Man-made global warming is a lie and not backed up by science, claims leading meteorologist.

" A year" ???

It's NINE years without a Cat 3 hurricane. Never in the history of the U.S.

But, as we've been told, they will increase in intensity and frequency because, you know, SCIENCE!

So wierd.
Who cares if you're only counting the US for 9 years? Meaningless measurement.
Unless it's so you can say "the hottest decade in...."

I'm on board with needing to do something about MMGW but watching your lame ass arguments in this thread almost makes me not believe anymore.

Between you making statements like above, Pad saying the IPCC emails weren't the least bit shady because nobody went to jail over them and UB posting graphs that show CO2 levels measured over a volcano as a consistent number for everywhere and showing roads on 100ft cliff as "it'll be under water", you guys have done a swell job of convincing people that you are loons, nothing more.
Unless it's so you can say "the hottest decade in...."

that's in rebuttal to the retarded claim that "it hasn't warmed in 17 years!!!!!".

if it hasn't warmed in 17 years, why was this decade the hottest ever, with the previous one being the second hottest?

see how that works, princess?

UB posting graphs that show CO2 levels measured over a volcano as a consistent number for everywhere

have you told NASA about these concerns of yours?

because NASA doesn't seem too concerned.

maybe you know something NASA doesn't?
Perfect example of the herp derping in the post above.... (UB for the many many many that have him on ignore here, no need to read it, herp derp is fine)
The IPCC, which has acknowledged the hiatus in warming, needs to get UB on the payroll. He obviously knows some SCIENCE of which they seem to be ignorant.

And all the climatologists that are throwing out hypotheses about the lack of warming for the last 17 years (ocean absorption lulz) are wasting their time. They could just take their cues from UB, plant their heads in the sand and gurgle "Nuh uhz".
i'll pay you $1000 if you can actually cite that.

I'd lose money taking the time to go to Western Union to collect a measly grand and I don't do citations. There are copies of the final SPM as well as the draft that was circulated a few months earlier, if you'd like to verify the following. But, I'm sure you'd rather bloviate and declare victory than actually see it for yourself.

On September 27 2013, the IPCC issued the final version of the Summary for Policymakers (SPM) for its fifth comprehensive Assessment Report (AR-5).

The draft of the SPM circulated in June stated quite accurately that the “Models do not generally reproduce the observed reduction in surface warming trend over the last 10 to 15 years.” The final draft released in September covers the same by saying, “There are…differences between simulated and observed trends over periods as short as 10 to 15 years (e.g., 1998 to 2012).”

Here's one of thousands of articles by Right wing rags like the LA Times, etc.

Global warming 'hiatus' puts climate change scientists on the spot

Google "Global warming hiatus" and you can find thousands of articles filled with hundreds of proAGW scientists (many of them IPCC panelists) explaining a hiatus that according to you, doesn't exist.

Wierd, huh.