Mar- A Lago raided FBI Warrants

sooo do we believe him?

fuck no, but there comes a point when it doesn't matter what more he has done, past what we already know he has done.
He's a 77 year old tub of kfc fat...he won't come out of prison alive, if he ever goes in.
He will already live out the rest of his life facing suit after suit until there is nothing left of his fake ass fortune.
you can pile a mountain of new charges on him, but he's already pretty well entombed by the current pile.
But, honestly, just out of spite...i hope they do keep piling EVERYTHING they find right on top of that tomb.
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fuck no, but there comes a point when it doesn't matter what more he has done, past what we already know he has done.
He's a 77 year old tub of kfc fat...he won't come out of prison alive, if he ever goes in.
He will already live out the rest of his life facing suit after suit until there is nothing left of his fake ass fortune.
you can pile a mountain of new charges on him, but he's already pretty well entombed by the current pile.
But, honestly, just out of spite...i hope they do keep piling EVERYTHING they find right on top of that tomb.
one never knows which straw breaks the proverbial camel’s back. Keep manning the shovels
Gonna revive this. It belongs.

View attachment 5295723
If he is indicted for espionage he could be jailed until trial, if Jack opposes his release, and his SS detail would be the only reason he would be placed under house arrest or some other confinement. Unfortunately locking him up this early would clear the field for Meatball Ron who has a better chance of beating Biden. Joe is smart as the devil and threading the needle of the debt ceiling kinda proves it, but he's not "pretty" enough, because democrats can't find anybody perfect enough and the republicans can't find anybody bad enough, except Trump of course.
If he is indicted for espionage he could be jailed until trial, if Jack opposes his release, and his SS detail would be the only reason he would be placed under house arrest or some other confinement. Unfortunately locking him up this early would clear the field for Meatball Ron who has a better chance of beating Biden. Joe is smart as the devil and threading the needle of the debt ceiling kinda proves it, but he's not "pretty" enough, because democrats can't find anybody perfect enough and the republicans can't find anybody bad enough, except Trump of course.
I think the chances of electing DeSaster are small. If we do,

I think the chances of electing DeSaster are small. If we do,

View attachment 5295729
Unfortunately, he has a better chance than Trump and the republicans will close ranks behind him once Trump is eliminated and particularly if he is jailed. If Trump wins the nomination, he will lose the election and if loses the nomination he will run as a bull moose, if he is able to and will take votes from the GOP nominee. We will see, but it's looking like the same charges and more than the Texeira case and he never got bail because prosecutors opposed it. You want Trump in the deepest shit during primary season, as the nominee or a bull moose, if he doesn't get it and endorsing his own anti RINO independents for congress.

It is hard to say how it will pan out or the reaction of the magats, Trump brought a lot of bigots and white trash to the polls, people who don't normally vote and they could stay home if he is gone from the scene. He also brings out a lot of the youth and female democratic vote too.
Unfortunately, he has a better chance than Trump and the republicans will close ranks behind him once Trump is eliminated and particularly if he is jailed. If Trump wins the nomination, he will lose the election and if loses the nomination he will run as a bull moose, if he is able to and will take votes from the GOP nominee. We will see, but it's looking like the same charges and more than the Texeira case and he never got bail because prosecutors opposed it. You want Trump in the deepest shit during primary season, as the nominee or a bull moose, if he doesn't get it and endorsing his own anti RINO independents for congress.

It is hard to say how it will pan out or the reaction of the magats, Trump brought a lot of bigots and white trash to the polls, people who don't normally vote and they could stay home if he is gone from the scene. He also brings out a lot of the youth and female democratic vote too.
It will be somebody else. I don't know who, but probably not the completely dislikeable DeSantis and not anybody who has announced yet. After Trump, DeSantis is the next strongest current choice of conservative Christians but they aren't in the driver's seat of the Republican Party. Pence will present a competitive arch Christian option to DeSantis after he announces.

I also don't think Trump is going to be the nominee either. We'll know by this time next year but Trump is a 3-times loser with extreme legal baggage and the field of GOP candidates will ride that message hard. A lot will happen between now and then. Not saying I'm confident in my predictions, just my opinion.
It will be somebody else. I don't know who, but probably not the completely dislikeable DeSantis and not anybody who has announced yet. After Trump, DeSantis is the next strongest current choice of conservative Christians but they aren't in the driver's seat of the Republican Party. Pence will present a competitive arch Christian option to DeSantis after he announces.

I also don't think Trump is going to be the nominee either. We'll know by this time next year but Trump is a 3-times loser with extreme legal baggage and the field of GOP candidates will ride that message hard. A lot will happen between now and then. Not saying I'm confident in my predictions, just my opinion.
The most important parts I can see is he is keeping the republicans unbalanced and divided, if he does not win the nomination he will run as a bull moose, if he is able to. One way to win is to divide the republicans and Trump would make a good spoiler, their base is not rational, and Trump's base is just plain nuts.

Donald Trump caught on tape, PROVING he lied about declassifying national security documents

56,773 views May 31, 2023 #TeamJustice
CNN just reported that Special Counsel Jack Smith has an audiotape of Donald Trump - months after he left the residency - waiving around a classified document about a possible US attack on a foreign country and saying that the document remains classified. This recording puts the lie to Trump's earlier claim that he declassified everything when he took the documents with him to Mar-a-Lago.

Here is how this sharply incriminating evidence will be used by prosecutors at the eventual trial of Donald Trump.
It will be somebody else. I don't know who, but probably not the completely dislikeable DeSantis and not anybody who has announced yet. After Trump, DeSantis is the next strongest current choice of conservative Christians but they aren't in the driver's seat of the Republican Party. Pence will present a competitive arch Christian option to DeSantis after he announces.

I also don't think Trump is going to be the nominee either. We'll know by this time next year but Trump is a 3-times loser with extreme legal baggage and the field of GOP candidates will ride that message hard. A lot will happen between now and then. Not saying I'm confident in my predictions, just my opinion.
I kind of hope it is desantis. No one but the hardcore magats like him worth a fuck. He has the personality of a piece of shit.
Every parent in America that isn't a hardcore magat will vote against him, just because of what he's done to schools in florida.
Every LGBTQ person in America will vote against him. Every person with an operable cerebral cortex in America will vote against him.
He would be an easy mark for Biden to beat.
I kind of hope it is desantis. No one but the hardcore magats like him worth a fuck. He has the personality of a piece of shit.
Every parent in America that isn't a hardcore magat will vote against him, just because of what he's done to schools in florida.
Every LGBTQ person in America will vote against him. Every person with an operable cerebral cortex in America will vote against him.
He would be an easy mark for Biden to beat.
That's what I and a lot of others thought about Trump, he is a POS and is the worse person imaginable. He got more votes in 2020 than he got in 2016 as the white trash crawled out of the woodwork and went to the polls. Even after J6 the republicans managed a majority in the house and if it wasn't for Trump endorsing candidates, the republicans would have won the senate too in 22. You want the fuckers divided and Trump running as a bull moose against whoever they pick, and ideally, he would also have a slate of house and senate independent candidates that he would endorse.

Divide and conquer which is why I fear that Trump will be taken down too soon over the MAL documents and lose his impact on the GOP base if he is locked up too soon. The latest news and recordings make it hard for him to avoid some form of incarceration upon indictment. All Jack would have to do is oppose bail and Donald would be jailed until he is tried and convicted, unless they put him in the custody of his SS detail and impose restrictions. There are 522 days until the election and less than a year until the primaries and I doubt Donald can avoid being locked up until then. The case in NY starts at the beginning of primary season and that one can put him away for the remainder of his miserable existence.