Mark Blyth, the economist who's making sense

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probably the majority of what's wrong with most things being systemic of.

This is why I'm disgusted with the Democratic Party these days; they've substituted social issues for economic ones, because you can't take money from billionaire donors and still represent the needs and interests of the lower classes.

This is why I'm disgusted with the Democratic Party these days; they've substituted social issues for economic ones, because you can't take money from billionaire donors and still represent the needs and interests of the lower classes.

well you know where I stand. if The People used inelastic, government issued currency or intrinsic coin I beleive it would suck the wind right out of the sails of those billionaires and reps that you're talking about, collectively the "crony capitalists" or whatever term is clever atm.

the poor and middle class are the overwhelming majority and I beleive this would put the power where it belongs....then its up to The People to choose where we go, left, right or wherever I'm good with as long as We are truly free to choose.
well you know where I stand. if The People used inelastic, government issued currency or intrinsic coin I beleive it would suck the wind right out of the sails of those billionaires and reps that you're talking about, collectively the "crony capitalists" or whatever lager is clever atm.

the poor and middle class are the overwhelming majority and I beleive this would put the power where it belongs....then its up to The People to choose where we go, left, right or wherever I'm good with as long as We are truly free to choose.
Your grasp of economics is lacking, even if your heart is in the right place.

What we need to do to billionaires and the Fortune 1000 corporations is twofold;

1. Remove their ability to throw vast sums of money at our government, thereby turning our democracy into a sham.

2. TAX THEM. The notion that cutting taxes on the rich would help the economy was always a ridiculous red herring, a fact that has been proven over the past 40 years beyond any doubt.

3. For extra credit, eliminate trust funds above a million dollars, so the rich can't perpetuate themselves into the new aristocracy. This is an idea as old as the Founding Fathers themselves and it still rings true today.
Your bro if economics is lacking, even if your heart is in the right place.

What we need to do to billionaires and the Fortune 1000 corporations is twofold;

1. Remove their ability to throw vast sums of money at our government, thereby turning our democracy into a sham.

2. TAX THEM. The notion that cutting taxes on the rich would help the economy was always a ridiculous red herring, a fact that has been proven over the past 40 years beyond any doubt.

i think inelastic currency would be a huge tax on them. no bailouts, no favors.

an honest objective press would be key.

boycotts would actually work and the ability of our government to throw huge sums of "money" at them should subside as well..along with the ability to go to war on a whim for shit I do not agree with.

This is why I'm disgusted with the Democratic Party these days; they've substituted social issues for economic ones, because you can't take money from billionaire donors and still represent the needs and interests of the lower classes.

when black people earn 80 cents on the dollar and women are made to drive several states over for a legal abortion, that's just a social issue.

not economic in any way.
i think inelastic currency would be a huge tax on them. no bailouts, no favors.

an honest objective press would be key.

boycotts would actually work and the ability of our government to throw huge sums of "money" at them should subside as well..along with the ability to go to war on a whim for shit I do not agree with.
Bailouts have nothing to do with inelastic currency.
It would of, but instead I was just called a faggot live by ttystikk in a chat room. It's all good. i have his personal info. I am going to sell it to anyone who wants it.
You called me one first, chickenshit. Or did you conveniently forget that part?

Go sleep your drunk off.
You called me one first, chickenshit. Or did you conveniently forget that part?

Go sleep your drunk off.
You need to be cautious about what you say to me if you don't want everyone here to know exactly who the fuck you actually are, and where you live. You won't be able to hide behind a screen then.
Fine, when expenditures exceed revenue, where does the government get cash?
Governments create money all the time. The notion that it's finite is silly.

The limit is inflation.

This is a stupid right wing notion that actually plays directly into the hands of the rich.
seems like a job for the po po.
Obviously, you comment in ignorance. The po po as you say worked with the event organizers to define a plan that would keep the nazis separate from the general public. They would still be able to make all their noise and visual regalia like the Nazi flags and KKK shit but the police could keep the two groups separate. The chief of Charleston police said that the organizers changed plans without notifying police and defeated their attempts to keep the peace.

So, no. It's the fault of the Nazis. They came to Charlottesville to bust heads and masturbate with each other later.

Video of chiefs comments saying exactly what I described is in the link below.

And so, you jump to the wrong conclusion yet again. As I said it's not in your DNA to be a thoughtful person one can talk to.
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