Low IQ yet again linked to conservative ideas and racism

Have the mods ever considered making a "RACIST" forum so schmucks can discuss their lower evolutionary behavior (this applies to ALL discussing racism) on a dedicated thread area?

This racism shit that goes back and forth points both sides out as bigoted. We are supposed to evolve past differentiation for the purpose of separation after our formative adolescence. Pointing someone's racism out who is below you is as low evolutionary as being racist, actually it is racist.
Why point it out? it is obvious to those advanced enough to be aware anyway, pointing it out to those too primitive to see it won't make them see it either.

I would say that that would go under a "Society" heading, and I am so far content to allow Politics to double as the Society parlor.

If you think it a good idea, I (or you!) can start a poll thread asking the opinion: should a separate Society area be created? If there is strong support in terms of both popularity and rationale, i'll support a petition to admin. Theirs is the final say.

i went thru some pages, and maybe i missed it, but why hasnt the subject of women oppression been bought up? Racism sexism classism are all tied together. One cannot prosper with out the other. This system we live in makes us think that its instinct to be racist or women to be less then men, or its natural for the white man to lead. this is false, all these forms of oppression are learned and implied to our children and future generations.

This too might merit a standalone thread.
I would say that that would go under a "Society" heading, and I am so far content to allow Politics to double as the Society parlor.

If you think it a good idea, I (or you!) can start a poll thread asking the opinion: should a separate Society area be created? If there is strong support in terms of both popularity and rationale, i'll support a petition to admin. Theirs is the final say.

I was being a bit sarcastic about the Racism Forum canna. After all it is something that springs out of political argument. I don't frequent the politics forum often enough to justify a request like that anyway. But it does seem that countless threads in politics drop the original post's issue and train wreck into racism discussions. If you can call them discussions.
I was being a bit sarcastic about the Racism Forum canna. After all it is something that springs out of political argument. I don't frequent the politics forum often enough to justify a request like that anyway. But it does seem that countless threads in politics drop the original post's issue and train wreck into racism discussions. If you can call them discussions.

There is only one person to blame for that.
there's far more than one white supremacist or racist or bigot on this forum, don't be so glib.
According to you there is one hiding in every corner. And you derail damn near every thread in your crusade to point them out.

Why dont you just create a thread where you keep track of them? Make a new post every time you "see it," in your own thread of though.

This is great for two reasons. First, it prevents you from derailing every thread by reading too much into something and making your baseless allegations.

Second, it would centralize all information, so that you and maybe the two or three other people that really give a fuck can keep track of whose who.

There are a few racists, then there is most everyone else, then there is you and the few like you who are on some sort of self appointed crusade to squash freedom of thought.
UncleBuck said:

Buck, would this be an avatar you could adorn?
i went thru some pages, and maybe i missed it, but why hasnt the subject of women oppression been bought up? Racism sexism classism are all tied together. One cannot prosper with out the other. This system we live in makes us think that its instinct to be racist or women to be less then men, or its natural for the white man to lead. this is false, all these forms of oppression are learned and implied to our children and future generations.

So, another gal? Where is the sauce? :)

So, you too, are against deadly, misogynistic Jihad.

See. To me, Jihad wants our women in Burkka and us men, dead in a ditch. That about sums it, right?
What if all the racists were right on about 5% with rational prejudices learned through life. So we just have 20 caricatures of the races, the archetypes only assembled by a committee. Members of all human races get together to lower their guard and make fun of each other.....like a roast. For that time all slurs, stereotypes, and racial nuance were fair play. That I would love!!! Everybody self-deprecating as one. We could study the nature of racism when it is shared, when it is incisive or funny and what that means. I want the melting pot to ignite and congeal. Would racism evolve into mild contempt? I can see the rockstar racists out there in plain sight deciding whether to be ashamed of themselves even here in this scenario.
What if all the racists were right on about 5% with rational prejudices learned through life. So we just have 20 caricatures of the races, the archetypes only assembled by a committee. Members of all human races get together to lower their guard and make fun of each other.....like a roast. For that time all slurs, stereotypes, and racial nuance were fair play. That I would love!!! Everybody self-deprecating as one. We could study the nature of racism when it is shared, when it is incisive or funny and what that means. I want the melting pot to ignite and congeal. Would racism evolve into mild contempt? I can see the rockstar racists out there in plain sight deciding whether to be ashamed of themselves even here in this scenario.

And I say, what is this fixation on race? Why not just ignore it? To label "racist" is just more hate label to me.
And I say, what is this fixation on race? Why not just ignore it? To label "racist" is just more hate label to me.

I am not hating here, race is a fixation around here and I normally ignore it but chose not to. You are not ignoring me, I am sure you can see better examples than me.
I am not hating here, race is a fixation around here and I normally ignore it but chose not to. You are not ignoring me, I am sure you can see better examples than me.

I say that race is not an issue. Only culture, ignorance and confusion is the issue.

And, you are the only one that can seem to discuss this, obviously.
white face over black face. good idea, or greatest idea?

true story.
while at lunch discussing movies with a friend of mine i brought up "tropic thunder"
told my friend girl it was hilarious.
she says she wont watch it cause the face paint was racist.
i asked for her re-review of "white chicks".

reminds me of you a little.
Unless you are making fun of yourself or a close friend/relative who has said it was okay, race jokes are NOT okay.


Like I can call my husband a dirty mexican or my kid a beanie baby. That's ok.

Would be really bad if I said that to a random mexican guy.

People who don't know you well will not be able to tell if your comment is a playful joke or a hateful statement.

my gf gets some for being japanese...sometimes i set her loins "on flyah".

on the other hand i have a deep southern drawl that is humerous to no end for most cultures...especially california...ladies are offended here sometimes if i call them "ma'am" i cant help it, its polite to me.