people that it's not their fault, that they will always fail no matter how hard they work, and they are being sabotaged by a secretive cabal of racist conservatives (the republican party) they will naturally stop trying, since pushing that boulder up the hill for eternity is crazy.

when you follow that up with a promise that if they will just vote democrat, all their wishes will be fulfilled and they will receive free money, well of course they will vote for you, you promised them everything they want, for nothing but a worthless vote with no dollar value.

and when you fulfill that promise of free money in exchange for their En-Bloc vote, they will attack any member of their own group who dares decline this generous deal, not only because it forces them to see that they have sold their Hope for chump Change, but because if the black community stops voting En-Bloc for democrats, democrats might stop passing legislation that gives them free shit.

democrats are now making that same appeal to chicanos, and it is working. before long, the chicano community may well be exactly as fucked up as the black community is.


lemme canada that up for ya.

when the only restaurant in Medicine Hat is the Tim Hortons, the Tim Hortons managers will spread lies about the Harveys being constructed nearby. they will give away free doughnuts and coffee to those who promise to boycott Harveys, and when Harveys shuts down, they promise to give free Gravy Fries and Molsens to all the faithful cannucks who helped drive those hosers out of town.

the democrats are running the same deal.