Tip i get your point.... however we are talking about weed here not scallops.
Weed will be as cheap as WE make it. I make my money NOT from weed, i grow for myself and a few buddies that i trade with...i dont think it will ever be legal as long as so many people are trying to get rich off it. Thats what is keeping it illegal....
Srry but its true....anyone that supports 400 dollar zips is a greedy person, selfish and greedy.
1. They are both products, they can be sold as cheap or as expensive as you wish, or do you actually think scallops cost what they do for a reason? No, scallops can be sold a hell of a lot cheaper than £35 a kilo if one wishes, for example if ones customer base could not afford £35kg, where i worked, they could, so we did. That is business. Weed can in exactly the same way be sold for as little or as much as it will sell for. And if it sell, it sells. For example while you might be arguing that $400 is a joke and that say $200 is more reasonable, someone else could turn around and say $200 is a joke and $5 is more reasonable. It is entirely dependant on who is selling and who is buying.
You do not know the person selling the ounce or much or anything about thie private life, so it is not to you to judge them selfish and greedy, maybe they need that $400 because their daughter is in hospital and requires an expensive operation. You could then think about who it is buying the ounce, is it a terminally ill patient or is it some punk that's playing a system for "legal" cannabis that deserves to get ripped off. I do not know these things so i will not judge them. I do not agree with high prices, bbut if i don't like them i either won't pay them or i will do simply sell my own for less. If it's their desire to sell at that price, that's their issue. To try and roll him out of town because of his prices, fuck, might as well turn professional nark.
Cannabis is illegal because the government do not know how to corner the profits and taxes for themselves, the whole thing is about them getting money. It has always been about how they can secure the profits of the industry for themselves either directly or throuhg large corporations. Just look at the UK as a prime example.
Oh, and fdd is correct about advertising. Publicity is publicity. I knew nothing of these folk, now i do, and if i were in arizona, i'd visit them because i know of them, and don't know of any others. It's not rocket science to understand that advertising is a heck of a lot more effective if you focus on the positive things about your service as opposed to the negative things with theirs

that's just how it works.