"Main-Lining" Ace Of Spades (tutoral)

Great thread. Could you tell me why on a clone you only use the 3 nodes instead of 4? Also, since I only grow from clone. What is the difference between this method and Uncle Ben's top to get 2 or 4 main colas method? Or are they pretty much the same if I am not concerned about the 8 or 16 heads? Thanks keep it up! actually rather keep it even!


Well-Known Member
how do you decide what will stay in and what goes on teh outside of the hoop?
longest ones to to outside.....shortest in.....without twisting her up too much......she will end up with the inside ones stretching out a bit, but some super-cropping will help even everything up...


Well-Known Member
i only went for three because i planed to keep them smaller, and they were showing three dominant leaders.....four also works well....however, sometimes it is hard to get four close enough on the trunk....the main difference between this method and the others is, this method builds a hub, with all branching originating from one symetrical node on the trunk.


Well-Known Member
......when it comes to clones, and their somewhat unpredictable growth, sometimes it is best to take what the plant gives you.....i had a few cuts like the one above that were screaming for me to go four with them, but now most of my summer cuts for some reason were showing me three, so i went with what the plant was telling me.....one of the beautiful things about training and bonzai, is the communication that happens between the plant and gardener......


Well-Known Member
......"8" perked up, ready to flower.........will let this one rip, and update when she has some chi-chi flowers.....she will see you then....


Well-Known Member
....had a few folks wanting to see the lab, so here she is on a cloudy day.....the girls get full use of the greenie when the sun is out....and no, i do not worry about light spectrum stress bouncing between the two.......if i do happen to force a hermie, which is rare, he/she is history....simple as that.


Well-Known Member
What's up Nugbuckets? First off, I'd just like to say thanks for putting your time into this. Your method looks like its going to work fantastic for my space. It sounds like our setups are very similar, except my space is a little bit smaller (one 600, not 2, and one 4-ft 6-bulb Sun Blaze T5). I'm also somewhat limited on height; I can't go more than about 30" above soil line.

Anyway, on to my question... With his aggressive top pinching and training, do you find that plants take any longer to show you their sex? I recall you saying it tended to add about 10 days to your veg time, but not sure how sexing was affected.


Well-Known Member
What's up Nugbuckets? First off, I'd just like to say thanks for putting your time into this. Your method looks like its going to work fantastic for my space. It sounds like our setups are very similar, except my space is a little bit smaller (one 600, not 2, and one 4-ft 6-bulb Sun Blaze T5). I'm also somewhat limited on height; I can't go more than about 30" above soil line.

Anyway, on to my question... With his aggressive top pinching and training, do you find that plants take any longer to show you their sex? I recall you saying it tended to add about 10 days to your veg time, but not sure how sexing was affected.
i force early sex at 20 days after sprout, then pinch out the main......so no......i am finding that this whole process adds very little time to veg.........also, i have never hit 30 inches in any of my indo grows as space is limited for me too.....i usually hit around 24 in......


Well-Known Member
here's some recent pics. switched to 12/12 last night. Looking like she's my only female, so I'm reworking my lighting rig, gonna put about 350-400 watts of cfls over it hehe. 4 oz is the goal.

one of the sides is definitely growing stronger than the other (4 heads are bigger than the other 4). think this was because 1 of the 2 main leaders got a little constricted by my hooks... unfortunate, but I've been squeezing the big stems pretty regularly for the last 5 days, forming a nice knot on them.

THird pic is a picture of a fan leaf thats got some burn on it. the scout roots have reached the bottom of the container, meaning its down into pure supersoil. I assume it'll pull out of it, so I'm not too worried, figured I'd include a pic though.



Well-Known Member
here's some recent pics. switched to 12/12 last night. Looking like she's my only female, so I'm reworking my lighting rig, gonna put about 350-400 watts of cfls over it hehe. 4 oz is the goal.

one of the sides is definitely growing stronger than the other (4 heads are bigger than the other 4). think this was because 1 of the 2 main leaders got a little constricted by my hooks... unfortunate, but I've been squeezing the big stems pretty regularly for the last 5 days, forming a nice knot on them.

THird pic is a picture of a fan leaf thats got some burn on it. the scout roots have reached the bottom of the container, meaning its down into pure supersoil. I assume it'll pull out of it, so I'm not too worried, figured I'd include a pic though.
looks great bro, what are the scorch/spots from?


Well-Known Member
think they are from super soil =/ transplated about a week before you did into 5 gallon, 35% pure super soil, with decreasing grades (soil in contact with root ball was about 40% SS 60% sunshine #4). My guano was a bit hotter than it should be (1 8 0) so I think I might have overdid it.


Well-Known Member

looking good......... "16" going to hit 12/12 in about 6 days......"8" is 7 days into flower....these are two of the healthiest plants i have ever grown....super soil rocks!

i've done my homework on this "super soil". reason being, i've been at it for a lil over 5 yrs now and NEVER heard of it 'til your journal. there's a few different formulas floating around out there. :cuss:i did find an article in HIGH TIMES on this mix and the recipe. do you go according to this NUG? http://hightimes.com/grow/subcool/5728 only reason for the question is, has it changed since this article was written? i mean thats back in '09 n i'd like to think it has improved? but none the less, i'll be going according to that, unless you have some words of wisdom? care to share your recipe NUGS? i'll be throwing a few of my own outdoors. nothing worth posting quite yet. i'll see if i can get around to it this weekend. i have them main ones i want to focus on, in 4 gallons at the moment. i'll be using smarties, seeing your gorgeous ladies n all, for the rest of the outdoor season. i dont wanna steer your journal into another direction.. but im so TORN, on what size smarties to get. i want to get them before the week is over. and have to place the order at the shop wednesday latest. i was desiring 100 gallon smarties and using your technique sooo bad. BUT i've got 12 plants and a 4'x6' space to allow them to grow. (if you care to help me out, i'll take the time to show fotos. MAYBE even start my own journal? LOL.) so to be more realistic, i've considered 30 gallons, being 24"x 16.5" and using 6 of my stronger lookin ladies. put the rest elsewhere... I think i've put enough energy into this post.. CANT WAIT TO SEE "8" COME OUT BRO

Boyz N Da Hood

Well-Known Member
Damn that sucks bro!! I was just about to do this too.. Guess I'll have to go off memory..Riu has been slackin lately...