Man-made global warming is a lie and not backed up by science, claims leading meteorologist.

You should probably read it so you'll quit attributing what the village idiot claims Kynes says and you'll know what he actually says.

Or you can keep repeating bullshit about people and hope it sticks.

Speaking of repetitive bullshit, you read it, and then notify NASA.
watered down or eliminated by the infusion of non-european social and cultural influences

ergo: "Multiculturalism", which will result in a uniformity of appearance and culture, ideally with little or no european influences, as opposed to multiculturalism which includes many cultural influences, but does not exclude any particular cultural influence.

modern left "multiculturalism" is exclusionary of european culture, thus it is not truely multicultural. it expresses a preference for all things NON-european, and discriminates against anything of european origin. the end result, as expressed many times by the proponents, is that glorious day when all people look like this:

and all opinions are vetted by the lefty elites, ensuring there is no dissent.

hence Mono-Racialism.

and that, boys and girls, is how you do a real TL;DR post, Kynes StylLE

Meltdown manifesto with made up words described as cognates, racism, more racism and just straight up RACISM.
And by ALL, you mean you and a couple of your fellow halfwits. The rest of us see Kynes wiping the floor with ya.

it's funny, you claim kynes is wiping the floor with us.

then i ask you if you support kynes' views that he has repeated over and over. claims such as "rushton is a respected academic".

then you say some shit along the lines of "oh, i don't really know what kynes' views are".

so how can you say that kynes is "wiping the floor" with us if you don't really know what his views are?

i'm gonna ask you one more time, fully expecting you to pussy out of an answer: do you think that rushton is a respected academic?

just so that you are aware that this is a claim kynes has made repeatedly, i will post kynes making the claim repeatedly

rushton was a respected academic

his continued publication in respected journals, and his continued legacy of citations of his work makes him a respected academic.

the fictional narrative of "Rushton's Racism" and your repeated attempts to defame this well respected academic

so what do you think?

do you think phillipe rushton is a "respected academic"?

we can go over some more kynes claims after this one if you'd like, such as his thought on how to calculate exponents, the prevalence of termite farts, his claims about rap music and criminality, and the like.

but first i would like you to answer this one question in a simple, straightforward manner.


it's funny, you claim kynes is wiping the floor with us.

then i ask you if you support kynes' views that he has repeated over and over. claims such as "rushton is a respected academic".

then you say some shit along the lines of "oh, i don't really know what kynes' views are".

so how can you say that kynes is "wiping the floor" with us if you don't really know what his views are?

i'm gonna ask you one more time, fully expecting you to pussy out of an answer: do you think that rushton is a respected academic?

just so that you are aware that this is a claim kynes has made repeatedly, i will post kynes making the claim repeatedly

so what do you think?

do you think phillipe rushton is a "respected academic"?

we can go over some more kynes claims after this one if you'd like, such as his thought on how to calculate exponents, the prevalence of termite farts, his claims about rap music and criminality, and the like.

but first i would like you to answer this one question in a simple, straightforward manner.



No problem. Same as before. I have no idea who Rushton is, nor do I care. That's a long winded question for something that was clearly answered previously.

Not knowing Rushton has ZERO bearing on my ability to follow Kyne's arguments on climate change, economics and many other topics he covers. YOU and ONLY YOU are the one person on here that seems to think it's important. As stated previously, I don't care who is making a valid, lucid argument. I have the mental wherewithal to seperate the argument from the individual. Shit, I've agreed and said as much with London, Schuylar, Cheebs and you before, and that happened despite knowing you're all total idiots on most subjects.

Hopefully, that's answered clearly and honestly enough for you.
No problem. Same as before. I have no idea who Rushton is, nor do I care. That's a long winded question for something that was clearly answered previously.

Not knowing Rushton has ZERO bearing on my ability to follow Kyne's arguments on climate change, economics and many other topics he covers. YOU and ONLY YOU are the one person on here that seems to think it's important. As stated previously, I don't care who is making a valid, lucid argument. I have the mental wherewithal to seperate the argument from the individual. Shit, I've agreed and said as much with London, Schuylar, Cheebs and you before, and that happened despite knowing you're all total idiots on most subjects.

Hopefully, that's answered clearly and honestly enough for you.

so you have no idea what kynes is talking about when he rants, yet despite being unfamiliar with the content of his rants, you claim he is "wiping the floor" with us anyway?

sounds like you are a retarded person if you expect that to fly!

so moving on. kynes has stated that:

4 billion tonnes is 40 gigatonnes

this was directly in relation to a claim he made about climate science.

do you agree with him there?
so you have no idea what kynes is talking about when he rants, yet despite being unfamiliar with the content of his rants, you claim he is "wiping the floor" with us anyway?

sounds like you are a retarded person if you expect that to fly!

so moving on. kynes has stated that:

this was directly in relation to a claim he made about climate science.

do you agree with him there?

I see YOU rant, I see him wax poetic. You're a bore, he's interesting an eloquent.

I follow him just fine, as I JUST STATED. Not knowing who Rushton is has ZERO bearing on 99.99% of his posts. You're an utter failure, face it.

As to the other, you don't really want members discounted for errors in math, etc, do you? You'd have been run out of here on a rail long ago, if that was the standard.
I see YOU rant, I see him wax poetic. You're a bore, he's interesting an eloquent.

I follow him just fine, as I JUST STATED. Not knowing who Rushton is has ZERO bearing on 99.99% of his posts. You're an utter failure, face it.

As to the other, you don't really want members discounted for errors in math, etc, do you? You'd have been run out of here on a rail long ago, if that was the standard.

you have argued that you are able to follow kynes as he "wipes the floor with us" on issues of climate change.

here is a claim he made that is DIRECTLY related to a climate change argument he was making:

4 billion tonnes is 40 gigatonnes

do you agree with him there?


feel free to run away like the little bitch you are rather than answer.
No problem. Same as before. I have no idea who Rushton is, nor do I care. That's a long winded question for something that was clearly answered previously.

Not knowing Rushton has ZERO bearing on my ability to follow Kyne's arguments on climate change, economics and many other topics he covers. YOU and ONLY YOU are the one person on here that seems to think it's important. As stated previously, I don't care who is making a valid, lucid argument. I have the mental wherewithal to seperate the argument from the individual. Shit, I've agreed and said as much with London, Schuylar, Cheebs and you before, and that happened despite knowing you're all total idiots on most subjects.

Hopefully, that's answered clearly and honestly enough for you.
lemme clear this up for ya.

you may

A) agree with everything i have ever said or ever will say, from my first words when i was drooling strained peas onto my bib, till my final death rattle where i gasp out those immortal last words: "Scrub my Hard Drive *cough cough* ...the ...pornography! uuuuunnngh!!11one!1!!Uno!!!" thus proving yourself to be a racist bigoted, homophobe and, apparently, a degenerate pervert


B) you disagree with everything i ever have or ever will say, joining the ranks of "the good people" who can do no wrong, and are never racist bigoted or homophobic, no matter how many times they link to stormfront and niggermania, how many times they judge others by the colour of their skin, or how many times they insinuate that somebody's opinion is wrong because "U R Ghey"

bucklefuckle lives in a binary world, where you are always on his side, or always the enemy, because he is small minded, bitter, and ignorant.

also, Rushton was a respected academic, google Phillipe Rushton, and read about how the charges of "That's Racist!!" failed utterly at proving he was a racist.

and have a lol, cuz Rushton was 4x the man bucklefuckle will ever be. even though he was Canadian.

Edit: tidied up, wouldnt want bucklefuckle to have shit he can quote out of context.
he will have to make that shit up himself, and hopefully pop a blood vessel from the strain
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you have argued that you are able to follow kynes as he "wipes the floor with us" on issues of climate change.

here is a claim he made that is DIRECTLY related to a climate change argument he was making:

do you agree with him there?


feel free to run away like the little bitch you are rather than answer.

I come up with 40 billion metric tonnes in 40 gigatonnes.
Rushton was a respected academic, google Phillipe Rushton

ok, i will.

In His Own Words:“Whites have, on average, more neurons and cranial size than blacks… Blacks have an advantage in sport because they have narrower hips — but they have narrower hips because they have smaller brains.”
--J. Philippe Rushton, speaking at the 2000 American Renaissance conference

gee, he's speaking at american renaissance with laughable theories about hip size as it relates to brain size?


wan't american renaissance founded by self-admitted white supremacist jared taylor? yes, it was.

anyhoo, anything more about rushton from the google box?

Although his training is unrelated to biology or genetics, Rushton has not hesitated to spread his controversial opinions far and wide, especially through his major published work, Race, Evolution and Behavior. His findings: black people have larger genitals, breasts and buttocks — characteristics that Rushton alleges have an inverse relationship to brain size and, thus, intelligence.

I come up with 40 billion metric tonnes in 40 gigatonnes.
yeah, i fucked up and lost a decimal place, and as a result everything i ever have or ever will say is invalid.

welcome to bucklefuckleland.

at least he has toned down his grammar nazism