Lucius Vorenus is a petty drug dealing, scammer.

Not sure how i sound jealous of anything? sure i might sound like a cry baby but a jealous cry baby? thats just retarded.

Why is it that when people complain about 400 dollar ounces, the people that are selling 400 dollar oz come out and start calling us cry babies? Perhaps its because if everyone that is paying 400 and ounces read about how sickeningly over priced that is they would ALL be out of business over night? Sorry but the whole reason Cali dispensaries are about to be shut down is teh owners are money raping the public...400 dollar zips falls into this category.

When teh feds see "compassion" clubs making money hand over fist, it attracts attention and then the ban hammer comes along AND TEH PATIENTS are the ones that suffer. SUre the owners get on there in old chains and watches, talking about how unfair it is for THE PATIENTS, while all along the owners are the ones money raping the patients?? its all a very clever ruse.... and only dopes fall for it.
Well dont you worry fella! We will continue to buy them and continue our "smear campaign" against AZCS and its owner Bill... Thank you though for taking the time out of your day to post on this matter as we will continue our smear campaign. Dont like a bunch of of jealous cry babies???? Then dont comment/read the posts.

your smear campaign is nothing but advertising.

let me know how it all works out.

Not sure how i sound jealous of anything? sure i might sound like a cry baby but a jealous cry baby? thats just retarded.

Why is it that when people complain about 400 dollar ounces, the people that are selling 400 dollar oz come out and start calling us cry babies? Perhaps its because if everyone that is paying 400 and ounces read about how sickeningly over priced that is they would ALL be out of business over night? Sorry but the whole reason Cali dispensaries are about to be shut down is teh owners are money raping the public...400 dollar zips falls into this category.

When teh feds see "compassion" clubs making money hand over fist, it attracts attention and then the ban hammer comes along AND TEH PATIENTS are the ones that suffer. SUre the owners get on there in old chains and watches, talking about how unfair it is for THE PATIENTS, while all along the owners are the ones money raping the patients?? its all a very clever ruse.... and only dopes fall for it.

so now you just make up BS about ME so you look better.

tell me what i charge again. :roll:

you look ridiculous. don't mind me though. :)

can't afford it? stfu and grow your own.
your smear campaign is nothing but advertising.

let me know how it all works out.


No worries I'm glad someone who sides with AZCS is posting. Stick around I'll keep you updated.:-o

Dont worry I "advertise" to everyone about AZCS prices and then show them other clubs prices and put them in touch with care givers. I win the patient wins and AZCS loses a potential customer...I love advertising!
when you walk in the door and see the prices on the wall, then reach into your wallet and hand them money, it is NOT rape or SCAMMING. it is YOU paying what they are asking. it's how businesses in this country work. stop paying those prices and they will be forced to lower them. as long as people are dropping 400 an ounce, people will be charging 400 an ounce. it's pretty much the "norm".

the feds will close a handful of clubs in cali, if they close any. it will be business as usual.
No worries I'm glad someone who sides with AZCS is posting. Stick around I'll keep you updated.:-o

Dont worry I "advertise" to everyone about AZCS prices and then show them other clubs prices and put them in touch with care givers. I win the patient wins and AZCS loses a potential customer...I love advertising!

where did i say i sided with anyone? i'm simply trying to open some eyes to REALITY.

good luck. :)
lol looks like Fdd2blk is bored and came here to make trouble......

its all good man, stir the pot...muddy the waters. But come around here and try to sell us 'Zoners some bullshit over priced weed and see what jumps off.....lols Ethug son......Ethugs.

Fact is we respect eachother here, and NONE of us think 400 an oz is ok. We ALL grow our own, and just because you have 57k posts doesnt make you smart, or better than any of us..... so if ur just here to start shit, unfortunately today i have shit to do. try in a few days, if i have nothing better to do ill go 10 rounds with you....
when you walk in the door and see the prices on the wall, then reach into your wallet and hand them money, it is NOT rape or SCAMMING. it is YOU paying what they are asking. it's how businesses in this country work. stop paying those prices and they will be forced to lower them. as long as people are dropping 400 an ounce, people will be charging 400 an ounce. it's pretty much the "norm".

the feds will close a handful of clubs in cali, if they close any. it will be business as usual.

We are preventing patients from ever walking in the door so they dont ever have to pay those prices. All I want to do is let the good people of AZ know that there are better meds and better prices available elsewhere, I pay it forward they helped pass the law with their votes and I i will help them save a few bucks from the shit heads of the world.

You're right 400 a ounce is the norm - On the street.

You and I both know how to grow and both know how much it costs.
but its very obvious you are trying to get a rise out of us, you are playing a very extreme version of Devils us, we see all the reality we need to. We see quite clearly here in the desert air. Your assistance isnt needed.
seems to be 2 different things being argued. 1 is the protection of those who don't know otherwise. If a patient doesn't know better and pays $400 an ounce then they knew no better, that's their fault for not finding out beforehand. When someone would walk into work and ask what they should serve their guests, i'd tell them scallops, they'd fork over the cash, if they don't know that scallops are utterly overrated, that's not my fault. Secondly would be that $400 is a rip off for what it is. Well as Fdd sais, if you don't like it, don't uy it. I wonder if any of you guys opposing the prices here own any apple products? The point being that it is business, if someone can get away with charging X then they can get away with charging X, that is business.

This often comes to mind :D
lol looks like Fdd2blk is bored and came here to make trouble......

its all good man, stir the pot...muddy the waters. But come around here and try to sell us 'Zoners some bullshit over priced weed and see what jumps off.....lols Ethug son......Ethugs.

Fact is we respect eachother here, and NONE of us think 400 an oz is ok. We ALL grow our own, and just because you have 57k posts doesnt make you smart, or better than any of us..... so if ur just here to start shit, unfortunately today i have shit to do. try in a few days, if i have nothing better to do ill go 10 rounds with you....

actually i saw the thread tittle, read the first post and thought "what a fucking cry baby".

thought i clearly stated that.

someone feels 400 an ounce is ok, they are paying it.
but its very obvious you are trying to get a rise out of us, you are playing a very extreme version of Devils us, we see all the reality we need to. We see quite clearly here in the desert air. Your assistance isnt needed.

no, i'm trying to get you to realize that as long as people are willing to pay 400 an ounce, people will be charging 400 an ounce.

it's a rather simple point i'm making. :eyesmoke:

you just want to fight. which you've stated numerous times. :sleep:
no, i'm trying to get you to realize that as long as people are willing to pay 400 an ounce, people will be charging 400 an ounce.

it's a rather simple point i'm making. :eyesmoke:

you just want to fight. which you've stated numerous times. :sleep:

I dont want to fight.
I do want to inform people that 400 dollar an ounce is the "norm" at a Cali dispensary or on the streets from a drug dealer. Hopefully I can start the trend here in AZ. If not than at least I can inform others.
no shit...the apple thing is fuuny!!!!

I am SO the person that HATES apple.... you can get the same shit with pc products , as long as you engage your brain. Apple sucks balls..... Ipods are the ONLY exception..i love my ipod. But it was a gift so dont hate!
Tip i get your point.... however we are talking about weed here not scallops.
Weed will be as cheap as WE make it. I make my money NOT from weed, i grow for myself and a few buddies that i trade with...i dont think it will ever be legal as long as so many people are trying to get rich off it. Thats what is keeping it illegal....

Srry but its true....anyone that supports 400 dollar zips is a greedy person, selfish and greedy.
I dont want to fight.
I do want to inform people that 400 dollar an ounce is the "norm" at a Cali dispensary or on the streets from a drug dealer. Hopefully I can start the trend here in AZ. If not than at least I can inform others.

ounce here aren't 400.

you are spreading nonsense due to personal feelings.
no shit...the apple thing is fuuny!!!!

I am SO the person that HATES apple.... you can get the same shit with pc products , as long as you engage your brain. Apple sucks balls..... Ipods are the ONLY exception..i love my ipod. But it was a gift so dont hate!
Tip i get your point.... however we are talking about weed here not scallops.
Weed will be as cheap as WE make it. I make my money NOT from weed, i grow for myself and a few buddies that i trade with...i dont think it will ever be legal as long as so many people are trying to get rich off it. Thats what is keeping it illegal....

Srry but its true....anyone that supports 400 dollar zips is a greedy person, selfish and greedy.

the people who are paying 400 an ounces ARE the people who support 400 dollar ounces. go yell at them.
no, i'm trying to get you to realize that as long as people are willing to pay 400 an ounce, people will be charging 400 an ounce.

it's a rather simple point i'm making. :eyesmoke:

you just want to fight. which you've stated numerous times. :sleep:

i understand that point......
Supply and demand... econ year 1. NEXT!

i want to fight over things that matter, ur just trying to get a rise out of me:) This doesnt matter. You are arguing for the sake of arguing. Not interested.]

Oh i do yell at them too.... every Norml meeting and patient meeting i go to.
ounce here aren't 400.

you are spreading nonsense due to personal feelings.

What are you talking about I just came back from Palm Springs and paid 380.00 for a ounce of Pure OG from a dispensary.
And if someone would like to post a picture of the AZCS med prices then please do so.