Well, to that end, I only view one society as inferior, I used to view two that way, but my views on aboriginal Americans have changed.
Other societies are just different, there is something from them that we could learn. Eastern Asian societies for example. We are all about ourselves, they tend to think of the whole more than we do. They will put what's best for them behind what's best for their family or town or country much more willingly than your average westerner.
No one on earth has been as successful at primitive navigation as the Polynesians.
Here is my point. My views about black Africans are not based on hate. I am willing to accept them as equals. I have just not seen any evidence that they are, but instead have only seen evidence that they are not.
Anyone got a link to something that shows them doing obtaining excellence at something, I'm all ears.
societies can be as primitive and retrogade as fuck, yet when an person leaves that society, and embraces a new cultural paradigm, he can grow, improve, and become just as successful as any person born to that newly adopted society.
Example: one of my friends was in fact Nigerian. he hated living in Nigeria, he despised the tribalism, the rejection of logic, and the refusal by the majority of the populace to accept any new idea more complex than a 419 scam.
when he was 19 he LEFT Nigeria and immigrated to the US, took night classes, learned english, got a job, took more night classes, and got a new better job with an engineering firm.
the stories he told of life in Nigeria were horrifying, all the wacky crazy insane stupid ridiculous shit was 100% a result of a society that is trying to put on the trappings of the modern world and european society over the bulky elaborate costumes of Nigeria's tribal past.
those who leave behind the baggage of primitive tribal societies, and embrace a better way (the european social structure) can do great things. adopting the technology os modern society, while still preserving the outmoded misconceptions, primitive superstitions, and backward memes of primitive tribal cultures guarantees that any modernization will fail.
it's not the people who are failures, it is the obsolete cultural imperatives and pointless superstitions which result in the shitstorm of fail you can find in the isolated islands of the Philippines, most of the moslem world, and most of africa.
societies which crave modern technology, but refuse to adapt to the social forms which this technology necessitates will either revert (violently) back to the primitive cultural and social norms of their past, or will become a cargo cult society, hopelessly praying for deliverance from outside sources.
modern american urban black slum culture is a cargo cult, demanding that they be delivered out of the very problems they created for themselves, while deriding and rejecting anyone who actually tries to deliver themselves from the fail.
those black americans (and black immigrants) who throw off the self made shackles of cultural self-segregation and embrace modern society do quite well for themselves. but of course they are Sellouts, Oreos, Uncle Toms, or House Niggers in the minds of those who still think if they vote democrat, and chant into the fake coconut shell radio, and remain faithful to the failed welfare state, the great silver bird will come with much cargo.
democrats, race baiters, and leftists love having a victim class, they are so much easier to manipulate than free thinking people, so the black american cargo cult culture persists.
and of course the violence poverty and lawlessness of black urban culture plays neatly in the memes of the racist democrat core. thus the democrat can mutter in secret "i mean just look at that... clearly they are inferior, so obviously "Segregation Forever" was the right idea..."
democrat politics is a double ended dildo, and black america is fucking itself with both.