Well-Known Member
This will be interesting, all the republican candidates for the GOP nomination will be asked if they support Trump when they bust him for the docs and obstruction, and if they would pardon him! It will be the same for all the congressional candidates too, Donald will demand their support, assuming he isn't locked up upon indictment. Gym Jordan will be going nuts trying to get inside information for Trump and obstructing justice. As James Comey just mentioned, he could be wearing an ankle bracket during the primaries and probably showing it off at rallies to drum up more cash from the suckers.
I can see the GOP being in one Helluva pickle over Trump's coming indictment since he still has a huge amount of support among their racist and fascist base. Every time he gets indicted his support grows among the republican base FFS, and not to give him their full-throated support as he goes down in flames, would be primary suicide and to do so would mean losing the general election in most places. Add to that their policies on abortion and guns, then you might see useful democratic majorities in 24 along with a second term for Joe. If Joe has a democratic congress at his back in 24, I expect some rapid economic, social and legislative progress that will include the resolution of a number of problems and issues.
The democrats need a big enough win to make effective changes and reduce the GOPs built in advantages on a couple of fronts and Donald might just give it to them in 24. The shit is really about to hit the fan for the republicans when Donald goes down over the MAL docs and obstruction, I'm hoping for an ankle bracelet, SS custody and a trial during the primaries or before. I hope he is free to keep running off at the mouth to the media for another year.

I can see the GOP being in one Helluva pickle over Trump's coming indictment since he still has a huge amount of support among their racist and fascist base. Every time he gets indicted his support grows among the republican base FFS, and not to give him their full-throated support as he goes down in flames, would be primary suicide and to do so would mean losing the general election in most places. Add to that their policies on abortion and guns, then you might see useful democratic majorities in 24 along with a second term for Joe. If Joe has a democratic congress at his back in 24, I expect some rapid economic, social and legislative progress that will include the resolution of a number of problems and issues.
The democrats need a big enough win to make effective changes and reduce the GOPs built in advantages on a couple of fronts and Donald might just give it to them in 24. The shit is really about to hit the fan for the republicans when Donald goes down over the MAL docs and obstruction, I'm hoping for an ankle bracelet, SS custody and a trial during the primaries or before. I hope he is free to keep running off at the mouth to the media for another year.