Medicinal Garden [WhiteWidoW] 6clones-Outdoor Monsters in ground w/ Organic soil(PIX)


New Member
what I would do is get some soil conditioner (1-2 bags) for your bed like
or similar and mix it with the native soil and put 2-3 plants in it. Then the other 3-4 plants can go in other containers with the soil you bought. Also I would think if you put a plant in a trash can it would probably get so tall it would fall over easy with any real wind. have you thought about something a bit smaller and closer to ground like this

It would save you probably a bunch on dirt 2 because I doubt you have enough dirt to fill 4 trash cans < that would be 120+ gals of dirt.
Think if you had a 5 foot plant on top of a trash can how are you going to support it and you would have to have a ladder just to inspect it.:shock: But if you want to try it I would do just one for the first time around otherwise you might end up with plants to big for you to handle.Anyways I hope I helped.........:peace:


Well-Known Member
thanks for the advise guys. ya a ladded would def be needed. i think i was gettin ahead of myself with the 45gallon trashcans cuz the trashcan is like almost 4ft tall and id expect the plant to grow to be like 8ft tall and thatd b ridic high and not easy to exactly ummm conceal from everyone in the neighborhood haha. thats why i wanted to do it in the ground. now ive got a real dilema...

cuz if i plant all 6 in the garden box i face over crowding ans loss of yield im assuming.
then if i do the others in containers (that storage bin would work or ive seen a similar square contained thats not so wide that could work also) i just wont grow as big as i planned on it the ground.

the real issue is im trying to conceal these babies sumwat since my mom runs a biz outta the house and im trying to be respectful til im bak on my feet and recovered from my surgeries and move bak out.

so wat im gonna do this week is go to OC farm supply and pik up sum screening material (3ft tall) and line the garden box to keep rodents and my cats out and watever else tries to crawl in (or at least slow them down) and also will help conceal the plants a lil.
also was gonna develop a screen tarp cover that will allow sunlight thru but when it rains (IF) it rains itll slow the pressure of the water coming down and also protect the plants from extreme 110 degree beating sunlight like i had an issue with last year.

maybe ill put 4 plants in each corner of the garden box and the other 2 as a experiment in a diff container and ill search around tomorrow in my yard for a good place that gets good sun all day but inconspicous.

plz let me know ur thoughts

oh and nickbbad thatnks for the happy frog suggestion would help save money and soil replacement


Well-Known Member
thanks for the advise guys. ya a ladded would def be needed. i think i was gettin ahead of myself with the 45gallon trashcans cuz the trashcan is like almost 4ft tall and id expect the plant to grow to be like 8ft tall and thatd b ridic high and not easy to exactly ummm conceal from everyone in the neighborhood haha. thats why i wanted to do it in the ground. now ive got a real dilema...

cuz if i plant all 6 in the garden box i face over crowding ans loss of yield im assuming.
then if i do the others in containers (that storage bin would work or ive seen a similar square contained thats not so wide that could work also) i just wont grow as big as i planned on it the ground.

the real issue is im trying to conceal these babies sumwat since my mom runs a biz outta the house and im trying to be respectful til im bak on my feet and recovered from my surgeries and move bak out.

so wat im gonna do this week is go to OC farm supply and pik up sum screening material (3ft tall) and line the garden box to keep rodents and my cats out and watever else tries to crawl in (or at least slow them down) and also will help conceal the plants a lil.
also was gonna develop a screen tarp cover that will allow sunlight thru but when it rains (IF) it rains itll slow the pressure of the water coming down and also protect the plants from extreme 110 degree beating sunlight like i had an issue with last year.

maybe ill put 4 plants in each corner of the garden box and the other 2 as a experiment in a diff container and ill search around tomorrow in my yard for a good place that gets good sun all day but inconspicous.

plz let me know ur thoughts

oh and nickbbad thatnks for the happy frog suggestion would help save money and soil replacement
the box looks good if you amend the soil a bit before transplanting. i think you could fit six without it getting too jungly in there. a top screen cover would be good too epsecially if it gets pretty toasty where you live


New Member
you can get screw in rollers for the planters/containers but if you keep them on the grass I dont think they would be hard to move around. Edit: you are on crutches so maybe they would be . And I have used those containers for inside grows before because I can have up to 5 plants where I live and its just a fine doesn't matter how big they get so inside in those I pulled close to a pound per plant so I know you can get big ass outdoor plants in them. Also how big is that bed 6x6, 9x9? if it gets decent light 4 plants would be the max I would put in there and I think if you have a shaded plant in the corner its going to be drowned out by the others. My point being is you would probably get the same amount of weed in the end if you had 2-3 plants in there or all 6.


New Member
can you put up some pics of all of your backyard again and windows and such that your mom's customers would be looking out of so I can see what exactly you are working with?


Well-Known Member
I agree on the light schedule and would not go below 14-16 of light before goiung outdoor. Remember June 21 is the summer solstice (longest day) from which the daylight decreases.

Planter mix. I would mix in your amendments into the soil and then put a weaker soil ontop. This will let the plants grow into the hotter soil. Or you can mix a good soil like FF OF which I think you have and use nutes.

Planter. I would probably only put 2 plants in that box. The WW will get to be around 5 feet wide unless you trim/fim or lst it. You can put 3 or 4 in there but they will be crowded and if we have cooler moister deays in Oct. you may get mold with the reduced airflow and big colas.

If you go to OCFS go to the back part and look at the pots. They have some big ones which are wide and are prob 15-20 gal. Trash cans are usually 33 gal but will add height to your plant and make them, as someone mentioned, hard to manage.

Screening. I use what they call shade cloth which you can get in various shadding %. The more you shade the less light your plants will be getting. I think they have down to 26 % or something like that. Of course the less your % the more transparent. Pick your poison

Look at FDDs 2008 outdoor grow for an example of plant spacing (he had probs with mold because of spacing) and also look at the potted plants too. Potted plants are in 5 gal buckets and look how big they are.


Well-Known Member
yeah, 5 gal. pots would work, but then everything would be top heavy. Thats why I suggested bigger pots sunk into the ground. It will reduce the height issue, provide a good anchor, allor for plenty of root space/development. putting 2 plants in the planter really would be your best bet (and the WW too). the other 4 should be able to fit just fine next to the box. I would mix all my soils in the raised beds, and go ahead and mix the bagged soil with the local soil you have already in the bed. I would mix 2 cu ft of pearlite with the Local Soil before I would mix 1 part Local Soil for every 2 Parts bagged soil. Use the extra in the raised bed to fill the four pots you will need.

In my journal last year I had layers of plastic as well as screeening up for wind block. You could hardly tell what was behind it. I would recommend doing something similar as a visual buffer for the customers. Feel free to browse through the journal. I moved halfway through the journal, to where I needed the windblock...... the sunken 20 gal pots are throughout my journal.... here I will even upload a couple pics for you...



Active Member
Hey quick question... Im close to LB what cannibis club did you get your clones from? IF you can please let me know the name and what street it's on. Thanks!! :joint:


Well-Known Member
gahh that set up is schweeeet! with the netting and all, you can't really tell unless you grow yourself and know people don't try to hide their tomato plants :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
hmm k well the advise u guys are giving me sounds rite. im just trying to weigh my options. im concerned about mold and overcrowding for sure. and like he said 6 plants crowded in there will prob yield the same as 3.

i measured it exactly today on the inside of the wood lining.

its exactly 6ft by 7' 3/4ft so just shy of fitting plants with a 3x3' spacing.

so im thinking ill do 4 in the garden box.

then go to OC farm supply today and im gonna grab sum screening material. homeboy there showed me all kinds of diff percentages to choose. and ill design sum sort of tarp setup.

i like the pix and ur setup with the white plastic and screening. ur plants looked good even in those buckets. so maybe wat ill do is get like a 10 gallon container for the remaining 2 plants and ill set them outside the box on the ground (this way it will almost b level with the actually garden box) and ill create a screen barrier around the garden box and two other plants (so itll kinda appear as if i extended the garden box)

think thatyll work?

also i will be LST and maybe FIM.

i was considering LSTing this week while the babies are indoor and small? or should i wait til theyre 1ft tall?
cant rememebr wat i read.

and we just got our other side windows tinted where the morning sun shines right oin a bay window and it works great but u can see out good just not in...
u cant do tint the opposite way (tint on the outside so u cant see out) cuz the tint will get trashed from weather.

but i think itll work out ok in the end. weve only got a slider window to see out the bakyard really. ill post sum pix today


Well-Known Member
heres more pix of the garden box im planning on using. approx 6ft x 7 3/4ft

and NO im not using the miracle grow thats chillin rite there., i cant pik it up and move the crap thats been sitting there forever since im on crutches

