Low IQ yet again linked to conservative ideas and racism

your racist oversimplification aside, people do advocate against the predictably lopsided outcomes in the american justice system and beyond.

it takes a real special type of person to make light of the injustices that are clearly carried out in a disproportionate manner to people of different races, nationalities, etc.

you are that person, be proud of yourself.

I say good riddance to all them meth head rednecks in prison. Buck just make sure you keep smiling real purdy for the popo.
you cant tell that dipshit anything. there is proof and statistics that show black ppl commit 7 times more crime than whites. buck is only inclined to believe that it is only true because of "white america" and apparently not comprehending that the statistics are from them getting caught and not because of racial profiling.

you know your theory is in rough shape when a former member of white supremacy groups agrees with it while no credible analyst anywhere does.

what kynes is attempting to do is to pin all the blame on blacks and point to them as the ones who cause and self perpetuate the racially lopsided outcomes that we observe in our criminal justice system.

blacks and whites both smoke weed at about the same rate, yet blacks are literally 8 times more likely to be busted for it.

and while kynes' anecdotal "in the streets" line of blame game does appeal to a former white supremacy group member like you, there is a reason why no one else anywhere posits that theory as an actual explanation for the discrepancies we see.

the fact is that just having a black name makes you less likely to get a call back for a job.

being black makes you more likely to be pulled over, searched, or arrested.

being black makes you more likely to receive a harsher sentence for the same crime.

none of this has a thing to do with being "in the streets" or kynes' other favorite go to about how rap music causes rape.

it is simple minded racism that tries to deny the role of profiling and other racially lopsided practices and attempts to blame the victim for self perpetuating their own victimhood.

and you are dumb enough to buy into it.
and rednecks are involved in 90+% of the drunk tractor driving incidents.

is this the result of a melanin deficit, or are rednecks just more inclined to get drunk and drive a tractor?

street crime is the easiest crime to catch, and STREET CRIME is the most prevalent form of crime in the black community.

commit the same crimes in the comfort and privacy of your own home, or out in the boonies where there isnt a cop behind every bush and youll get busted a lot less.

those particular crimes which by their very nature ALWAYS occur "In Public", like drunk driving (non-tractor type), vagrancy, drunk in public, etc, show a far more representative rate of arrest for blacks (as ~12% of the population) than other types of crime, since it's really fucking hard to be a vagrant, or drive drunk in your living room, even for the most circumspect honkey.

if black people simply stopped smoking weed on the streets, they would be busted for smoking weed on the streets far less, thus eliminating the "racist prosecutions"
conversely if whitey abandoned smoking weed in non-public places, and took his doobies to the street, as is common in the black community, you would see a marked rise in crackah ass honkeys getting pinched for dope, and a resulting reduction in the % of blacks busted for smoking dope, even if the absolute number remains the same.

and yet, as the previously posted FBI stats reveal, blacks (still ~12% of the population) get busted for white collar crimes (embezzlement, fraud, counterfeiting) at rates far in excess of their representation in the population.

it's such a mystery...

ohh wait, no it's not.

black popular culture lionizes criminality. it celebrates theft, burglary robbery, fraud, dope dealing, murder, rape, assault, fraud, pimping, illegal gambling, and all manner of other forms of "sticking it to the man".
only a fool is surprised that blacks simply commit more crimes, since the black community has embraced a cultural imperative to BE A CRIMINAL, while having a job, going to school, and not robbing liquor stores is considered "selling out"

there's a reason why no one else espouses your retarded and demonstrably false theory.
you know your theory is in rough shape when a former member of white supremacy groups agrees with it while no credible analyst anywhere does.

what kynes is attempting to do is to pin all the blame on blacks and point to them as the ones who cause and self perpetuate the racially lopsided outcomes that we observe in our criminal justice system.

blacks and whites both smoke weed at about the same rate, yet blacks are literally 8 times more likely to be busted for it.

and while kynes' anecdotal "in the streets" line of blame game does appeal to a former white supremacy group member like you, there is a reason why no one else anywhere posits that theory as an actual explanation for the discrepancies we see.

the fact is that just having a black name makes you less likely to get a call back for a job.

being black makes you more likely to be pulled over, searched, or arrested.

being black makes you more likely to receive a harsher sentence for the same crime.

none of this has a thing to do with being "in the streets" or kynes' other favorite go to about how rap music causes rape.

it is simple minded racism that tries to deny the role of profiling and other racially lopsided practices and attempts to blame the victim for self perpetuating their own victimhood.

and you are dumb enough to buy into it.

I agree. To make things fair, we should force you to grow in the inner city. Why do you get to grow in the sparsely populated areas of Oregon with your fellow meth heads? That's just racist! In communism, no one gets unfair white man advantage. Good journey, comrade.
you know your theory is in rough shape when a former member of white supremacy groups agrees with it while no credible analyst anywhere does.

what kynes is attempting to do is to pin all the blame on blacks and point to them as the ones who cause and self perpetuate the racially lopsided outcomes that we observe in our criminal justice system.

blacks and whites both smoke weed at about the same rate, yet blacks are literally 8 times more likely to be busted for it.

and while kynes' anecdotal "in the streets" line of blame game does appeal to a former white supremacy group member like you, there is a reason why no one else anywhere posits that theory as an actual explanation for the discrepancies we see.

the fact is that just having a black name makes you less likely to get a call back for a job.

being black makes you more likely to be pulled over, searched, or arrested.

being black makes you more likely to receive a harsher sentence for the same crime.

none of this has a thing to do with being "in the streets" or kynes' other favorite go to about how rap music causes rape.

it is simple minded racism that tries to deny the role of profiling and other racially lopsided practices and attempts to blame the victim for self perpetuating their own victimhood.

and you are dumb enough to buy into it.

what are you doing to change it? Spending your days widening the racial divide doesn't count mrs. Christie.
I agree. To make things fair, we should force you to grow in the inner city. Why do you get to grow in the sparsely populated areas of Oregon with your fellow meth heads? That's just racist! In communism, no one gets unfair white man advantage. Good journey, comrade.

i am 6 blocks from the drug recovery clinic, 10 blocks from the courthouse and two separate cop shops, and less than a mile from the county jail.

i can walk to the downtown theater and restaurants in 5 minutes.

sparsely populated my ass.
i am 6 blocks from the drug recovery clinic, 10 blocks from the courthouse and two separate cop shops, and less than a mile from the county jail.

i can walk to the downtown theater and restaurants in 5 minutes.

sparsely populated my ass.

I bet you consider Beaverton a metropolis. We have areas like Oregon. Go check out Crestline.
Mentioning KFC was the implication of racial resentment remember asshat. Choom boy was a racial slur too remember? So is mulatto according to the resident stormfront member.

Hit and a miss, just like to 30kg you're missing...

so i just want to get this straight: you are fond of joining white supremacy groups and befriending white supremacists, but suddenly you want us to believe you are concerned about the racial divide?

do i have that right?
the fact is that just having a black name makes you less likely to get a call back for a job.

being black makes you more likely to be pulled over, searched, or arrested.

being black makes you more likely to receive a harsher sentence for the same crime.

Ummm No.

you should visit the south, if you were to voice this opinion openly you would find less than 15% of the black population might agree with you though so you would perhaps feel justified.

Most all black white and brown would simply roll their eyes as they walk on by.

The fact is the other 85% (if not all) of the black population would think you are retarded and suggest you get a job.
Ummm No.

you should visit the south, if you were to voice this opinion openly you would find less than 15% of the black population might agree with you though so you would perhaps feel justified.

Most all black white and brown would simply roll their eyes as they walk on by.

The fact is the other 85% (if not all) of the black population would think you are retarded and suggest you get a job.

The south has seen more jobs growth as opposed to the north in the last decade. People from northern states are actively seeking work and relocating to the south for a better outlook and lifestyle.
you know your theory is in rough shape when a former member of white supremacy groups agrees with it while no credible analyst anywhere does.

what kynes is attempting to do is to pin all the blame on blacks and point to them as the ones who cause and self perpetuate the racially lopsided outcomes that we observe in our criminal justice system.

blacks and whites both smoke weed at about the same rate, yet blacks are literally 8 times more likely to be busted for it.

and while kynes' anecdotal "in the streets" line of blame game does appeal to a former white supremacy group member like you, there is a reason why no one else anywhere posits that theory as an actual explanation for the discrepancies we see.

the fact is that just having a black name makes you less likely to get a call back for a job.

being black makes you more likely to be pulled over, searched, or arrested.

being black makes you more likely to receive a harsher sentence for the same crime.

none of this has a thing to do with being "in the streets" or kynes' other favorite go to about how rap music causes rape.

it is simple minded racism that tries to deny the role of profiling and other racially lopsided practices and attempts to blame the victim for self perpetuating their own victimhood.

and you are dumb enough to buy into it.

Well this will be easy.
[h=1]The Color of Crime[/h] Race, Crime, and Justice in America — Second, Expanded Edition, 2005
[h=2]Major Findings:[/h]
  • Police and the justice system are not biased against minorities.
[h=3]Crime Rates[/h]
  • Blacks are seven times more likely than people of other races to commit murder, and eight times more likely to commit robbery.
  • When blacks commit crimes of violence, they are nearly three times more likely than non-blacks to use a gun, and more than twice as likely to use a knife.
  • Hispanics commit violent crimes at roughly three times the white rate, and Asians commit violent crimes at about one quarter the white rate.
  • The single best indicator of violent crime levels in an area is the percentage of the population that is black and Hispanic.
[h=3]Interracial Crime[/h]
  • Of the nearly 770,000 violent interracial crimes committed every year involving blacks and whites, blacks commit 85 percent and whites commit 15 percent.
  • Blacks commit more violent crime against whites than against blacks. Forty-five percent of their victims are white, 43 percent are black, and 10 percent are Hispanic. When whites commit violent crime, only three percent of their victims are black.
  • Blacks are an estimated 39 times more likely to commit a violent crime against a white than vice versa, and 136 times more likely to commit robbery.
  • Blacks are 2.25 times more likely to commit officially-designated hate crimes against whites than vice versa.
  • Only 10 percent of youth gang members are white.
  • Hispanics are 19 times more likely than whites to be members of youth gangs. Blacks are 15 times more likely, and Asians are nine times more likely.
  • Between 1980 and 2003 the US incarceration rate more than tripled, from 139 to 482 per 100,000, and the number of prisoners increased from 320,000 to 1.39 million.
  • Blacks are seven times more likely to be in prison than whites. Hispanics are three times more likely.
LOL... Keep arguing over the term negro, cellulite fetishist...

i'm not even arguing about the term negro anymore, i'm staying focused on the racist philosophies being espoused and the low IQ, conservative individuals espousing said theories.

that's what these threads are made for.
I am supposed to take a couple hours and read all that, to what, negate my own real world experience?

i'm sorry, i was just trying to inject some factual, scientific studies that fly in the face of your anecdotal worldview.

so i will repeat, since it is indeed fact:

the fact is that just having a black name makes you less likely to get a call back for a job.

being black makes you more likely to be pulled over, searched, or arrested.

being black makes you more likely to receive a harsher sentence for the same crime.
Ummm No.

you should visit the south, if you were to voice this opinion openly you would find less than 15% of the black population might agree with you though so you would perhaps feel justified.

Most all black white and brown would simply roll their eyes as they walk on by.

The fact is the other 85% (if not all) of the black population would think you are retarded and suggest you get a job.

Buck tells the truth. That's what goes on in blue state Oregon. Life is rough on meth heads there.
Ya, you and cheezy got it in your heads that you 2 would start creating race bait threads like no one even noticed. The thing is this though, everyone you call racist is more than likely the opposite and more intelligent than both of you so, your threads have failed in the sense that you two thought you could get people to come in and scream racist remarks. But i guess since it hasn't worked out for you two, you have to call it out yourselves.

its really funny actually watching you idiots try and bait ppl and fail hard.

you just posted a "study" done by a white supremacist in an attempt to prove your white supremacist beliefs.

are you really too stupid to understand that citing white supremacists might not be the best way of getting actual facts?