Ursus marijanus
Have the mods ever considered making a "RACIST" forum so schmucks can discuss their lower evolutionary behavior (this applies to ALL discussing racism) on a dedicated thread area?
This racism shit that goes back and forth points both sides out as bigoted. We are supposed to evolve past differentiation for the purpose of separation after our formative adolescence. Pointing someone's racism out who is below you is as low evolutionary as being racist, actually it is racist.
Why point it out? it is obvious to those advanced enough to be aware anyway, pointing it out to those too primitive to see it won't make them see it either.
I would say that that would go under a "Society" heading, and I am so far content to allow Politics to double as the Society parlor.
If you think it a good idea, I (or you!) can start a poll thread asking the opinion: should a separate Society area be created? If there is strong support in terms of both popularity and rationale, i'll support a petition to admin. Theirs is the final say.
i went thru some pages, and maybe i missed it, but why hasnt the subject of women oppression been bought up? Racism sexism classism are all tied together. One cannot prosper with out the other. This system we live in makes us think that its instinct to be racist or women to be less then men, or its natural for the white man to lead. this is false, all these forms of oppression are learned and implied to our children and future generations.
This too might merit a standalone thread.