Well-Known Member
I come up with 40 billion metric tonnes in 40 gigatonnes.
so kynes was wrong and i am right?

but you said he was "wiping the floor with us"!!!!!!!
why are you contradicting your own claims now?
I come up with 40 billion metric tonnes in 40 gigatonnes.
yeah, i fucked up and lost a decimal place, and as a result everything i ever have or ever will say is invalid.
welcome to bucklefuckleland.
at least he has toned down his grammar nazism
so kynes was wrong and i am right?
but you said he was "wiping the floor with us"!!!!!!!
why are you contradicting your own claims now?
So, one error from HOW LONG AGO, negates everything since? Trust me, you DON'T want to implement those standards. Not with your history.
4x10=40 e15= add 15 zeroes which makes (1+15) SIXTEEN zeroes.
did you forget that it's four times TEN to the fifteenth? that ten is another zero.
puuuhleeeze.So, one error from HOW LONG AGO, negates everything since? Trust me, you DON'T want to implement those standards. Not with your history.
4 : "their skulls hold less buckshot" is actually a Bucklefuckleism, i never uttered those words, never implied any such thing, and this is just a strawman propped up on top of another strawman.
the fact remains, even if i suck at math that doesnt make me any less able to whip their collective asses in any argument i please
and the really funny part is, even on the math error, he STILL gets it wrong, cuz that math error sat there, unchallenged for over 100 posts before bucky's old lady spotted the error and pointed it out to him.
one error?
let's continue on with this:
do you think that 4 x 10^15 = 40000000000000000?
remember, this claim is PARAMOUNT to kynes' entire climate change argument (until, of course, he is found to be inept at math entirely and he changes his entire argument to the next talking point, trying to forget this whole embarrassing debacle ever happened).
UncleBuck;[URL='https://www.rollitup.org/tel:9847393' said:9847393[/URL]]it's actually .3% if you know how decimals and rounding works.
your math sucks.
NoDrama;[URL='https://www.rollitup.org/tel:9847422' said:9847422[/URL]]Great rounding, but your answer is 100 times too large. 4000/150 million = .0000266 that does not equate to .3% if you round it up you get .0027%
Decimal place only moves 2 spots because the hundredths( a percentage) only has 2 zeroes.
You suck at math, and when expressing percentages you go to the hundredths place unless its even less, you don't "round up".
edit: You would think with all the many times you have screwed up your math that you would double check these things. Not everyone was destined to graduate from University though.
The Irony is so thick you could spoon it out of your last post.
MuyLocoNC;[URL='https://www.rollitup.org/tel:9847470' said:9847470[/URL]]He also sucks at simple division. No talking your way out of this one UB, straight up wrong. You are now officially the very LAST member on RIU that should ever correct another member's math. How the fuck you actually managed to pass Cheebs in that foot race is beyond me.
Man, that's gotta sting. Comin' all condescending and shit, only to drop your dick in the dirt.
UncleBuck;[URL='https://www.rollitup.org/tel:9847529' said:9847529[/URL]]4000/1500000 = .00266666666
expressed as a percentage, that is 0.266666666%, or 0.3% for those of us who like to round.
1/10 = .1 = 10%
1/100 = .01 = 1%
4k/1.5 million = .00266666 = .26666%
your problem is that you fucked up the first step and it all fell apart right there.
http://lmgtfy.com/?q=4000/1500000[/QUOTE]UncleBuck;[URL='https://www.rollitup.org/tel:9847536' said:9847536[/URL]]lol. you are stupider than stupid when it gets high on stupid and chases it with a shot straight stupid while snorting stupid.
UncleBuck;[URL='https://www.rollitup.org/tel:9847540' said:9847540[/URL]]it's close enough to the number of insured.
really, all that matters is that nodrama fucked up his math for the second time this week and needed me to correct him.
NoDrama;[URL='https://www.rollitup.org/tel:9847541' said:9847541[/URL]]Holy shit, out of the frying pan and into the fire!!!!
150 million is 150 followed by SIX ZEROES not five like in your example.
Please stop before losing the respect of even Cheezy, for gods sake please!!!!
UncleBuck;[URL='https://www.rollitup.org/tel:9847543' said:9847543[/URL]]that's why they would go into overdrive mode to find a bullshit reason to rescind, dummy.
you're as bad at common sense as you are at simple math.
UncleBuck;[URL='https://www.rollitup.org/tel:9847545' said:9847545[/URL]]shit. i fucked up the first step.
NoDrama;[URL='https://www.rollitup.org/tel:9847552' said:9847552[/URL]]That creamy smooth irony just turned into rough and rocky irony, the kind that is hard to swallow.
MuyLocoNC;[URL='https://www.rollitup.org/tel:9847560' said:9847560[/URL]]OMG, so condescending and so undeserving of fostering said condescension. You couldn't pour water out of a boot with instructions on the heel.
10.00 = ten.
move that decimal point to the right: 100.0 ZOMG!!
move it to the left? 1.00
What Sorcery Is This???
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nah homey, the funny shit is, he didnt even see my error, even as he harped and harped about how i was "making shit up!!"(i wasnt) and "That's not a real thing!!!" (it was) and "that's not Peer Reviewed" (ohh it totally was)Hmmm, it reminds me of this one, minus the smug attitude.
nah homey, the funny shit is, he didnt even see my error, even as he harped and harped about how i was "making shit up!!"(i wasnt) and "That's not a real thing!!!" (it was) and "that's not Peer Reviewed" (ohh it totally was)
he laid out every argument he could dream up except :"Your matth is wrong"
it took 100+ posts for that one to float to the top.
cuz he is so smurt and a expirt on maths n shit.
bucklefuckle cant let it go cuz he is Autismal As Fuck.
not a lot of pride from kkkynes for someone who is a white pride adherent.
Onoes!! i forgot about a glib quip from over a year ago??
my bad.
but you deliberately removed the Context, because you are, as ever, a deceptive ignorant lying douche.
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uhh oh! bucklefuckle got caught slinging bullshit again??
who was surprised?
Amazing that you think being born at a later date somehow is an accomplishment to take great pride in. I guess being a failure a everything you do, you have to set somewhat low goals.Sounds to me like you're the butthurt one, being what, a 55 year old who hasn't tasted pussy in decades?
I dig the projection though
I'm in my prime while you're sitting there with your hands on your wrinkled twig n berries, I bet that sucks..
"Corrected"?????? lol. You are but a fool.Do you mean that thread where Kynes butchered Keynesian economics, then I corrected the everloving shit out of him, then he came back with "tl:dr, copy/paste! same old tired bullshit butchered idea of what he thinks the economic theory actually says", that thread?
If that's the case, you're even more retarded than he is (as if more evidence was necessary...)
"comprehensive dissections"???????????.......You are literally retarded.LOL that's hilarious coming from you. I post comprehensive dissections of your bullshit all the time and all you do is cry about how much there is to read and post memes that you think make you look smart.
Then you call me a virgin and ask if I'm the 12 year old...
You are literally retarded.
Wouldn't "virgin" entail a complete lack of "sexual escapades"?
Looks like someone didn't even read the fucking material. What an idiot.
YOU called me a virgin, retard, YOU'RE the one who brought sexual escapades into it, retard.
Anyone can go back and see the shit. If you can't stand the heat, stay the fuck out of the kitchen, idiot.
"Corrected"?????? lol. You are but a fool.
You hold a belief that doesn't correspond to science, so no matter what scientific evidence is presented, you will dismiss itYou hold a belief that doesn't correspond to science, so no matter what scientific evidence is presented, you will dismiss it