Man killed in sacramento for trying to rob plants. One up for us growers *woot woot*


Well-Known Member
Life is presious thats why i protect it with a 9mm. someone in my yard at that time under said sucumstances is not ther for tea and biscuits. im not betting my life he wont draw first. the dumb-ass shuda thought, hmm what if this home owner has a gun? oh he may shoot me if i try to jack his stuff... eh fuck it! i want free weed! he bet his life he wouldnt git shot stealing a plant, and lost. people are in control of their own lives and thats another reason i carry.
and that is why i bet the shooter is thinking .wow i really fucked up, should have just scared the thief away.. i could be at home seeing my harvest through the final stretch and now i am going to have to sell all that to pay for an attorney to keep my ass outta prison(which won't happen)


Well-Known Member
Yes because Cheng, a Chinese-American, was as tall as bigfoot and as strong as an ox. A little reality needs to be injected here at some point. Oh, and another thing, I've read through all the stories and the police report and in none of them was there any mention of accomplices. In fact, the police said he was alone.
Stereotyping the Chinese-Americans. Shame on you.
My disagreement was with the contention that "pansies" shouldn't hide behind guns. I'm over 50 years old, had multiple heart attacks, and have a degenerating spine. I couldn't defend myself against a 10 year old girl. Yeah, I keep a gun in the house. I'd only use it as a last resource, but if I had to use it, I wouldn't feel guilty about it.


Well-Known Member
obviously you dont shoot when you can punch. and just because one is forced to fire, does not mean you are forced to kill.


Well-Known Member
Hey John Wayne
Go on out there and confront him. You gonna check your six as his homie blows your ass away as you come out the door?
Now its time to go in and take out any witnesses
How you gonna protect them bleeding out with you brains all spattered across your patio windows?
i dont know why you would assume i come running outa my house in the middle of the night chasing some dude down with my gun... if i suspected ther was someone ther and had my protection, i would tell the fool to leave and i got a gun, or jus scare the mofo. no way im runnin out ther yet alone poke my head out, in case he was packin, or wanted my shit that bad. in which case i hold a beter chance of survival vs. unarmed


King Tut
obviously you dont shoot when you can punch. and just because one is forced to fire, does not mean you are forced to kill.
When one is forced to fire he does so in an attempt to cease those actions that are a threat to his or another's safety. i NEVER would shoot to kill but i sure as hell would shoot to "cease the threatening actions". Just saying.


Well-Known Member
I still say one shot in the air and Cheng would've shit his pants and ran off...then knowin the homeowner was armed probably wouldn't have returned.

With all those plants tho a nice chain-link enclosure like the kind around a batting cage would've helped alot in deterring the rippers...especially if it was electrified for example...but having those plants with a sub 6 foot wooden fence is inviting people into the garden.

You wouldn't leave 20 grand cash sitting out in the open would you?


Well-Known Member
I still say one shot in the air and Cheng would've shit his pants and ran off...then knowin the homeowner was armed probably wouldn't have returned.

With all those plants tho a nice chain-link enclosure like the kind around a batting cage would've helped alot in deterring the rippers...especially if it was electrified for example...but having those plants with a sub 6 foot wooden fence is inviting people into the garden.

You wouldn't leave 20 grand cash sitting out in the open would you?
damn good staement.


New Member
When one is forced to fire he does so in an attempt to cease those actions that are a threat to his or another's safety. i NEVER would shoot to kill but i sure as hell would shoot to "cease the threatening actions". Just saying.
If you aren't shooting to Kill you shouldnt be shooting
If i feel you threaten me or my family I'll blow you away

But i aint coming out looking for trouble either.
Possessions can be replaced
The Cops get paid to get the bad guys
And i got the advantage inisde


Well-Known Member
I still say one shot in the air and Cheng would've shit his pants and ran off...then knowin the homeowner was armed probably wouldn't have returned.

With all those plants tho a nice chain-link enclosure like the kind around a batting cage would've helped alot in deterring the rippers...especially if it was electrified for example...but having those plants with a sub 6 foot wooden fence is inviting people into the garden.

You wouldn't leave 20 grand cash sitting out in the open would you?
Maybe the grower did fire a warning shot up in the air, scared the ripper so bad he ran head first into tree knocking self out. Warning bullet fired into air (gravity) came down and hit him in the chest? puff, puff pass.


King Tut
If you aren't shooting to Kill you shouldnt be shooting
If i feel you threaten me or my family I'll blow you away

But i aint coming out looking for trouble either.
Possessions can be replaced
The Cops get paid to get the bad guys
And i got the advantage inisde
Again, one should shoot to cease the aggressive actions towards them or someone else. As for me, i now start at the groin, allow for flip to go center-mass, and then allow for flip to go to the head, if he's still standing. That should stop any threat presented by a man. Do i want to kill him? NO! Do i want to survive his assault/attack? YES! And i will do all that i can within my power to stop said attack.

Police Academy Report Writing 101.


Well-Known Member
Again, one should shoot to cease the aggressive actions towards them or someone else. As for me, i now start at the groin, allow for flip to go center-mass, and then allow for flip to go to the head, if he's still standing. That should stop any threat presented by a man. Do i want to kill him? NO! Do i want to survive his assault/attack? YES! And i will do all that i can within my power to stop said attack.

Police Academy Report Writing 101.
Again completely off topic,there was no "attack" except the one launched by the homeowner against Cheng.

I just hope neither parties had kids,cos they're the real victims here,two families are now denied loved ones.


King Tut
Again completely off topic,there was no "attack" except the one launched by the homeowner against Cheng.

I just hope neither parties had kids,cos they're the real victims here,two families are now denied loved ones.
i was responding to duke regarding the legallity and appropriateness of shooting to kill rather than ceasing an attack.

Off topic? Maybe a little. But, uh.....?


New Member
Again, one should shoot to cease the aggressive actions towards them or someone else. As for me, i now start at the groin, allow for flip to go center-mass, and then allow for flip to go to the head, if he's still standing. That should stop any threat presented by a man. Do i want to kill him? NO! Do i want to survive his assault/attack? YES! And i will do all that i can within my power to stop said attack.

Police Academy Report Writing 101.
I go shoulder usually hit a piece of the head or torso


King Tut
half of you stoners should be on top shot from what i am reading
No Top Shot here. Just effective techniques. Could i shoot a marble spinning on a ferris wheel with a slingshot at 300 yards? No. Hit a silhouette at 30 yards? Damn near every time.


fuck me I am so glad we don't have your gun laws in the UK, reading all this 'i go groin' 'i go shoulder' bollox, have you all watched too many Rambo films? You come across as a bunch of paranoid cowards unable to reason with another human so you shoot em. I suggest you grow up as a nation and get a grip of your gun laws.

And this is a stoners site? Fuck me what are they discussing on the drinkers sites...?


Well-Known Member
Yes because Cheng, a Chinese-American, was as tall as bigfoot and as strong as an ox. A little reality needs to be injected here at some point. Oh, and another thing, I've read through all the stories and the police report and in none of them was there any mention of accomplices. In fact, the police said he was alone.
im from sacramento the word gets around. i hang out with a lot of asian people n one of my asian friend's cousin knows someone who knows someone who knew mr. cheng (i think i said that right) and that person said he had 2 people with his who fled the scene.


Well-Known Member
im from sacramento the word gets around. i hang out with a lot of asian people n one of my asian friend's cousin knows someone who knows someone who knew mr. cheng (i think i said that right) and that person said he had 2 people with his who fled the scene.
Sounds like a load of bullshit Chinese Whispers to me ;)