maximum flowering hours


Well-Known Member
i was gonna say everyone is talkin about timers in the outdoor grow but yeah bro if its good enough for nature then it does not need to be 12 /12 14 /10 will prob be fine. not sure what my exact light cycle is where i live but everything starts to flower in late june early july and is done late august early september.. and i know we dont get even ten hours of str8 dArk during the flowering times until late aug or september. just throw em out and let em go. good luck oh and by the way.... i win lol

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
well i really hope your right. it would be such a waste otherwise im really hoping not to have to except these girls as a lost cause. i hope they go long enough to at least get some hash.

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
it looks like i have exactly 3 weeks before i reach 14/10 im at 13hrs 30mins daylight now it seems 14 hours is more or less the limit for flowering. i could cover them possibly but i dont know how without them cooking in the sun.


Well-Known Member
u could cover them at night once sun goes down and then leave the cover on for a couple hours more in the morning..


Well-Known Member
that would be the best approach i would avoid most of the heat. maybe a heavy duty trash bag.
Yes! I was hoping you atleast herd somthing about trash bags. As long as you don't have to worry about people seeing it, cover it with the bags! I myself woulden't trust some post on the internet that it's gonna make my bud's bigger, I belive it causes hermie's and yea this hasen't worked for me. I got 3/4 hermie's! Total rip! So I would advise coveing them, I would'ent let a harvest of hard work go to waste. Goodluck!


Well-Known Member
in the last issue of skunk there is an article about this same topic very informative you should pick it up and check it out it will help a lot. it also has a number of other lighting tricks. it is the fresh issue, very good
I read that too, I think. Here is what it says if it is the same issue.

"The shortest possible flowering times can be achieved relatively easily. Simply reduce your photoperiod to something like 11/13 (11 on and 13 off). This happens to be the optimal photoperiod for tropical (equatorial) strains of cannabis. Tweaking the photoperiod balance to favor ON hours can be used effectively for strains origination from northern or southern latitudes ( further than 20 degrees north or south latitude from the equator."


Active Member
yo, bud.ive had this happen with light sensitive plants before.just let them go and you wont be dissapointed,they will be all bud,heavy harvest:joint:.if your jonesing,try a force flower on 1 or 2:hump:


Active Member
"The shortest possible flowering times can be achieved relatively easily. Simply reduce your photoperiod to something like 11/13 (11 on and 13 off). This happens to be the optimal photoperiod for tropical (equatorial) strains of cannabis."
So if i was leaving for the summer around the time my plants were expected to be finished and wanted them to be done a little sooner i could switch to this? I'm aware the longer they grow the bigger/more potent they are, but if i'm gone before they are done thats 0 bud for me.

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
so far they appear to be flowering normally even though the daylight is increasing a few minutes daily im at 13hrs 30min i will cover them with trash bags when the days hit 14 hours which will be in about 3 weeks(may 18th). the funny thing is the days never increase passed about14hrs 25min on june 29th after that they decrease again. so i really wonder if i will need to cover them at all. in my experience plants that begin to re-veg produce strange new growth im not seeing any of that yet. it would be great if i could just leave them alone but i think that might be asking to much i wonder if how long they have been in flower impacts there ability to begin revegging. someone said because im in a brightly lit city and ambient light at night is high that it makes the plants less sensitive to light day night cycles i dont know if this is true though.

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
i have doubled up some black 33gal trash bags. it does not make things pitch black but i assume it blocks almost all spectrum and will hopefully work ok i plan on bagging them at the end of the day when there not getting direct sunlight anyways.


Well-Known Member
I had someone tell me recently that they would leave their plants(once they started flowering) in total dark for a week, then set them out in front of a picture window they had for a week, and continue this till harvest. I'm not sure how this would work, but they claim to have grown some killer shit this way. any thoughts on this?

Well-Known Member
I had someone tell me recently that they would leave their plants(once they started flowering) in total dark for a week, then set them out in front of a picture window they had for a week, and continue this till harvest. I'm not sure how this would work, but they claim to have grown some killer shit this way. any thoughts on this?
i cant see anything good coming of it. for one on the week of light how would it reach the crical level for flowering, 2nd during the week of darkness where would its energy come from? i dont see any kind of a decent harvest coming from this. that is my thoughts anyways:joint:


Well-Known Member
So if i was leaving for the summer around the time my plants were expected to be finished and wanted them to be done a little sooner i could switch to this? I'm aware the longer they grow the bigger/more potent they are, but if i'm gone before they are done thats 0 bud for me.
I'm not sure what you are asking exactly but the article is simply saying that depending on where the particular strain comes from, you should mimic the time (light/dark) from the region they come from.

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
who has covered outdoor plants and had success keeping the flower cycle going? im not concerned with herms as the finished buds are for myself or ill make hash if its a seedy nightmare. today was the first time i covered them up we will see what results i get. i had given up on these plants but there looking good the buds are forming nicely the 4 i covered are 'jack the ripper' 'og kush' 'grand daddy purple' and a 'deep chunk/strawberry cough cross. the other smaller plants im not covering in the hope they re-veg adequately for fall and have a good flowering season as flowering them now would be useless.

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
does anyone know how much daylight is required to bring plants out of flower some small clones im not covering and hope they reveg when the days are longer than 14 will that be enough?

j to the c

Well-Known Member
I read in High Times back in 2000 that if you flower at 14/14 that you can squeeze another harvest our in a year. To accomplish you need a 7 day programmable timer the plant has its 12 hours of light but to 2 extra hours put the plant into "overdrive" and to have the at least 12 hours of dark. Like humans we repair ourselves while we sleep well so do plants giving them that extra 2 hours of dark helps get them reved up for the next daay of light. I havn't tried this but I carried the clipping around for many years and I am going to try it on a small scale with the timer just to see. thats my $.02