Man-made global warming is a lie and not backed up by science, claims leading meteorologist.

then explain why 12000 years of actual dramatic warming dont count, but the last 100 years are super important despite being a relatively mild period of both warming AND cooling trends....

i literally just posted this a page back.


this is the temperature anomaly over the last 12000 years.

it hasn't been "dramatically warming", or even warming at all, in the last 10000 years.

the last time we warmed one degree, it took over 2000 years. this time we did it in about 100.

maybe it's termite farts. maybe it's marxism.

but if i was to lay a bet, i'd say it would have to do with the millions of years of sequestered greenhouse gases we suddenly released into the air.

learn to do exponents by the way.
dont give a shit what the whitewashes claim, i read that shit myself, and if my GC did that kind of shit on a kitchen remodel i would have him in court, and his license would be yanked.

yeah Upenn's "independent investigations" are so thorough and trustworthy, sandusky was "exonerated shortly before the feds clapped him in irons.

"97% consensus" is a talking point created by a long since discredited "meta-study" (the weakest kind of study) from a HISTORY TEACHER which only examined the abstracts of published papers, drew faulty conclusions, and eventually was plagiarized by Cook.

the "97% consensus" is pure bullshit, as i have demonstrated before, but as usual you pretend that shit never happened, then you ran off to make a new thread.
this is where you pretend i never cited that shit...

now explain why the "unprecedented" warming is so clearly precedented, how deliberately undermining the peer revirew system, and attempting to stifle reseach that isnt Mann approved, trying (and failing) to blackball journals because they wouldnt submit to Mann's demand for pre-approval of all their materials, the missing data, the un-reporducable conclusions, and the illogical assumptions are "good science" suitable fro the creation of a "consensus"
this is where you declare "citation needed" despite having been provided with those citations previously

also explain why the shrill caterwauls of dolts like yourself and al gore are never corrected by the "Climate Change Proponents" (~Michael Mann), but if you question the spelling in a lefty global warming hysteric's blog, shitheels like you pour out of the woodwork with cries of "Climate Denier" flying from spittle flecked lips, and Mike Mann and the Earth First Band start shouting about "The Baddies" infiltrating scientific journals.
this is where you pretend that i didnt link you directly to thos emails, from 4 different sources, including wikileaks, not just the "suspect" websites run by "The Baddies"

then explain why 12000 years of actual dramatic warming dont count, but the last 100 years are super important despite being a relatively mild period of both warming AND cooling trends...

Psst... this is the part where you pretend i have never provided you with a link to a "Peer Reviewed" paper that demonstrated large and sudden swings in temp during the (allegedly imaginary) last interglacial.

next, detail how well established scientific theories like the milenkovik cycles, previous glaciations, previous interglacials, previous CO2 spikes without warming, and previous warming without CO2 spikes which call into question many parts of the "Global Warming" narrative are all fictional
this is where you declare "i cant prove any of that shit" and try to argue that dinosaurs, megafauna, and the last ice age never actually existed


you are totally "owning me" with your Facts that are made up of Facts, by dint of their Factiness.

demonstrating that you dont know what the fuck youre talking about, and your declarations fo "consensus" are bullshit, and your claims that "The Science Is Settled" doesnt make me a "Climate Denier", it makes me a "Toby Denier"

if some papers are published tomorrow that shows Mann et all's shit IS reporducable, and their conclusions are NOT just politically motivated claptrap by some Climate 419 scammers who wanna chop my dollar, i can accept this new data and change my position.

you have already lept onto the bandwagon for all the wrong reasons, and are thus not a credible source for opinions on the subject.

if Denying Toby is wrong, i dont wanna be right.



global ass covering.

how many miullions have been dumped into "global warming" research?

if it in fact turns out to be bullshit, somebody is gonna get fucked, and all the suspects are jostling trying to nominate somebody else to take that dicking.

course if you could simply point to where mann and the boys put that data that you seem to feel wasnt lost, well that'd be grand.

maybe you could show where i can find a peer reviewed study that has independently replicated mann et al's findings.

hell, maybe you could show where the peer review system at Climate Research, Letters of the Geophysical Union or Energy and Environment were flawed. someplace other than Mann's accusations of "The Baddies" i mean...

taking a position that is supportive of your personal favourite narrative doesnt make somebody right, and it sure as fuck doesnt convey infallibility on them.

thats right, more Toby Denialism.
i literally just posted this a page back.


yeah it was not worth comment then either.

that UNATTRIBUTED image is from "Realclimate" Mike Mann's "climate denier denier" blog.

as i have already established Mike Mann DOESNT HAVE HIS DATA so all his claims are un-reproduceable.

why should anyone beleive his assertions when he cant support his claims?

but then unsupported claims are your specialty, so you just keep on Bucklefuckin.
global ass covering.

how many miullions have been dumped into "global warming" research?

if it in fact turns out to be bullshit, somebody is gonna get fucked, and all the suspects are jostling trying to nominate somebody else to take that dicking.

course if you could simply point to where mann and the boys put that data that you seem to feel wasnt lost, well that'd be grand.

maybe you could show where i can find a peer reviewed study that has independently replicated mann et al's findings.

hell, maybe you could show where the peer review system at Climate Research, Letters of the Geophysical Union or Energy and Environment were flawed. someplace other than Mann's accusations of "The Baddies" i mean...

taking a position that is supportive of your personal favourite narrative doesnt make somebody right, and it sure as fuck doesnt convey infallibility on them.

thats right, more Toby Denialism.
as i have already established Mike Mann DOESNT HAVE HIS DATA so all his claims are un-reproduceable.

actually it lists where the data is from right on the graph. that graph matches the graph you posted earlier too.

you have become too retarded lately.

why should anyone beleive his assertions when he cant support his claims?

you can't do an exponent on termite farts and you were just caught lying about decimal miscalculations where no decimal exists.

if you judged yourself by the same standards you judge those involved in this marxist conspiracy, you'd have shut the fuck up before you even began.

1 the claims of mann and the CRU Crew ARE in doubt because their results cannot be reproduced.

2 their personal integrity is dubious because they did not perform basic record keeping, which has only 2 explanations, 1) Incompetence, or 2) Malfeasance

3 missing data is not "disagreements among scientists" it is a fundamental failure to practice basic scientific rigor. i have cited non-experts, noteably Mike Mann and his Backup Dancers. they are NOT experts, since experts would have saved their data. those non-experts obviously hold a minority opinion, since 99+% of scientists agree, saving your data is a good idea, but Mike Mann i guess is a Data Denier.
if Mike Mann is an authority on anything, it's hitting the delete key, and running a document shredder

4 it is impossible to exaggerate the harm the lost data has done to their results, since the loss of that data renders their results MOOT.

5 the inability or refusal to provide the missing data casts all their conclusions into doubt, so their personal freedoms SHOULD be threatened, with prison, for perpetrating fraud with government funds.

6 accepting their findings without the data does irreparable harm to basic scientific credibility and casts a shadow on all future science because they couldnt simply save their data.
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actually it lists where the data is from right on the graph.

no, it has a splash that tells where Mann CLAIMS he got his data from, but since Mann doesnt feel the need to save that data, who can be sure?

where YOU got the graph from was a mystery, since a little thing like attribution is too complex for you to manage, and your claims are less obviously bullshit if you dont reveal what hack website you lifted it from, and make sure you eliminate all context.

the only problem is, everybody can see who posted it, so most will simply assume it's bullshit

your track record is so consistently shitty, that is a pretty safe bet.
meltdown meltdown meltdown meltdown meltdown meltdown
meltdown meltdown meltdown
meltdown meltdown meltdown
meltdown meltdown meltdown
meltdown meltdown meltdown meltdown
meltdown meltdown meltdown meltdown

repetition is key to indoctrination.

every argument no matter how clearly and concisely stated is a "meltdown" because you clowns have no actual rebuttal.

of course you personally have an excuse for your lack of retort, you have no stated position upon which to base an argument, so you have only the endless rhetorical retreat of Chompskyism.

for you, actual ideas and positions are a terrifying thing, instead you throw out wave after wave of meaningless jingoisms and bumper sticker slogans , sacrificing them in droves as you fall back to the safety of your spiderhole where you can cower in fear, listening to the inevitable approach of your opposition, until finally you have no choice left but to bite down on your cyanide capsule, and shoot eva braun in the face.

i hope that wasnt too subtle for you.
inb4 marxist

try not to have another meltdown
imma try and be civil, and stay on one single issue.

Mike Mann declared definitively that the journal Letters of the Geophysical Union was "Infiltrated by The Baddies"(his words) and demanded that all his colleagues not cite from, or publish in that journal.

you have reinforced and supported Mikey's claim, and implied that Letters of the Geophysical Union violated the tenets of peer review.

i have supported my assertion that Mike Mann tried to blackball this journal and declare it invalid and corrupt (as well as several other journals, but lets just deal with this one) , yet you have provided no support for Mann's claim.

i now await your support for Mann's claim, and your reasoning for supporting that claim.
no, it has a splash that tells where Mann CLAIMS he got his data from, but since Mann doesnt feel the need to save that data, who can be sure?

where YOU got the graph from was a mystery, since a little thing like attribution is too complex for you to manage, and your claims are less obviously bullshit if you dont reveal what hack website you lifted it from, and make sure you eliminate all context.

the only problem is, everybody can see who posted it, so most will simply assume it's bullshit

your track record is so consistently shitty, that is a pretty safe bet.

actually, it lists "marcott et al", and it is from their 2013 study of the holocene.

mann was not part of the "et al" you fucking retard. furthermore, the graph matches the graph you posted earlier very precisely!

you can't actually be this fucking stupid, can you?

i guess you think if you keep repeating a lie it will become true. sadly for you, that's not how science works!
repetition is key to indoctrination.

and yet no matter how many times you scream "MANN!!!! UNREPRODUCEABLE!!!!! CLIMATEGATE 4EVAH!!!!!!!", i can simply reproduce the results of the 2013 study of the holocene by marcott and company to shut you the fuck up.

you are a sad little girl.
1 the claims of mann and the CRU Crew ARE in doubt because their results cannot be reproduced.

2 their personal integrity is dubious because they did not perform basic record keeping, which has only 2 explanations, 1) Incompetence, or 2) Malfeasance

3 missing data is not "disagreements among scientists" it is a fundamental failure to practice basic scientific rigor. i have cited non-experts, noteably Mike Mann and his Backup Dancers. they are NOT experts, since experts would have saved their data. those non-experts obviously hold a minority opinion, since 99+% of scientists agree, saving your data is a good idea, but Mike Mann i guess is a Data Denier.
if Mike Mann is an authority on anything, it's hitting the delete key, and running a document shredder

4 it is impossible to exaggerate the harm the lost data has done to their results, since the loss of that data renders their results MOOT.

5 the inability or refusal to provide the missing data casts all their conclusions into doubt, so their personal freedoms SHOULD be threatened, with prison, for perpetrating fraud with government funds.

6 accepting their findings without the data does irreparable harm to basic scientific credibility and casts a shadow on all future science because they couldnt simply save their data.

you sure blather on a lot about missing data when you have yet to show any evidence of such and keep getting violated in the anus when i reproduce the data!

one can only assume that you like getting violated in the rear end by yours truly, which is certainly a first for me! i'm flattered.