Man-made global warming is a lie and not backed up by science, claims leading meteorologist.

and you deliberately avoid the serious issue of NOT KEEPING THEIR DATA

as of yet uncited by you. you have only cited that there may exist some emails, and only via a 9/11 truther website.

if they are that incompetent then their "research" should be subject to severe scrutiny

yeah, it's not like peer review is 'severe scrutiny' or something.

if they are lying, what are they hiding?

the TrO0F!!!!1!!

You know too much...expect a visit from some strange, bald men wearing black suits and Ray-Bans. They'll need to escort you to a "private party".

So does this mean I can blast millions and millions cans of Butane and not worry?
At least not from the CO2 which is released from the oxidation.
2 C4H10 + 13 O2 → 8 CO2 + 10 H2O
But're going to burn us all up with that 2-3x more powerful GHG, Di-hydrogen Monoxide.
I thought they were going to ban that shit? Doesn't it kill baby lemurs or something?

33.5 National Science Academies!!!11@111!!!1
so these assholes who didnt even keep their data (or so they claim) should have a veto over every publication, to ensure adherence to their agenda.

good to know.

Nice distortion bro. Scientific journals ought to respect and properly observe the peer review process, or scientists should stick to the ones that do.
Nice distortion bro. Scientific journals ought to respect and properly observe the peer review process, or scientists should stick to the ones that do.

And how do you suppose they are to identify which is which, eh? Trial and Error? Word of mouth?
There are several "journals" now where one can pay to publish, while at the same time, the "standard" journals have some clear biases in what they publish.
At the end of the day, it comes down to the papers, themselves. It doesn't fucking matter who publishes what or where. If the work is garbage you can cover it in 24K gold leaf but the scent of shit will still permeate through, regardless.

However, the only way to smell it is to read it. Then, if one has the capacity, check it, and repeat the experiment. Then, try to falsify it.

For example: all water is wet

Experiment: examine water in different forms at room temperature.
Ice cube -- melts
Liquid water -- remains liquid
Vapour -- condenses

So far so good, right? What happens when we do the experiment at 260 K ?
Ice -- solid
Liquid -- turns to solid
Vapour -- crystallizes in air (solid)

It would seem the original hypothesis was falsified due to variation of the parameters of the experiment. That means the original hypothesis must be tweaked to reflect this condition, or trashed. Or bury the 2nd part of the experiment in between reams of obscure calculations, footnote references and drivel, hoping no one spots the problem...kind of like the way the IPCC does it :lol:
And how do you suppose they are to identify which is which, eh? Trial and Error? Word of mouth?
There are several "journals" now where one can pay to publish, while at the same time, the "standard" journals have some clear biases in what they publish.
At the end of the day, it comes down to the papers, themselves. It doesn't fucking matter who publishes what or where. If the work is garbage you can cover it in 24K gold leaf but the scent of shit will still permeate through, regardless.

However, the only way to smell it is to read it. Then, if one has the capacity, check it, and repeat the experiment. Then, try to falsify it.

For example: all water is wet

Experiment: examine water in different forms at room temperature.
Ice cube -- melts
Liquid water -- remains liquid
Vapour -- condenses

So far so good, right? What happens when we do the experiment at 260 K ?
Ice -- solid
Liquid -- turns to solid
Vapour -- crystallizes in air (solid)

It would seem the original hypothesis was falsified due to variation of the parameters of the experiment. That means the original hypothesis must be tweaked to reflect this condition, or trashed. Or bury the 2nd part of the experiment in between reams of obscure calculations, footnote references and drivel, hoping no one spots the problem...kind of like the way the IPCC does it :lol:

Yeah who needs a peer review anyway? Fuck me right?
great video.

it made many fine well accepted assertions.

however, the dude is wrong on several key points.

1 : observations do not become "Facts", observations can corroborated by other observations, and can either support or undermine theories and hypotheses, but observations are NOT "Facts"

2 : the more complex the theory, the less the word "Fact" can be used.

3 : google the word Theory + definition. you will not find "theories are facts made up of facts" anywhere. (which is, ironically, simply a theory, since i have not read every definition ever writ of the word "theory", but the many i have read so far dont use make that circular argument at all)

4 : the video in question relates to epistemology, which is a philosophical term, relating to... A Theory Of Knowledge In Philosophy (not the hard sciences)

noun: epistemology
  1. the theory of knowledge, especially with regard to its methods, validity, and scope. Epistemology is the investigation of what distinguishes justified belief from opinion. ~google definition
noun \i-ˌpis-tə-ˈmä-lə-jē\

Definition of EPISTEMOLOGY: the study or a theory of the nature and grounds of knowledge especially with reference to its limits and validity

noun (Concise Encyclopedia)
Study of the origin, nature, and limits of human knowledge. Nearly every great philosopher has contributed to the epistemological literature. Some historically important issues in epistemology are: (1) whether knowledge of any kind is possible, and if so what kind; (2) whether some human knowledge is innate (i.e., present, in some sense, at birth) or whether instead all significant knowledge is acquired through experience (see empiricism; rationalism); (3) whether knowledge is inherently a mental state (see behaviourism); (4) whether certainty is a form of knowledge; and (5) whether the primary task of epistemology is to provide justifications for broad categories of knowledge claim or merely to describe what kinds of things are known and how that knowledge is acquired. Issues related to (1) arise in the consideration of skepticism, radical versions of which challenge the possibility of knowledge of matters of fact, knowledge of an external world, and knowledge of the existence and natures of other minds.

you cannot use Philosophy to change the definitions of words in Physics.

5 : the Theory of Man Made Global Warming remains a Theory (in the realm of physics) and as such is derived from Observations, not "Facts", and many of those Observations are unsupported (if you dont keep a record of your Observations, nobody can be certain that you really Observed anything at all) and many of the Conclusions which define the Theory have been found to be Un-Reproducable (which means they are not valid)

6 : moar Lulz.
And how do you suppose they are to identify which is which, eh? Trial and Error? Word of mouth?
There are several "journals" now where one can pay to publish, while at the same time, the "standard" journals have some clear biases in what they publish.
At the end of the day, it comes down to the papers, themselves. It doesn't fucking matter who publishes what or where. If the work is garbage you can cover it in 24K gold leaf but the scent of shit will still permeate through, regardless.

However, the only way to smell it is to read it. Then, if one has the capacity, check it, and repeat the experiment. Then, try to falsify it.

For example: all water is wet

Experiment: examine water in different forms at room temperature.
Ice cube -- melts
Liquid water -- remains liquid
Vapour -- condenses

So far so good, right? What happens when we do the experiment at 260 K ?
Ice -- solid
Liquid -- turns to solid
Vapour -- crystallizes in air (solid)

It would seem the original hypothesis was falsified due to variation of the parameters of the experiment. That means the original hypothesis must be tweaked to reflect this condition, or trashed. Or bury the 2nd part of the experiment in between reams of obscure calculations, footnote references and drivel, hoping no one spots the problem...kind of like the way the IPCC does it :lol:

AC apparently feels that "Peer Reviewed" means "Certified Non-Controversial"

he doesnt realize that "Peer Review" isnt a loyalty test to the currently accepted dogma, it only evaluates the validity of the methods used and the adherence to good scientific practices (which Mann et al dont seem to bother with)

Peer Review doesnt weed out dissent, it is intended to weed out Non-Science from Science, which is why James Cook (Of the Skeptical Science Blog) publishes his twaddle excclusively on blogs and this Electronic Fish Wrapper:

the variety of "peer review" uses is right up Mann's alley, since the only reviewer is Mae Won Ho, and the only criteria are

1: Does Mae Won Ho agree with the conclusions of the article being "Peer Reviewed"?
2: Did The Check Clear?
Reductio ad absurdum is the technique of reducing an argument or hypothesis to absurdity, by pushing the argument's premises or conclusions to their logical limits and showing how ridiculous the consequences would be, thus disproving or discrediting the argument.~

Reductio Ad Retardum is some Next Level Shit, taking the fallacy beyond absurdity and into pure retardation.

Achievement Unlocked: You are a special snowflake. Have some pudding.
yes, Fuck You.

you have no clue what "Peer Review" means or what it is intended to do, and not do.

you use the phrase as a shorthand for "Science", but your view of "Science" is as twisted and deformed as that of "Scientology"
Coming from the author of such classic word salads as "Aggregate demand is a myth", "SES has nothing to do with it, crime is caused by rap music", "Their skulls hold less buckshot", "Multiculturalism and it's cognate monoracialism" and who could forget "The Torah is a historical document"...

I'll take all that as a compliment.
Coming from the author of such classic word salads as "Aggregate demand is a myth", "SES has nothing to do with it, crime is caused by rap music", "Their skulls hold less buckshot", "Multiculturalism and it's cognate monoracialism" and who could forget "The Torah is a historical document"...

I'll take all that as a compliment.
1 : aggregate demand IS a myth, there is no way to prop up an economy by printing more currency, hiring people to dig holes then paying them more to fill them back in, nor does Supply create Demand.

2 : "SES has nothing to do with it" is a fine example of a strawman. thanks for demonstrating that fallacy so effectively. I never said that, nor did i ever imply that.
My actual assertion: SES is not a valid excuse for crime.

3 : "crime is caused by rap music" another glorious strawman comrade.
my actual assertion: rap music glorifies crime, and is one part of the ghetto culture that actually results in the africa america community's abnormally high crime rates.

4 : "their skulls hold less buckshot" is actually a Bucklefuckleism, i never uttered those words, never implied any such thing, and this is just a strawman propped up on top of another strawman.

5 : "Multiculturalism" as envisioned by the left (and you, and bucklefuckle) is in fact "Monoracialism" as you both look forward to the glorious day when all racial and ethnic differences are eliminated (by first eliminating all european influences of course) resulting in a future where all people are the same colour, have the same features, and all hold the same (lefty approved) beliefs.

6 : tell us again what the word Cognate means...

7 : the torah has demonstrated over and over that it is a valid source for a great deal of historical data, many of it's (non supernatural) claims have been corroborated by other historical records and archaeological discoveries, and as such, yes, the torah IS a historical document, which provides a great deal of insight into the events, persons and points of view of a time log past.
Example: Isaac Newton's journals contain a lot of information which is no longer considered accurate, and also contain a lot of shit from a religious point of view. this does not invalidate the document as a tool for historical research, nor does it invalidate newton's works in the field of physics and mathematics.
newton also experimented with alchemy. so we must disregard all his other shit too right?

8 :
1 : aggregate demand IS a myth, there is no way to prop up an economy by printing more currency, hiring people to dig holes then paying them more to fill them back in, nor does Supply create Demand.

2 : "SES has nothing to do with it" is a fine example of a strawman. thanks for demonstrating that fallacy so effectively. I never said that, nor did i ever imply that.
My actual assertion: SES is not a valid excuse for crime.

3 : "crime is caused by rap music" another glorious strawman comrade.
my actual assertion: rap music glorifies crime, and is one part of the ghetto culture that actually results in the africa america community's abnormally high crime rates.

4 : "their skulls hold less buckshot" is actually a Bucklefuckleism, i never uttered those words, never implied any such thing, and this is just a strawman propped up on top of another strawman.

5 : "Multiculturalism" as envisioned by the left (and you, and bucklefuckle) is in fact "Monoracialism" as you both look forward to the glorious day when all racial and ethnic differences are eliminated (by first eliminating all european influences of course) resulting in a future where all people are the same colour, have the same features, and all hold the same (lefty approved) beliefs.

6 : tell us again what the word Cognate means...

7 : the torah has demonstrated over and over that it is a valid source for a great deal of historical data, many of it's (non supernatural) claims have been corroborated by other historical records and archaeological discoveries, and as such, yes, the torah IS a historical document, which provides a great deal of insight into the events, persons and points of view of a time log past.
Example: Isaac Newton's journals contain a lot of information which is no longer considered accurate, and also contain a lot of shit from a religious point of view. this does not invalidate the document as a tool for historical research, nor does it invalidate newton's works in the field of physics and mathematics.
newton also experimented with alchemy. so we must disregard all his other shit too right?

8 :
oh look kkkynes is still getting tl;dr'd
You should probably read it so you'll quit attributing what the village idiot claims Kynes says and you'll know what he actually says.

Or you can keep repeating bullshit about people and hope it sticks.
meanwhile, at AC's Strawman Factory...


also: for those who dont get the reference...

You warned us it was going to be ignorant by the way you used the word cognate (un cognado es un palabra como mismo o similar en dos o mas idiomas).

Translation of the spanish content:
"a cognate is a word like same or similar in two or more languages"

when in fact Cognate literally means "from the same womb", in the context used, it means that the two ideas are born of the same mother idea, to whit: european influences are bad, and must be watered down or eliminated by the infusion of non-european social and cultural influences

ergo: "Multiculturalism", which will result in a uniformity of appearance and culture, ideally with little or no european influences, as opposed to multiculturalism which includes many cultural influences, but does not exclude any particular cultural influence.

modern left "multiculturalism" is exclusionary of european culture, thus it is not truely multicultural. it expresses a preference for all things NON-european, and discriminates against anything of european origin. the end result, as expressed many times by the proponents, is that glorious day when all people look like this:

and all opinions are vetted by the lefty elites, ensuring there is no dissent.
this concept is well demonstrated by AC's desire that all publications should pass any research papers on "the environment" through the filter of Mann and his cronies, to ensure that there are no "controversial" ideas in print.

hence Mono-Racialism.

and that, boys and girls, is how you do a real TL;DR post, Kynes Style!

A-Thank You Very Much

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