Mayor Pete!


Well-Known Member
Gotta love how Bernie's still dominating the conversation in the Butegieg thread.

Curious what makes people think, if there is a brokered convention, that Butegieg will walk away as the Democratic nominee for president?


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure I've witnessed a better example of hypocrisy in real time

It goes to show their principles don't actually matter. That they side with whatever benefits their candidate at any given time
remember when your boy bernie was begging the dnc to pick him over the vote winner with an absolute majority?

What are you gonna say this time around if the shoes is on the other foot? You gonna be consistent with your principles and ask that someone other than Bernie be nominated?

You idiots make this too easy


Well-Known Member
Remember when the DNC had to remove the super delegates from dominating the dem primary?

Why was that again?
Um, never, that would disinfranchise those delegate voters who put a lot of time and resources into the Democratic party. What they did was make it so the second round is when they would vote.

Do you distrust the DNC? Because you know that is just noise that the Republican/Trump/Russians are pushing. The Democratic party is the only ones that have been legislating for every American for the last 50 years while the Republicans try to keep power in the hands of the Wealthy White Heterosexual Male Only agenda.

Screen Shot 2020-02-25 at 12.38.35 PM.png


Well-Known Member
Right, he tried to pull that about this video:

It's not like the Republicans were concerned about context with this:

But that is not really @Padawanbater2 game, he like to push the propaganda and complain when someone calls him out on it.


Well-Known Member
Gotta love how Bernie's still dominating the conversation in the Butegieg thread.

Curious what makes people think, if there is a brokered convention, that Butegieg will walk away as the Democratic nominee for president?
Says a sock account...

Priceless irony.

PJ Diaz

Well-Known Member
Gotta love how Bernie's still dominating the conversation in the Butegieg thread.

Curious what makes people think, if there is a brokered convention, that Butegieg will walk away as the Democratic nominee for president?
Mayor Pete was rude tonight. Honestly I'd pick Biden over him. At least he's not an asshole. If we're gonna vote for an establishment centrist, we might as well take the guy who's worked for it all his life. #honorlongevity


Well-Known Member
Mayor Pete was rude tonight. Honestly I'd pick Biden over him. At least he's not an asshole. If we're gonna vote for an establishment centrist, we might as well take the guy who's worked for it all his life. #honorlongevity
That's just your opinion but since you also believe that race matter in regard to immigration policy, it's easy to dismiss whatever you think as bullshit.

Pete has the best policy positions and you don't even know what they are.


Well-Known Member
That's just your opinion but since you also believe that race matter in regard to immigration policy, it's easy to dismiss whatever you think as bullshit.

Pete has the best policy positions and you don't even know what they are.
she thinks self employed people don’t contribute to social security

That’s how clueless this dumb child is

(Ftr I disagree that Pete has the best policy positions but small grapes compared to everything else)


Well-Known Member
That's because he never says anything of substance.
"My Medicare for All Who Want It plan will cost about $1.5 trillion over 10 years. It will be paid for by rolling back the Trump corporate tax cuts, which will generate $1.4 trillion in revenue, and the rest from cost savings that result from empowering the federal government to negotiate drug prices with pharmaceutical companies." ~Mayor Pete

That right there just killed Sanders and his 3 trillion dollar per year plan to raise taxes and take away healthcare options. Only lies and Russian propaganda can help Sanders at this point, but admittedly, they're doing quite well at that.


Well-Known Member
"My Medicare for All Who Want It plan will cost about $1.5 trillion over 10 years. It will be paid for by rolling back the Trump corporate tax cuts, which will generate $1.4 trillion in revenue, and the rest from cost savings that result from empowering the federal government to negotiate drug prices with pharmaceutical companies." ~Mayor Pete

That right there just killed Sanders and his 3 trillion dollar per year plan to raise taxes and take away healthcare options. Only lies and Russian propaganda can help Sanders at this point, but admittedly, they're doing quite well at that.
Totally killed dead. That's why Pete's out in front right now with way more than 2% minority support


Well-Known Member
Totally killed dead. That's why Pete's out in front right now with way more than 2% minority support
Yep, I'm predicting that it will be a brokered convention and that the DNC will shitcan Bernie because his plan to raise taxes by vast amounts and take away healthcare plans makes him unelectable. Toss in a dash of he's fucking dying and the party will overwhelmingly support medicare for all who want it.

I mean, they pretty much have already mostly left single payer, even those who signed his piece of shit bill have mostly walked away from the idea. Even Liz has compromised. It's a losing platform.