Low IQ yet again linked to conservative ideas and racism

Bucky lives in his own little fantasy world.

He has to. His real life sucks....



My views on you are not based in hate. I would accept you as an equal, I just have not seen any evidence that you are, just evidence that you are a knuckle dragging racist with a substandard IQ.

Take the LSAT, study for just a couple months, and unless you get a 160 or better, you're not in my league.
I don't know about Low IQ but I've always said that Republicans are the lowest educated folks you can meet. I'm not saying that you can't be a Harvard grad with a PHD in Economics if you're a republican, but the highest majority of uneducated people, people who are sheep (sheeple if you will) and don't study or learn the facts and act more on ignorance than rationale are republicans. The more educated people seem to think for themselves and I found usually fall somewhere between conservatives and liberals but are themselves sheeple and side with what they feel is the lesser of 2 evils when it comes to politics. I'm no good either I say fuck the whole system!!

Bottom 10 states (for HS graduation)

[TABLE="class: wikitable sortable jquery-tablesorter, width: 1"]
[TD]South Carolina[/TD]
[TD]New Mexico[/TD]
[TD]West Virginia[/TD]

Taking California out and New Mexico (which goes back n forth but currently is democratic) the other 8 are all conservative states

Top 10 for High School graduation

[TABLE="class: wikitable sortable jquery-tablesorter, width: 1"]
[TD]New Hampshire[/TD]

7/10 states are Liberal... numbers don't lie, another thing to note and a totally different topic, the Blue states that are in the top 10 have by in large a lot higher Social Capital than most other blue states, this surely due to the population and ruralness of those states.
I wonder if it's corollary, but if you look at the states in the first box, sports and entertainment are a higher priority than education.

It saddens me to see that list, Michigan used to be in the top 5 for education and now it's not even in the top 10. My state is steadily declining.
I don't know about Low IQ but I've always said that Republicans are the lowest educated folks you can meet. I'm not saying that you can't be a Harvard grad with a PHD in Economics if you're a republican, but the highest majority of uneducated people, people who are sheep (sheeple if you will) and don't study or learn the facts and act more on ignorance than rationale are republicans. The more educated people seem to think for themselves and I found usually fall somewhere between conservatives and liberals but are themselves sheeple and side with what they feel is the lesser of 2 evils when it comes to politics. I'm no good either I say fuck the whole system!!

Bottom 10 states (for HS graduation)

[TABLE="class: wikitable sortable jquery-tablesorter, width: 1"]
[TD]South Carolina[/TD]
[TD]New Mexico[/TD]
[TD]West Virginia[/TD]

Taking California out and New Mexico (which goes back n forth but currently is democratic) the other 8 are all conservative states

Top 10 for High School graduation

[TABLE="class: wikitable sortable jquery-tablesorter, width: 1"]
[TD]New Hampshire[/TD]

7/10 states are Liberal... numbers don't lie, another thing to note and a totally different topic, the Blue states that are in the top 10 have by in large a lot higher Social Capital than most other blue states, this surely due to the population and ruralness of those states.

Another interesting fact, draw from it what you will

Top 10 HS graduation states:

Wyoming - 85% White
Minnesota - 83% White
Alaska 64% White
New Hampshite - 92% White
Vermont - 94% White
Montana - 87% White
Iowa - 88% White
Hawaii - 22% White
Utah - 98% White
Main - 94% White

Lowest 10 HS education
S. Carolina - 64% white
Tennessee - 74% White
New Mexico - 40% White
West Virgina - 94% White
Arkansas - 74% White
Louisianna - 60% White
Alabama - 67% White
Kentucky - 86% White
California - 40% White
Mississippi - 50% White
Texas - 45% White
Another interesting fact, draw from it what you will

Top 10 HS graduation states:

Wyoming - 85% White
Minnesota - 83% White
Alaska 64% White
New Hampshite - 92% White
Vermont - 94% White
Montana - 87% White
Iowa - 88% White
Hawaii - 22% White
Utah - 98% White
Main - 94% White

Lowest 10 HS education
S. Carolina - 64% white
Tennessee - 74% White
New Mexico - 40% White
West Virgina - 94% White
Arkansas - 74% White
Louisianna - 60% White
Alabama - 67% White
Kentucky - 86% White
California - 40% White
Mississippi - 50% White
Texas - 45% White

You cant draw anything from those statistics if you dont know what percentage of whites did not pass compared to what percentage of minorities.

Most statistics are useless for anything but propaganda.
Well, to that end, I only view one society as inferior, I used to view two that way, but my views on aboriginal Americans have changed.

Other societies are just different, there is something from them that we could learn. Eastern Asian societies for example. We are all about ourselves, they tend to think of the whole more than we do. They will put what's best for them behind what's best for their family or town or country much more willingly than your average westerner.

No one on earth has been as successful at primitive navigation as the Polynesians.

Here is my point. My views about black Africans are not based on hate. I am willing to accept them as equals. I have just not seen any evidence that they are, but instead have only seen evidence that they are not.

Anyone got a link to something that shows them doing obtaining excellence at something, I'm all ears.

societies can be as primitive and retrogade as fuck, yet when an person leaves that society, and embraces a new cultural paradigm, he can grow, improve, and become just as successful as any person born to that newly adopted society.

Example: one of my friends was in fact Nigerian. he hated living in Nigeria, he despised the tribalism, the rejection of logic, and the refusal by the majority of the populace to accept any new idea more complex than a 419 scam.

when he was 19 he LEFT Nigeria and immigrated to the US, took night classes, learned english, got a job, took more night classes, and got a new better job with an engineering firm.

the stories he told of life in Nigeria were horrifying, all the wacky crazy insane stupid ridiculous shit was 100% a result of a society that is trying to put on the trappings of the modern world and european society over the bulky elaborate costumes of Nigeria's tribal past.

those who leave behind the baggage of primitive tribal societies, and embrace a better way (the european social structure) can do great things. adopting the technology os modern society, while still preserving the outmoded misconceptions, primitive superstitions, and backward memes of primitive tribal cultures guarantees that any modernization will fail.

it's not the people who are failures, it is the obsolete cultural imperatives and pointless superstitions which result in the shitstorm of fail you can find in the isolated islands of the Philippines, most of the moslem world, and most of africa.

societies which crave modern technology, but refuse to adapt to the social forms which this technology necessitates will either revert (violently) back to the primitive cultural and social norms of their past, or will become a cargo cult society, hopelessly praying for deliverance from outside sources.

modern american urban black slum culture is a cargo cult, demanding that they be delivered out of the very problems they created for themselves, while deriding and rejecting anyone who actually tries to deliver themselves from the fail.

those black americans (and black immigrants) who throw off the self made shackles of cultural self-segregation and embrace modern society do quite well for themselves. but of course they are Sellouts, Oreos, Uncle Toms, or House Niggers in the minds of those who still think if they vote democrat, and chant into the fake coconut shell radio, and remain faithful to the failed welfare state, the great silver bird will come with much cargo.

democrats, race baiters, and leftists love having a victim class, they are so much easier to manipulate than free thinking people, so the black american cargo cult culture persists.
and of course the violence poverty and lawlessness of black urban culture plays neatly in the memes of the racist democrat core. thus the democrat can mutter in secret "i mean just look at that... clearly they are inferior, so obviously "Segregation Forever" was the right idea..."

democrat politics is a double ended dildo, and black america is fucking itself with both.
modern american urban black slum culture is a cargo cult, demanding that they be delivered out of the very problems they created for themselves

the whole rant of yours was retarded and racist, but this is perhaps the stupidest part, and perhaps the most racist. it is certainly the most willfully ignorant of basic historical facts.

keep on telling us all about the superiority of white european culture while making crude and false stereotypes of anything you view as black culture, all while proclaiming yourself to not be racist, and just see if anyone believes you.
His statement WAS NOT racist. He said anyone with the drive and motivation, who is able to leave the urban slums (Or african poverty/violence), can vastly improve their life.

He said for Africa:

it's not the people who are failures, it is the obsolete cultural imperatives and pointless superstitions which result in the shitstorm of fail you can find in the isolated islands of the Philippines, most of the moslem world, and most of africa.

For urban black americans (although it applies to any person in urban poverty):

those black americans (and black immigrants) who throw off the self made shackles of cultural self-segregation and embrace modern society do quite well for themselves
BignBushy says that black people are intellectually inferior and incapable of assimilating into Non-african cultures/countries.

THAT is racist.
Bignbushy thinks that an African man/family not traversing the unknown (in a distance that can span from days to months to cross with death likely) to find an ocean or river (that would contain trade routes, which they would have no knowledge of) indicates that the African race is intellectually inferior to Europeans.

Europeans that had large concentrated communities, oceans and rivers never more than a day or two away.

Is there truly a intellectually inferior race of humans on earth? Strong signs point to Yes.

I think BignBushy must be the product of increases in technology and medicine which allowed people to procreate that normally would of died in their early teens due to improper brain function.
His statement WAS NOT racist.

yes, it sure was.

to say that blacks created their own plight for themselves is not only historically inaccurate and willfully ignorant, it is incredibly racist.

it is part of his narrative of white persecution and hopeless blacks.

he thinks that if he can simply assert that blacks created their own plight (rather than centuries of persecution) and perpetuate their own plight (rather than the inherent difficulties in escaping the poverty cycle), he can hold them to blame, and create a narrative where a group of people who did it all to themselves are now terrorizing whitey (both financially and with relation to crime).

if you can't see exactly what he's trying to do, then look again.

he is trying to create a narrative of inherent european cultural superiority (see white supremacy) and hopeless, victimizing black culture (and they all did it to themselves!).

it's retarded and racist.
I am pretty sure the good doc was talking about the policies of the democratic party that have kept urban areas in poverty. Urban blacks have been voting for those policies in vast majorities for 50 years.

It's his opinion that voting for policies that are harmful to you, is self infliction. (the way I read it)

You disagree that those policies are bad, but don't have the intellect to explain why, so you do what you do, yell racist.
I am pretty sure the good doc was talking about the policies of the democratic party that have kept urban areas in poverty.

yes, let's all just take this statement as true because racists like you and kkkynes keep repeating it.

it couldn't have anything to do with centuries of persecution and the difficulty of escaping the poverty cycle, could it?

it couldn't have anything to do with the fact that it will be tougher to get a job if you simply have a black name, could it?

it couldn't have anything to do with the greater likelihood of victimization that comes with being black, could it? i mean, longer prison sentences for the same crime, a greater chance of being profiled, pulled over, searched, arrested, etc?

i bet you probably agree with kkkynes also that black people get busted for pot at 8 times the rate of whites (despite similar usage rates) because they are always "in da streetz", as kkkynes so eloquently puts it, eh?

that fits real nicely into the "they do it to themselves!" line of racisst narrative that racists like you and kkkynes so wish to push.

just disgusting and ignorant is all you are.