Mark Blyth, the economist who's making sense

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The rule of law must be respected by everyone, all the time. No one gets a free pass. That includes people who want to kill Nazis.

THEY ACTUALLY WANT VIOLENCE. So getting violent with them is playing right into their strategy.

The voices of reason. The events at Charlottesville just emboldened both extreme sides. The rest of America is caught in the middle of the nonsense. It's only going to get worse for the rest of middle America

This is only my opinion, but I think the neonazi biggest audience is antifa. If antifa doesn't show up to these stupid rallies, how many other people do you think would actually go? Do you guys really believe the neonazi's have that big of a following? Or if they're allowed to speak, people will listen to these fools and go out and start terrorizing minorities? I dont, they're just a small group that doesn't even amount to a pimple on the ass of America.
The voices of reason. The events at Charlottesville just emboldened both extreme sides. The rest of America is caught in the middle of the nonsense. It's only going to get worse for the rest of middle America

This is only my opinion, but I think the neonazi biggest audience is antifa. If antifa doesn't show up to these stupid rallies, how many other people do you think would actually go? Do you guys really believe the neonazi's have that big of a following? Or if they're allowed to speak, people will listen to these fools and go out and start terrorizing minorities? I dont, they're just a small group that doesn't even amount to a pimple on the ass of America.
Except they aren't a small group and they are terrorizing minorities. And perhaps they need to see their hate being actively opposed by others exercising their own constitutional rights.

The loser is the one who throws the first punch. The antifa movement needs to remember that.
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This thread isn't about racists and right wingers- there are plenty of places for that argument and it should be had- there, not here.

THIS thread is about economics.

The concerted effort to derail, distract and disrespect this thread is obvious and the moderators who continue to allow it should be ashamed of themselves. That they aren't tells me that they have taken sides and don't care about objectivity or the free exchange of ideas.

Economic stratification may be a bigger threat to civilisation than ecological damage;
Except they aren't a small group and they are terrorizing minorities. And perhaps they need to see their hate bring actively opposed by others exercising their own constitutional rights.

The loser is the one who throws the first punch. The antifa movement needs to remember that.

How big a following do you think neonazi actually have? I mean, I wont argue even 1 person is too many, but do they really have that many supprters where they're actually a real threat? Obviously, there's a small group of followers, but besides that, do sensible people like me and you and the rest of middle normal America actually care what they say if they're allowed to speak.

I don't know, personally, if I walked past a group of neonazi saying "hey everybody, go out today and be mean to a minority", I would pay no mind to them and just keep walking going about my business.
This thread isn't about racists and right wingers- there are plenty of places for that argument and it should be had- there, not here.

THIS thread is about economics.

The concerted effort to derail, distract and disrespect this thread is obvious and the moderators who continue to allow it should be ashamed of themselves. That they aren't tells me that they have taken sides and don't care about objectivity or the free exchange of ideas.

Economic stratification may be a bigger threat to civilisation than ecological damage;

Sorry, didn't mean to sidetrack your thread.
The voices of reason. The events at Charlottesville just emboldened both extreme sides. The rest of America is caught in the middle of the nonsense. It's only going to get worse for the rest of middle America

This is only my opinion, but I think the neonazi biggest audience is antifa. If antifa doesn't show up to these stupid rallies, how many other people do you think would actually go? Do you guys really believe the neonazi's have that big of a following? Or if they're allowed to speak, people will listen to these fools and go out and start terrorizing minorities? I dont, they're just a small group that doesn't even amount to a pimple on the ass of America.
Except they aren't a small group and they are terrorizing minorities. And perhaps they need to see their hate bring actively opposed by others exercising their own constitutional rights.

The loser is the one who throws the first punch. The antifa movement needs to remember that.
The antifa are heros.

It was the alt right's rally. They showed up armed to the teeth. Without an equally determined opposition, the people of the City of Charlottesville would have had to watch jack booted neo-Nazis carrying the same flag under which 6 million Jews were murdered and armed white men in KKK regalia with it's own murderous history moving about the city freely while shouting vile insults to peaceful protesters. The message these white supremacists brought was murder, mayhem, hate and suppression of minorities.

Instead of images of Nazis owning the streets of Charlottesville, children were shown that those hateful and violent men can be stopped and prevented from broadcasting their message of hate.

The political leaders who were there -- the Governor of Virginia and the Mayor of Charlottesville are not waffling in their message that the violence this weekend is entirely due to alt right and neo-nazi protesters. The Chief of Police of Charlottesville said it was "the alt right's rally" when asked about responsibility for the violence.

Instead of listening to Trump, pull up and listen to Terry McCauliffe's news conference.

He's not saying antifa shared responsibility.
The voices of reason. The events at Charlottesville just emboldened both extreme sides. The rest of America is caught in the middle of the nonsense. It's only going to get worse for the rest of middle America

This is only my opinion, but I think the neonazi biggest audience is antifa. If antifa doesn't show up to these stupid rallies, how many other people do you think would actually go? Do you guys really believe the neonazi's have that big of a following? Or if they're allowed to speak, people will listen to these fools and go out and start terrorizing minorities? I dont, they're just a small group that doesn't even amount to a pimple on the ass of America.
I only see one side at fault.
wait, you are trying to speak out against a boring government bureaucracy rather than nazi skinheads chanting nazi salutes against jews?

guess that says everything we need to know about you.

i openly disavow white nationalist skinheads. now let's have an actual discussion, shall we?

of course not.
This thread isn't about racists and right wingers- there are plenty of places for that argument and it should be had- there, not here.

Oh, I don't know if this thread is about anything other than your inability to recognize the right of people to come here and not get called nixxer and fa___ot. It's your therad and your failing.

Not to mention how you've taken up Trump's line that the fault for violence is shared by Antifa and the Nazis who invaded the city of a multicultural people.

What's next? Cut taxes to increase jobs?

This is going to be fun.
That is not in your DNA.

so the only side to "lawfully" apply for and obtain a permit has the obligation to maintain a safe public space with other, by your logic, "unlawfully" assembled counter groups?

fwiw I don't beleive in needing a permit for constitutional lawful assembly in public.
Oh, I don't know if this thread is about anything other than your inability to recognize the right of people to come here and not get called nixxer and fa___ot. It's your therad and your failing.

Not to mention how you've taken up Trump's line that the fault for violence is shared by Antifa and the Nazis who invaded the city of a multicultural people.

What's next? Cut taxes to increase jobs?

This is going to be fun.
You used to be a rational person. Now you're following the debating style of a radical who's getting increasingly desperate. It's really kinda sad, and beneath you.

Economics has a lot to do with what's going wrong with our country.

Go scream about Nazis somewhere else.
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