Lucius Vorenus is a petty drug dealing, scammer.

I talked with a caregiver on the phone a week or so ago. He said he had an opening but I just got the feeling he thought he was doing a big favor for anyone requesting that position. What is the caregiver's incentive? If I don't pay them enough do I get in trouble? What is the caregiver's incentive (general question)?

The caregiver gets a little extra money in his pocket. They should have donation fees for patients if you talk to caregivers and they start out with prices 400 and up stay away.
As a caregiver my incentives are as follows: Helping people who aren't able to grow or lack the experience to grow quality medication. Teaching other people how to grow this fucking beautiful plant. (I've grown countless plants and nothing makes me feel euphoric just being around them and analyzing their captivating growth. Note: I stopped using cannabis 5 years ago because I haven't needed any of its medical uses) A little extra money is nice as well but for my patients I'm trying to give as much as I can and carry over most of my operating costs to patients who are not mine. (Still makes me feel bad but I need compensation somewhere)
As a caregiver my incentives are as follows: Helping people who aren't able to grow or lack the experience to grow quality medication. Teaching other people how to grow this fucking beautiful plant. (I've grown countless plants and nothing makes me feel euphoric just being around them and analyzing their captivating growth. Note: I stopped using cannabis 5 years ago because I haven't needed any of its medical uses) A little extra money is nice as well but for my patients I'm trying to give as much as I can and carry over most of my operating costs to patients who are not mine. (Still makes me feel bad but I need compensation somewhere)
please empty your pm box so you can receive more pms. thanks.
As a caregiver my incentives are as follows: Helping people who aren't able to grow or lack the experience to grow quality medication. Teaching other people how to grow this fucking beautiful plant. (I've grown countless plants and nothing makes me feel euphoric just being around them and analyzing their captivating growth. Note: I stopped using cannabis 5 years ago because I haven't needed any of its medical uses) A little extra money is nice as well but for my patients I'm trying to give as much as I can and carry over most of my operating costs to patients who are not mine. (Still makes me feel bad but I need compensation somewhere)

Dude you sound like a legit honest caregiver no gripe here and we know you have overhead.
My inbox is clear as day. Dang thing fills up too quick.

I wasn't defending myself or caregivers I just like to set an example and everytime I meet someone who can do it better I latch on for self improvement.
Updated in the strain thread. Now that I have clones vegging and all are female it'll be great when a month from now I'll have mothers ready to distribute to the masses ^_^ From seed is a long process but I don't mind, I have 2 phenotypes to chose from. The plant will show characteristics soon. I'll even post images of the mothers when I have either internet at home or I remember to take a picture and bring the SD card with me to a cafe haha
Lets bring this topic back from the dead........ ;)

To address the Oregon question, yes you can have 24 plants. A single patient is permitted to cultivate 6 plants over 1 ft tall/wide and 18 clones which do not exceed the 1 ft tall/wide limit. Basically one patient can grow 6 plants at any one given time while maintaining numerous small clones to ensure a continued harvest. A patient can also be a grower for other patients. Any one grower can possess and grow for 4 patients including themselves. This 4 patient limit keeps the max plant number amount at 96 (24 large mature, 72 clones) which keeps growers legal and free from most attacks by the feds. Keep in mind, there is a strict licensing requirement with the state similar to the new law in AZ. Washington. A patient can cultivate 15 plants of ANY size and is permitted to grow for one other patient equaling 30 plants total. Furthermore, an amendment this summer legalized collective grows. 45 plants of any size at one property as long at least 3 patients have their doctors recommendations posted at the physical grow site. Ya see....there is no official state registry system. Basically you go to a doctor, get an authorization which is nothing but a signed piece of paper and boom! your legal. You carry it with you in a wallet and pin up a copy at the grow site. The state has no clue where patients are or where their growing. The only time you have to prove your a patient is when the shit hits the fan! Which, most likely never happens.

I think you got it good in AZ. I think about coming back sometimes. 12 plants per patient, 5 patients per residence (possibly 6 depending on how the law is interpreted). 60 plants of any size!!!!!!! That's the thing dreams are made of. The 25 mile rule won't matter in a year or two anyway. I think that tricky little piece of language will be removed from the law. Especially when most patients are testing the waters growing for themselves. The public outcry from mmj users who will have their right to grow taken from them after all of the time and money put into making proper grow facilities, etc..... will stir up a controversy and a ballot initiative to amend the law and cut out the 25 mile rule. The state knows it's absurd and now realizes it was just all an attempt to hustle patients into being forced to buying instead of growing their own.

oh.....stay away from Alaska. Its like another country out there. Seriously!!
Lets bring this topic back from the dead........ ;)

To address the Oregon question, yes you can have 24 plants. A single patient is permitted to cultivate 6 plants over 1 ft tall/wide and 18 clones which do not exceed the 1 ft tall/wide limit. Basically one patient can grow 6 plants at any one given time while maintaining numerous small clones to ensure a continued harvest. A patient can also be a grower for other patients. Any one grower can possess and grow for 4 patients including themselves. This 4 patient limit keeps the max plant number amount at 96 (24 large mature, 72 clones) which keeps growers legal and free from most attacks by the feds. Keep in mind, there is a strict licensing requirement with the state similar to the new law in AZ. Washington. A patient can cultivate 15 plants of ANY size and is permitted to grow for one other patient equaling 30 plants total. Furthermore, an amendment this summer legalized collective grows. 45 plants of any size at one property as long at least 3 patients have their doctors recommendations posted at the physical grow site. Ya see....there is no official state registry system. Basically you go to a doctor, get an authorization which is nothing but a signed piece of paper and boom! your legal. You carry it with you in a wallet and pin up a copy at the grow site. The state has no clue where patients are or where their growing. The only time you have to prove your a patient is when the shit hits the fan! Which, most likely never happens.

I think you got it good in AZ. I think about coming back sometimes. 12 plants per patient, 5 patients per residence (possibly 6 depending on how the law is interpreted). 60 plants of any size!!!!!!! That's the thing dreams are made of. The 25 mile rule won't matter in a year or two anyway. I think that tricky little piece of language will be removed from the law. Especially when most patients are testing the waters growing for themselves. The public outcry from mmj users who will have their right to grow taken from them after all of the time and money put into making proper grow facilities, etc..... will stir up a controversy and a ballot initiative to amend the law and cut out the 25 mile rule. The state knows it's absurd and now realizes it was just all an attempt to hustle patients into being forced to buying instead of growing their own.

oh.....stay away from Alaska. Its like another country out there. Seriously!!

AZ is pretty much Alaska 2.0 with a different climate. Anyone here can carry a concealed weapon.
Alaska is an amazing place if you LOVE to hunt your own organic food, fish in unpolluted waters, and basically live on your own .
spread it HUGE for us, you morons. Billie isn't how you spell a boy's name you illiterate piece of shit. You know nothing about AZCS and you encourage this crap, keep your sorry ass in Oregon with your sorry ass herbs. I have refused 6 Oregon growers to date at our dispensary application process for commercial grower, most of them could even explain photosynthesis from start to finish.
apparently you like to our Phx location, you know everyone there by name (but cant spell any of them correctly) so you must hang out a lot.

keep up the smear campaign, we are just making you all look like the foolish little assclowns you are ;) and your helping us

wow billie boy you sound SO compassioante !!! you sound like such a loving caring guy!!! noot! you sound like a guy on a vendetta.....a lloser that will be in dea custody soon! enjoy federal assfuck prison!

Stop selling old cali weed for 400 a zip..... start growing your own supply, you have enough growing rights signed over.....

get the fuck out of here NO ONE like you or your stupid group....
I know i have had my issues with various LV and Rottenboy....but ALL of them are better than Azcs..... go buy from Lucius brfore least its a person and not a store front with over head to pay....dont pay some idiots salary, its not supposed to be like this, weed is cheap, and should be sold as such......
I know i have had my issues with various LV and Rottenboy....but ALL of them are better than Azcs..... go buy from Lucius brfore least its a person and not a store front with over head to pay....dont pay some idiots salary, its not supposed to be like this, weed is cheap, and should be sold as such......

I dont even know is Lucious is real he posts internet pics..
don't like 400 dollar ounces?

then don't buy them.


you all sound like a bunch of jealous cry babies. :sad::clap:

Well dont you worry fella! We will continue to buy them and continue our "smear campaign" against AZCS and its owner Bill... Thank you though for taking the time out of your day to post on this matter as we will continue our smear campaign. Dont like a bunch of of jealous cry babies???? Then dont comment/read the posts.
don't like 400 dollar ounces?

then don't buy them.


you all sound like a bunch of jealous cry babies. :sad::clap:
personally its more about a revocation of cultivation rights if dispensariesa re alowed to open, creating a monopoly and maintaining the price at $400. if patients and caregivers can still grow their own, then it does not matter what the clubs do as competition will even out the price. but if you reduce competition, then all patients will be required to pay whatever the clubs want. we are merely trying to stop this from happening before it is too late.