LumiGrow ES 330w LED Test


Active Member
please people, ask yourself. can this company supply proof of their spectral output? sadly the answer is no, they cant. lets look at the chart again.

LumiGrow is the only company to supply this kind of proof, and it cost them some serious dough to do it. we need to weed out these crap fucking units to expose the true leaders in LED tech. also, lumens dont mean shit when it comes to PAR, plants have no need for lumens. if you want to see lumens go out and stare into the sun, that should be sufficient.


Well-Known Member
I would think the plants still need lumens man. Care to explain? I guess it has something to do with the color being so ideal?


Active Member
Lumens are for Humans

Par is for plants

PAR (Photosynthetically Active Radiation)-

The expression Photosynthetically Active Radiation, often abbreviated PAR (sometimes shown as Photosynthetic Photon Flux (PPF)), designates the spectral range of solar light from 400 to 700 nanometers that is useful in the process of photosynthesis.

project fuoro

Well-Known Member
please people, ask yourself. can this company supply proof of their spectral output? sadly the answer is no, they cant. lets look at the chart again.

LumiGrow is the only company to supply this kind of proof, and it cost them some serious dough to do it. we need to weed out these crap fucking units to expose the true leaders in LED tech. also, lumens dont mean shit when it comes to PAR, plants have no need for lumens. if you want to see lumens go out and stare into the sun, that should be sufficient.
Yeah this chart is sweet as shit...a little research can reveal a lot, not this chart exactly, but a trip the company's websites can tell you a lot about that company.

Dood...Lovin it! Cant wait for that beech to get flowerin heavy !



Active Member
Yeah this chart is sweet as shit...a little research can reveal a lot, not this chart exactly, but a trip the company's websites can tell you a lot about that company.

Dood...Lovin it! Cant wait for that beech to get flowerin heavy !

Looks like Lumigrow did a one up on TI-Smartbloom

So I guess enjoy while cali lasts than type of thing lol?

But knocking the Chinese is a bit dumb. Sure the lumigrow is probably a damn good product. But the Chinese made lights use the CREE LED's which is an American company.

So knocking chinese companies as not having true 660 nm red doesn't make much sense. CREE is the one who makes the 660 nm 1 watt LED's. So your saying that CREE is F.O.S?


Nice light though. But the Chinese are going to kick the crap out of the American companies as usual by providing a much cheaper product that is affordable yet reliable.

Just my observation from watching anyway.


Active Member
I guess it makes sense the Chinese are essentially making their beds with the average MJ grower which is probably by far going to be the real purchaser of LED's.

Lumigrow and them trying to create the best light is admirable but I guess they have to have in mind who they want to sell their product to. Greenhouses though probably won't have the capital to invest in such systems as I am sure they wouldn't know how to employ them effectively enough yet to make a ROI that is worth while.

If Lumigrow and these other companies wanted to win they would develop a product that grows super MJ and only costs $400-$600 at most like the Chinese are doing.

Hell 120 watts for $350 dollars now. Screw American made. When American companies start making business decisions based on economics then they will probably become competative. American's and American companies live in a fictional world of economic realities.

Now I am sure I could be wrong and there is millions of would be growers will cash burnering a whole in their pockets that they need to invest.

However I think the Chinese know where the game is and don't play kick the can down the road.

How did Ford or Volkswagon ever make it? Did they go hey lets try to create the most expensive product more than likely out of reach of the average public?

No they did what the Chinese are doing making it affordable where everyone can call it "The Peoples Light" which rings a bell when you think about it as where it comes from.


Active Member
i have the latest pics fom the test labs at LumiGrow, lets take a peek shall we. just to think that i was just over there taking my own pics, badass. anyways lets see whats cooking.

Chrysanthumum grow side by side with a 600w HPS. as you may know, the Chrysanthumum is a short day flowering variety, just like our beloved herb.


a shot of the buds.

i like how they labeled them "LumiGrow'n"

check out these peppers.

now for the root comparison. LumiGrow ES VS 600w HPS.

nows thats a 600w replacement. let me know what yall think.

project fuoro

Well-Known Member
i have the latest pics fom the test labs at LumiGrow, lets take a peek shall we. just to think that i was just over there taking my own pics, badass. anyways lets see whats cooking.

Chrysanthumum grow side by side with a 600w HPS. as you may know, the Chrysanthumum is a short day flowering variety, just like our beloved herb.


a shot of the buds.

i like how they labeled them "LumiGrow'n"

check out these peppers.

now for the root comparison. LumiGrow ES VS 600w HPS.

nows thats a 600w replacement. let me know what yall think.
Was that last guy calling me out on something I said? I'm confused....

Anywho....Thats pretty sweet man...pretty damn sweet.

I dig that lumigrow...quite a bit actually.

Whats the good word with your happenings Cali??

Peace man, Keep up the good workings...

Props to Lumigrow!



Well-Known Member

I just read this and I am ready to step into the LED gang in the next week or so

Your post gives me hope, there are a couple other people working with LED's here and have some great results

How big is your room again?

Thanks and keep up the great work, it feels great producing a nice crop


Active Member
there are NO other units that use TRUE 660nm diodes. thats why the chart is so important. they claim that they all use 660nm. i wanna SEE the proof, not just read it. if i were to tell you that i have the BIGGEST dick, would that be proof enough? hahaha. no companies can supply proof, i mean just drop your pants and show us that little china dick so we can go to the next guy. damn, that was dirty.

project fuoro

Well-Known Member
there are NO other units that use TRUE 660nm diodes. thats why the chart is so important. they claim that they all use 660nm. i wanna SEE the proof, not just read it. if i were to tell you that i have the BIGGEST dick, would that be proof enough? hahaha. no companies can supply proof, i mean just drop your pants and show us that little china dick so we can go to the next guy. damn, that was dirty.

Ruthless bro! haha, but spot on! I don't think anybody can even imagine how bright that fuckin unit is......... Pictures do absolutely NO justice. Lumigrow rocks!

Hit me up cali on the pm side


Active Member
there are NO other units that use TRUE 660nm diodes. thats why the chart is so important. they claim that they all use 660nm. i wanna SEE the proof, not just read it. if i were to tell you that i have the BIGGEST dick, would that be proof enough? hahaha. no companies can supply proof, i mean just drop your pants and show us that little china dick so we can go to the next guy. damn, that was dirty.
I wouldn't believe you no matter or how much you paid someone what to say about you :)

Anyway don't get me wrong I love the light. Just don't think many will buy into it at this time. And while China steals all the market share they will probably start making lights better than this a lot cheaper in 2 years with the help of American companies in China.

And I doubt every single part in this light is "made in USA"


Active Member
everything except the power supply cord is made HERE IN AMERICA. no jokin bro. support your local economy, dont just hand your money over to some CHEVY supplied chinese distibutors. research, research, research. thats why i am here. dont decide until you SEE the proof. i took the leap of faith for the cause. i wish more would do the same. up next......2 WEEK UPDATE!!!


Yea they look great, Im still not sold on the price of these things though, Digital ballast lighting is still startup cost effecient, LED is for the 20 year vet who already paid off his mortgage and kids college doing this shit with he buys LED just to fuckin say he did, or got it for free! so until i get free 1600$ units (not likely) I say HID now, Sulphur Plasma as the next tech we use indoors.