Mayor Pete!

Buss Relville

Well-Known Member

I think he could be a great VP, but I would rather him win the Senate seat in Indiana.

He is the smartest and crispest candidate on stage though.

The smartest candidate on stage is a guy that said he wants to end wars, but wants to maintain an illegal US military presence in the ME?

Super intelligent!!!


Well-Known Member
Try to keep up, bud!


The question is, when did super delegates ever dominate the dem primary as you claim here:
Remember when the DNC had to remove the super delegates from dominating the dem primary?

Why was that again?

When did that ever happen?

Buss Relville

Well-Known Member

The question is, when did super delegates ever dominate the dem primary as you claim here:

When did that ever happen?
It's ok dude, I got you.

“We passed major reforms that will not only put our next presidential nominee in the strongest position possible, but will help us elect Democrats up and down the ballot, across the country.”

"The change will prohibit superdelegates from voting for president at the party’s 2020 convention, unless the outcome is already assured or it deadlocks, which hasn’t happened in decades. The vast majority of superdelegates sided with Hillary Clinton over Sanders in their primary fight two years ago. "

"Nearly every DNC member is a superdelegate, so some were not eager to give up their power. "


Well-Known Member
Can you read?
You mean this:

Yes, I read it. It's about a rules change. It is accurately portrayed as a change to reassure people that superdelegates will not have undue influence in future conventions. You claimed it was to "to remove the super delegates from dominating the dem primary".

I asked when that had ever happened?

Answer pleaz


Well-Known Member

Buss Relville

Well-Known Member
You obviously are just trolling for Bernie, it is funny how you find the most edge lord article to describe the superdelagates vote in round 2 if a candidate doesn't win round 1 at the DNC.
Superdelegates should have been removed entirely, not pleased they still have any power.

This is of course why the DNC is wishing for a contested convention.


Well-Known Member
Superdelegates should have been removed entirely, not pleased they still have any power.

This is of course why the DNC is wishing for a contested convention.
Yeah lets just screw over all the people that have worked their asses off to help build up and keep the Democratic party platform together by not giving them the ability to stop a would be Hitler or racist from taking over the only party that has been advancing human rights for the last 50 years.

Because they have enough money to micro-target enough people who have been made vulnerable through a racist fear filled propaganda campaign designed and funded by foreign militaries to get them elected. As a party they should just not have the ability to stand up to would be dictators.

Just like the RNC rolling over and showing their belly for Trump.

Thank you foreign Bernie-bot. You opened my eyes.

Buss Relville

Well-Known Member
Yeah lets just screw over all the people that have worked their asses off to help build up and keep the Democratic party platform together by not giving them the ability to stop a would be Hitler or racist from taking over the only party
You would think an individual concerned with the future of their party and Country would be concerned with being fair.... which would automatically imply that they would disagree with the inherently undemocratic concept of " super delegates".

What you are describing sounds more like an entrenched elite class upset about having to give up power.

"Just like the RNC rolling over and showing their belly for Trump. "


What would you have preferred? That the RNC turns their nose at the will of the people ( like the DNC). ?