Why are you saying your problem is a reaction to pot? You smoked for years, recently started having stomach problems. Take the colonoscopy because it's not the pot, as you will find out when you quit smoking it. A good idea is to try a raw food detox diet. Detoxify your body and cleanse your GI with healthy organic foods. After the first week you will feel 10x better, at the end of the month when you are finished you will be a new man/woman.
I still dont see why you think the pot is hurting your stomach, was it because you read that article?? I can show you articles that prove pot will help your stomach pains... let me see what dr bob has related to GI disorders.
Crohns disease
There you go, read those and your problems wont be related to pot anymore. I really hope you try the detox cleanse, then the colonoscopy. It is FOOLISH to think smoking pot will do those things to your body. It's the pepsi and cheetos you ingest after smoking that is the problem, good luck.

i total agree..this is my story off what ive been through and still am in the last 5 years,...ill try and keep it short

,had to come back and edit it...
hopefully it makes since,as to me it seems like the last few years have just been repeating them seleves..

it aint short.....lol
if you cant be arsed to read it all,read year 1,skip year 2,read half end of year 3,skip 4and 5,and catch up in year 6..
about 5 years ago i was on holiday and one evening felt sick,half hr later after being sick i was in very bad pains in my stomach and going round to my back....that was it from then on i was in pain and being sick whenever i ate something and i mean every time i ate,the amounts i could eat slowly went down until i couldnt even eat 1 crisp without being sick,still in constant pain,more just after i had thrown up.by this time i was under the hospitals and had tests started on me...the year gose on.about 8 months into the year,after in and out for tests,and also going into hospital about once a week so they could re-dehydrate me,as i couldnt by then even take a small sip of water without being sick....if i looked at a plate of food made me feel sick and was a few times...my weight was going down,over all i went from 13.5 stone down to 8 stone...by the end off the first year i was in under a london hospital,and they had decided to do my first operation...a stomach bypass,,during this time,they was pumping me tablets up slowly swapping and changing them about and was taking about 20 different ones a day for pain,sickness,etc.and as off today am still on 12 different sickness drugs....i had the op came out of hospital a week later,which was only a couple off weeks before xmas,so was happy thinking great home for xmas had the op,job done im sorted....and i was for a couple of months,then it started again being sick,what went down me throat came back up....



,thats better had roll a joint (for pain relief,mite i just add,since that is the main point of this thread)i hadnt forgotten,and make a drink..so this takes us into year two...



tests start all from the sickness again,which they did all the time though out......3 months later,been in and out hospital,test after test,all tests coming back clear....another 3 months later,been doing same thing....more test,..swapping and changing me pills about...about 9 months into the year..id had all tests done all come back clear..they didnt no what to do,and had to have a think for about a month,and dont forget i was still being sick and in pain,all the time,and losing weight....by the end of the year they decided to do another operation,they thought the by pass they did wasnt working right or something so they would take it down....i had the op came home..which takes us to my third year.



year 3
thinking i was sorted once again..and once again i was for a couple of months...then it started again...copy and paste year 1 or 2 again,read that which takes half way into the year roughly,by this time,i had had all the same tests repeated at least once each plus a few different ones...then i think the doctors went on holiday for a couple of months as didnt hardly see them and had no tests done...which was great actually as was aloud home after just doing a 4 month spell in a hospital,that wasnt nice..and wanted to get home..was gagging for a smoke.by now i was noticing when i was aloud to go home i was smoking more and more weed all the time as when i did i felt better then while in the hospitals.and was smoking more weed as well rather then the solid i used to,before i became ill (

i no solid,how could you,its shit,dont bring that stuff near me,etc,etc...

),..a few months later when the doctors turned up..they had made there desion....WTFS A MATTER WITH YOU,WE HAVENT GOT A CLUE...fuck it i thought

to put it politely.
then they sad there is one thing we COULD try,that was a big operation,which involved taking aload of me bits out,cutting bits off and swapping about etc...they actually didnt no what they operation would involve as until they opened me up and looked once again they didnt no,but they dont like doing that sort of op on some body as young as me,its normally 70/80 year olds,which is why they took so long to decide what to do..by this time i had had enough of hospitals,had no choice but to have it done...i went into hospital one day and had the operation...after the op was done they came to tell me what they had done it went something like..we took a bit of this,we took a bit of that,stuck this up there,and the thing left over they stuck it some where....

the bits i can remember they put in the bin was...
the top half of my pancreas,
half my stomach roughly,
my duodeum,
bit of my small and large bowl (this was actually needed to stick some where else,but on the pictures it looks like they cut out 10 foot because they needed 6 inches of it),
thats all i can remember.oh and the couple of bits they said you dont actually need was gaul bladder and something else,so while we had you open thought we take em out neways...cheeky fookers i thought throwing away my good bits as well....that was it all over had the big operation that...that takes us to year 4.

YEAR 4....
the operation didnt bloody work....

spent the yeah doing as the previous couple of years....all tests have been done once or twice again, but still coming back clear.
still being sick but a little less often.and pains not gone.
on loads of tablets a day.even more weed..which takes us into year 5.

quite year took a break from hospitals for about 9 monthes...purely because the doctors and stuff just dunno what to do next..had the odd check up now and then....going into year six.....

year six
having deja vue again...the tests have just within the last 8 weeks started again...but have been transferred to a different hospital,and am under a PROFESSOR OF THE STOMACH,AND NERVE SYSTEM...
ive had two tests so far with him 1 been clear awaiting other results..
my condition at moment.
still take 12 different prescrition drugs a day which only 2 or 3 off actually do nething...i smoke me weed,which dose more than the tablets...boom boom boom...to be continued...the end.

ps...going by my last 6 years me weed dont give you stomach pains..it makes em better,if my pains are better im not sick so much,if im not sick i dont get the pains...